Great Games that you Hate.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Final fantasy VII: Irritating spiky haired fuck of a main character. Another wet lettuce of a woman. Got of the train at the start, confronted by 2 guards with automatic weapons, thought I was pretty boned, then they did nothing and I killed them with a ridiculous sword. It was definitely marked for death from that point. Stopped playing after I took the airship out of the city
What? You dont take an so confused. Either you got really really far. Or you are calling something else an airship.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Another game i hate is Call of Duty...the whole series. They are always the same shit over and over again akin to sports games with multiplayer lobbies filled with botters and scrubs and you are never on the botting team.
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Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
What? You dont take an so confused. Either you got really really far. Or you are calling something else an airship.
Hot air balloon or something maybe? You left the cyberpunk city and then landed in some sort of tropical desert with palm trees and shit. I think there were chocobos. It was 25 years ago and I really wasn't paying much attention by that time. I don't even remember it being an airship 1st hand, I think I remember someone saying the game opened up a lot after you got on an airship and left Midgard (I think that's what it was called) so I possibly just thought that was the point I got to.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Overwatch, and pretty much every great online multiplayer-only game.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
This is a tough one to answer because if I hate it, it's obviously not a great game. My opinion being the epitome of objective analysis, reasoning and fact that it is.

Hmm, maybe Rimworld would be a good fit. On the one hand it's a great game and I've played it for several hundred hours, but on the other hand I kind of hate it and it definitely hates me.
I've never played a game that felt like the designer was actively fighting you as much as Rimworld. It feels like it was designed by your childhood friend that always had to use their everything proof shield. It just feels like the game immediately counters whatever you do. You want to defend yourself from wild animals and raiders so you build a wall around your base. Great the animals stay out, but the raiders each punch an individual hole in the wall when they come and attack you from every side. Now you build a killbox filled with turrets and traps with an open door so the raiders will walk through, but the game sends you sappers that break through your wall at an undefended spot in seconds and charge from your undefended flank because raiders avoid turrets making them useless. So you make your wall 5 thick and mount turrets absolutely everywhere, but the game sends drop pod raids that bypass everything and drop through your ceiling. So you build a base inside a mountain so raiders can't drop on you, except now you have bugs flooding directly into your bedrooms smashing up all your masterwork furniture. I get that the game needs to adapt to continue challenging the player, but it just feels so artificial, like it's peeking at your cards before deciding what to play. Building good defenses feels so metagamey, like you need to exploit the AI or just get trashed. Like the fact that you need to leave an open door for raiders or they'll just destroy your granite walls in seconds is so counter-intuitive it feels unfair.

The fact that raids scale off of colony wealth and the game doesn't give you any advance warning are also major problems. It almost feels like the game is setting a trap for the player. You handily fend off the first couple raids consisting of a couple guys sharing a pointed stick, so you gain a false confidence and focus your energy on the ever pressing needs of keeping your colonists happy, fed, and occupied. You can get so lost in building up your colony that it never feels more important to redesign you defenses until you have 63 militors punching 63 individual holes in you walls because your alpacas have bred out of control and you smoothed all of your walls and floors. There really should really be some sort of indicator of "the next raid will be in about this many days, and will be around this big" to keep raids in your mind amid the moment to moment gameplay and keep you from being totally blindsided by difficulty spikes. Frankly raids (and especially mechanoid ships and clusters) never feel like a fun challenge, they feel like a chore that the game punishes you with for playing and to stop you from progressing too quickly. I have almost nothing to gain from a raid and everything to lose when the leader of my colony, a high level psycaster with many useful abilities, the only one with decent social skills, and wearing prestige cataphract armor with a samurai helmet, might get her brain exploded by the FIRST shot fired in a combat with lancer (yes, I reloaded. This is why I always save at the start of a raid. There is enough time spent fast forwarding without needing to spend hours training up new colonists from scratch).

While I'm ranting, I might as well mention this. Hauling sucks! I can't believe this hasn't been fixed yet. I can live with the stack sizes being small, and only being able to haul one stack at a time even though they can carry 10x that much in a caravan, but good god, get your priorities straight! Crops shouldn't be rotting in the fields because my hauler is dragging 10 corn from my freezer to my kitchen all day long. Haul spoiling, then deteriorating, then anything else. Give me a selector to designate priority haul. I know there's mods that fix this. This should be vanilla. Hauling is the single most tedious and micromanagey aspect of the game.
Tough one. There are games I know are good, but I just avoid them if I’m not interested. If I were forced to play through them though, I could see hating them. Some like Darkest Dungeon would probably be infuriating, even though I could see it’s charm in the few hours I’d put in.
I definitely hate Darkest Dungeon, but I don't think it's a good game at all.
Hot air balloon or something maybe? You left the cyberpunk city and then landed in some sort of tropical desert with palm trees and shit. I think there were chocobos. It was 25 years ago and I really wasn't paying much attention by that time. I don't even remember it being an airship 1st hand, I think I remember someone saying the game opened up a lot after you got on an airship and left Midgard (I think that's what it was called) so I possibly just thought that was the point I got to.
I think you climb over a wall after riding a motorbike to get out of Midgar, then travel on foot, then on chocobo, then on broken plane, then by ship, and THEN you get an airship near the end of disk 2 or the start of disk 3 or something.
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Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
I think you climb over a wall after riding a motorbike to get out of Midgar, then travel on foot, then on chocobo, then on broken plane, then by ship, and THEN you get an airship near the end of disk 2 or the start of disk 3 or something.
Ah , ok. Certainly not that far. Not sure of I got off disk 1 even.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Ok so just to be absolutely clear we are talking about beloved games that are not appealing to ME personally, we're not talking about beloved games we were "objectively" disagreeing with the consensus.

Well I've probably bitched about all of them in other threads but here's a quick round-up

- Pretty much agree with OP re: Breath of the Wild. In addition to all that, the art style just genuinely turns me off. I been watching Jess play Link to the Past on stream- a game that I would rate my 2nd favorite of all time- and just seeing the moment-to-moment progression, the sense of immediate discovery set in grandeur, the quirky little pixel characters... what a difference.

- Baldur's Gate 3. I more resent it than hate it in that I simply cannot get into it and I want to live the joy that its fans live. But there's so much faffing about with interminable turn-based battles and menus and save-scumming (the load screen times are abominable IMO, I paid all this money for a fancy PS5 why I gotta stare at loading screen).

- Dark Souls 3. This is hate in retrospect because I enjoyed my time with it well enough. But to me it just marks the start of the FromSoftware trends that I don't like- twitchy boss fight action and difficulty for the sake of difficulty with artless boss mobs and annoying areas. I mean I know it's a progression from Bloodborne but I just feel like Bloodborne was already the best that whole thing was gonna get and DS3 just makes more but does less. But then it was widely seen as a good entry point for new players (in one sense fair enough 'cause it wasn't a console exclusive) but its success inspired Elden Ring and Armored Core 6 which just ended my Souls phase.

- Outer Wilds. I feel like this game is to video games like bands like Sonic Youth and Pavement are to rock music dorks- weird, difficulty things that at one point you're made to feel bad for not liking. Like you just don't GET IT, man!
Yeah, I guess I don't. Wander around in the dark and try to solve puzzles while also fidgeting with physics but also you gotta keep lifting off from the beginning all the time.. fuck off even with that lol.
(full disclosure I do kinda like some of Sonic Youth's work)

So I guess my great games I hate are personal petty jealous grievance from missing out on the happiness other people feel.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
- Dark Souls 3. This is hate in retrospect because I enjoyed my time with it well enough. But to me it just marks the start of the FromSoftware trends that I don't like... difficulty for the sake of difficulty
I know Dark Souls 2 was From's bench warmers having a go at it while the starters were busy with Bloodborne, but I'd argue it's the most egregious offender of this particular gripe, and I'd also say the DS3 and ER are less so by comparison, so I don't think you can call it a "trend." And to be clear, I'm talking about moment-to-moment gameplay, not necessarily boss fights which I expect to be difficult; between the constant gank fests, the diminishing health upon each death mechanic, consumables that automatically ramp individual areas up a NG+ level, and FFS, gating coveted items behind requirements that you beat the game without ever dying or using a bonfire, it was clear DS2 had a singular goal: capitalize on the "Dark Souls is HARD!!!" marketing campaign. They "missed the assignment," as popular culture would say these days.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Double Dragon Neon - It's not hatred exactly, but I don't love as much as I did back between 2013 and 2015. There's not much bonus features, nor replay value, other than playing on the hardest difficulty. The game is too grindy as well Every time I rebought the game, I've only did normal once and that's about it afterwards. I know it's a game meant for co-op, but even with the co-op there's not much to do afterwards. The game has an awesome soundtrack, but that's all I can really give it at this point. I feel more comfortable playing the recent installment and even DDIV more than Neon. The former two have way more read clay value and unlockable characters you can play as.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Well, with the nebulous defintion for what is "great" and also "hate".

Final Fantasy 7 (and if we're barometering great by sales, 13)
Diablo (any of them really)
Baldurs Gate (again, any of them)
Souls/Elden Ring (well, I'd specifically say DS1 and Elden Ring are where I deviate greatly0)'
The Witcher
Prey (the newer one)
System Shock 2
Bioshock Infinite (idk if that one has actually held onto its lofty status but god it was insufferably hyped at the itme for the most mediocre shooter I'd played in years. INCLUDING various Call of Duties)
<insert Nintendo/Rare/Spyro/etc 3d platformer here)
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I have tried Dark Souls multiple times but find there's too much of it which is just a chore to push through it. I respect the intricacy of the map and the minimalist approach to storytelling and the sophistication of the systems but The Depths and Blight Town are just not fun.
Same. I've taken stabs at various Soulslikes and it's never grabbed me.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Bioshock Infinite (idk if that one has actually held onto its lofty status but god it was insufferably hyped at the itme for the most mediocre shooter I'd played in years. INCLUDING various Call of Duties)
Agreed. Better than Bioshock 2 my ass! Even Yahtzee went too far in praising the game. Some of the phrases faltered around the late 2010s and early 2020s, but a lot of critics like to gas light the consumers into thinking it was one of the greatest games of all time.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Darkest Dungeons 1/2. Although saying I hate them is strong, but I want to like them much more then I do. They are just both pretty brutal unless you get lucky or break things.

Balders Gate 3. Again, don't hate it but I find it extremely stressful to play, not even because of difficulty, but more of because of how I want things to go and making it happen.
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Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
Same. I've taken stabs at various Soulslikes and it's never grabbed me.
I really liked Elden Ring because the very open ended design made it a lot easier to do other things to decompress, or just grind and/or find abusable mechanics.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I really liked Elden Ring because the very open ended design made it a lot easier to do other things to decompress, or just grind and/or find abusable mechanics.
Elden Ring is a good example of this thread too for me.

I hated Elden Ring because of how they handled it. The difficulty was to annoying to be fun without abusing the really strong items. Then they nerfed the shit outta everything that was good to remove creativity and build diversity in the game.

And finally the sacrifice of the open world discovery used to replace the normally excellent and tight typical level design in previous Souls games ruins replayability. Souls games have always been highly replayable, but you can only discover Elden Ring once and then the magic is done, leaving you with a huge game that doesnt have much point to explore a second time.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Ok so just to be absolutely clear we are talking about beloved games that are not appealing to ME personally, we're not talking about beloved games we were "objectively" disagreeing with the consensus.

Well I've probably bitched about all of them in other threads but here's a quick round-up

- Pretty much agree with OP re: Breath of the Wild. In addition to all that, the art style just genuinely turns me off. I been watching Jess play Link to the Past on stream- a game that I would rate my 2nd favorite of all time- and just seeing the moment-to-moment progression, the sense of immediate discovery set in grandeur, the quirky little pixel characters... what a difference.

- Baldur's Gate 3. I more resent it than hate it in that I simply cannot get into it and I want to live the joy that its fans live. But there's so much faffing about with interminable turn-based battles and menus and save-scumming (the load screen times are abominable IMO, I paid all this money for a fancy PS5 why I gotta stare at loading screen).

- Dark Souls 3. This is hate in retrospect because I enjoyed my time with it well enough. But to me it just marks the start of the FromSoftware trends that I don't like- twitchy boss fight action and difficulty for the sake of difficulty with artless boss mobs and annoying areas. I mean I know it's a progression from Bloodborne but I just feel like Bloodborne was already the best that whole thing was gonna get and DS3 just makes more but does less. But then it was widely seen as a good entry point for new players (in one sense fair enough 'cause it wasn't a console exclusive) but its success inspired Elden Ring and Armored Core 6 which just ended my Souls phase.

- Outer Wilds. I feel like this game is to video games like bands like Sonic Youth and Pavement are to rock music dorks- weird, difficulty things that at one point you're made to feel bad for not liking. Like you just don't GET IT, man!
Yeah, I guess I don't. Wander around in the dark and try to solve puzzles while also fidgeting with physics but also you gotta keep lifting off from the beginning all the time.. fuck off even with that lol.
(full disclosure I do kinda like some of Sonic Youth's work)

So I guess my great games I hate are personal petty jealous grievance from missing out on the happiness other people feel.
Can’t recall if you’d ever played Demon’s Souls, either the original or remake but it had probably the best mix of unique feeing boss fights with only one annoying boss (Maneaters) or maybe a couple annoying enemies. Those skeletons that roll towards you for example were borderline “unfair” to me back them when it was my first FROM game, but it would probably be standard fair now.

Anyways, the progression towards faster enemies in a way made sense given the refinement and responsiveness of combat mechanics, aside from ongoing camera issues. OTOH I think the way FROM does lock-on in these games is kind of unavoidable with the amount of vital functions dedicated to the should buttons, which would normally be used for this in other more action-oriented games. It basically boils down to which enemies are better to free aim (typically larger than humanoids) and setting camera sensitivity up higher for stuff like the Fallingstar Beast.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Can’t recall if you’d ever played Demon’s Souls, either the original or remake but it had probably the best mix of unique feeing boss fights with only one annoying boss (Maneaters) or maybe a couple annoying enemies. Those skeletons that roll towards you for example were borderline “unfair” to me back them when it was my first FROM game, but it would probably be standard fair now.

Anyways, the progression towards faster enemies in a way made sense given the refinement and responsiveness of combat mechanics, aside from ongoing camera issues. OTOH I think the way FROM does lock-on in these games is kind of unavoidable with the amount of vital functions dedicated to the should buttons, which would normally be used for this in other more action-oriented games. It basically boils down to which enemies are better to free aim (typically larger than humanoids) and setting camera sensitivity up higher for stuff like the Fallingstar Beast.
Yes i played the remake, it was the first game i played on ps5, so after Sekiro and before Elden Ring and really liked it