Dr. wonderful said:
vansau said:
OK, I'm sure little kids won't mind Green Lantern: The Animated Series. Heck, they'll probably even enjoy it. The problem with this is that, until now, the DC animated series on Cartoon Network have usually been pretty appealing for both children and adults (admittedly, <a href=http://www.amazon.com/Batman-Brave-Bold-Season-Part/dp/B003M8NGLC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1308876358&sr=8-1>Batman: The Brave and the Bold seems less parent-oriented), and it doesn't look like this new series will have any real appeal for anyone past the age of ten or so when it appeals sometime later this year.
Source: <a href=http://www.toplessrobot.com/2011/06/oh_my_god_i_think_theyre_making_a_sequel_to_superm.php>Topless Robot
I love whipping that vid out.
Thanks for saving me a trip to YouTube. I hate how people underestimate Brave and the Bold.
Jimmy Olsen: Superman's become a real di...
Lois Lane: ...ifferent person!
- from an episode of the show where Superman is under mind control and commences some really hilarious superdickery. There's plenty for adults in Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
OT: Ignore non-Batman DC movies, watch DCAU instead. Let's hope this series will allow me to continue giving this piece of advice to people.