Greek Island Angry at Portrayal in Videogames


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Possibly if your areas of national security have been penetrated and accurately modelled by a game developer, intelligence services might not find it particularly difficult to do the same if they so wish


New member
Jul 2, 2009
More likely some lawyer tipped off the Mayor that these foreigners used his islands natural resources and didnt pay him for the privilage... I mean, either Bohemia used a google satelite image or went to the island and took a lot of photos, in either case neither method is clandestine and neither method could be even remotely construed as snooping on sensitive material.

I would bet the devs were on site providing a nice little boost in profits for the local economy and took photos all over the place, and now only theres a complaint...

... some lowlife politician ( which is worse, being a lowlife or being a politician ? ) figures he can cash in by threatening to delay the launch of the title, a few dracha ( ok they use Euros now ) will make the noise go away ...yes.


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Wow, I am from lemnos an I just heard of it. I think it is great that I can get a game that lets me walk outside my house (even better, can I bomb my previous school?). I know the mayor I voted for him and I think he is a really reasonable guy, but I don't think that these are his opinions. He was probably forced to make a statement because there are certain people in the island (and all the world for that matter) that get offended really easily and sometimes for the wrong reasons. The only concern that I can see being logical is the security one, because unfortunately Lemnos is the only greek island in the again that is allowed to have army (other island are prohibited by the, i think, Treaty of Lausanne). But still I think that it is great that the island is going to be featured in a game.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Greg Tito said:
Why the Xbox 360 tag? Last I heard, Bohemia has yet to make a multiplatform game (other than the upcoming Carrier Command title), and especially not ArmA 3... right?

Just curious.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Braedan said:
Couldn't a Google Maps satellite image give a pretty good, slightly more accurate view of the map. I mean, I can even get street view in a couple locations. I'm pretty sure that Turkey could get live satellite coverage if they REALLY wanted to.
Google doesn't show sensitive areas, or places people have asked them not to show cause someone thinks they are sensitive (Australia's Lucas Heights research institute/mutant warrior training facility, for example). Also, it's just from above.


New member
Nov 28, 2007
vehystrix said:
I get that they're trying to keep out their island of a violent videogame, as it could very well hurt tourism. I wonder who gave Bohemia the permission to recreate an actual island instead of a fictional...
The International Island Image Authority?

Seriously though, why would you need someones permission for a fictional depiction of a geographical place? If I want to set a novel in New York, should I ask the Mayor of NY for permission? More to the point, let's say I make a painting of the White House in ruins after a nuclear holocaust. Should I ask the president first?

What ever happened to freedom of expression, why is this even an issue -- oh yeah: it's a computer game.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Hmmmm, well it sounds to me like an attention grab more than anything. As someone who has minimal interest in shooters, I had no idea where this game was set. Also Arma isn't as famous and popular as other series.

My immediate guess is this is an advertising gimmick, the people of Lemmnos get mentioned in the media, and the guys making ARMA get more exposure for their game, including the perception that their game is so realistic it has real people concerned about it... which is saying something in a genere that makes pretentions of realism.

If I had to guess the leaders of Lemmnos and the producers of ARMA are probably high fiving each other over the simple fact that this is being covered.

That said if this is serious, all I can say is "meh", I have no issue with using places from the real world, and realism is the point. It's not like Lemmnos is being singled out, I mean look at how many times the US and other countries have been leveled in games and movies. Reality (real locations) aren't exactly an intellectual property.

As far as national security goes, that's kind of a joke. Their national security is pretty much to yell "Help America! Help United Nations! people are being mean to us", which is presumably what ARMA is all about to begin with. It's not exactly flattering, but we're not exactly talking about a relevent military force here. Besides if a group of video game developers could get enough information to be a threat that easily it says something. It's not like Lemnos apparently has the kind of policing you see around US military bases and construction facilities apparently which should tell you something. Here in the US people have gotten shaken down for acting suspiciously around EB and the like (EB = General Dynamics, Electric Boat division. They manufacture nuclear submarines even if they are well past their prime nowadays).


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
A half-empty Airbus A380 could probably takeover Lemnos. I'm pretty sure the Trukish won't have any problems.

EDIT: Also, I didn't freak out when Infinity Ward decided to send in Russians in my backyard (Manassa--in that suburb mission). If anything, a Russian invasion might do something about the traffic problem here.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
raankh said:
I make a painting of the White House in ruins after a nuclear holocaust. Should I ask the president first?
Might actually be a good idea, otherwise, Homeland Security and the SS might thing you are up to some funny business.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
vehystrix said:
I get that they're trying to keep out their island of a violent videogame, as it could very well hurt tourism. I wonder who gave Bohemia the permission to recreate an actual island instead of a fictional...
I never heard of anyone needing 'permission' to model a work of art on a real place.


New member
May 21, 2010
Greek economy in the shitter, massive corruption in government and civil service, and violence in the streets of Athens; but nevermind that, Limnos is slightly upset that they're featured in a video game.

/engage 'world's smallest violin'


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Giest4life said:
A half-empty Airbus A380 could probably takeover Lemnos. I'm pretty sure the Trukish won't have any problems.
Actually an A380 wouldn't even have a chance to land there. Lemnos is one of the most heavily guarded islands in the Aegean and has always at least 5 F-16 at it's military airport that operate almost daily in order to stop turkish military airplanes that enter the FIR-Athens. Also there are about 1500 soldiers always on the island and usually there is also frigate operating there. So that's where the concern comes from, but I think that the mayor's reaction is stupid and does not depict the opinions of the majority of the population.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Why the Xbox 360 tag? Last I heard, Bohemia has yet to make a multiplatform game (other than the upcoming Carrier Command title), and especially not ArmA 3... right?

Just curious.
Someone's been at the copypasta for tag code would be my guess.

The ArmA titles use the same tech that Bohemia Interactive use for their professional military simulators so it's doubtful they'll show up on any console until someone decides to release one that isn't RAMtarded. Also, if you look at the provisional sysreqs for ArmA 3, they're enough to make many mid-range gaming PCs cry.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
What you're telling me is that not a single person working on ArmA III spoke to even the Lemnian(?) tourism board or anything? You're saying that nobody ever even mentioned it to them until after the launch?

I can see why they would be offended or, indeed, worried about their safety since the simulation got out.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
RhombusHatesYou said:
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Why the Xbox 360 tag? Last I heard, Bohemia has yet to make a multiplatform game (other than the upcoming Carrier Command title), and especially not ArmA 3... right?

Just curious.
Someone's been at the copypasta for tag code would be my guess.

The ArmA titles use the same tech that Bohemia Interactive use for their professional military simulators so it's doubtful they'll show up on any console until someone decides to release one that isn't RAMtarded. Also, if you look at the provisional sysreqs for ArmA 3, they're enough to make many mid-range gaming PCs cry.
Well to be fair, Bohemia did just pick up the Flashpoint series back from CodeMasters and renamed it ArmA. Not sure that affects any of the titles released on 360, though (that is, whether BI holds the 360 specific publishing license).

I have to agree with other posters about how they are complaining now, yet surely had to know about the photographers on the ground. Border security at the airport would have asked them the nature of their business et al.

I also now wonder if thanassik has compromised their security with the post he made on the forums. I hope any potential war games going on over there die down, so that our ignorant joshing is justified in the future.

VGC USpartan VS

New member
Feb 14, 2011
Ok ok ok... may I have a moment with the Lemnians?

Now listen here Lemnians. Are you familiar with the Assassin's Creed franchise? Well before that franchise I can guarentee you that plenty of people who decided to pick up the series new practically anything about Italy. Now a lot of people that I know who have played said games want to visit Italy. If your island is as beautiful as you say it is, then even through the violent perspective of Arma people will see that beauty and want to visit your island.

That is all.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
senordesol said:
vehystrix said:
I get that they're trying to keep out their island of a violent videogame, as it could very well hurt tourism. I wonder who gave Bohemia the permission to recreate an actual island instead of a fictional...
I never heard of anyone needing 'permission' to model a work of art on a real place.
Indeed. It could also help tourism by making some Westerners aware that the place even *exists*. And then somebody should go and instruct the hapless residents of this island that ART != REALITY--no matter HOW "realistic" it is. Apparently they all missed school on the day when that got discussed.


Magnificent Retard
Dec 27, 2010
Oh, well fuck you too, mayor of... Lemnos? Is that what it's called?

Seriously, who the fuck cares? Even if there weren't the legal issues of them BEING IN ANOTHER FUCKING COUNTRY and NO-ONE GIVES A SHIT, it's not like anyone in Greece can afford to buy good lawyers with their economy tanking so hard, lul


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Oh greece, having one of your island shown in a game is the least of your problem for the time being, so stop getting your panties in a bunch and fix your infrastructure ...


New member
Sep 27, 2011
To the posters such as yourself, Lemnos is a non descript island which you have never heard of making a fuss about nothing. But what you fail to realise is that the security of the island is a real issue today. Especially now that the government is in crisis and Turkey ever lurking to exploit the situation. For a gamer, it means nothing but for others such as some Lemnians, it is not a laughing matter and having the island "violently invaded" albeit in a game, is a little like having a game where Israel is invaded and pushed into the sea by the moslem forces or a game depicting terrorist attacks and towers being hit by planes. You see, when examples are given to situations that may effect you more directly and freedoms which you may understand, one begins to understand why the Lemnians may not appreciate given their history and struggles to have invaders over the centuries removed from their island, have a game manufacturer depict a scenario of their island being invaded by NATO forces.