Eric the Orange said:
Bindal said:
a) due an added fee of 100$, most fake and joke entries (which are shown there) don't exist anymore.
b) The War Z was never on Greenlight because the developer already had a game on Steam, skipping the whole process right to release
Bad research turned an average joke into a horrible one.
Methinks you didn't get the joke. The joke is that when left up to people they choose the same dross that people complain that is forced on them by corporations. So,
a) It's not about joke games
b) It's not about The War Z
There is no joke when the pointe is shot down by reality.
If we elimiate fakes from Greenlight, then we got two kinds of games:
1 - games that are at least appear good or straightup are good.
2 - games that are actual games, but appear to be bad and won't get pass the greenlight process.
The joke here is obviously that only fakes and joke-games exist. Which don't. Hence, no joke.