GTA 5 - ain't perfect. A list of the biggest problems.


New member
May 26, 2011
In my opinion the Driving in GTAV is LOADS better than in GTAIV, I have played about 17 hours of the game so far and the cars are easier to drive and clearly split into different groups such as sports, sedan, trucks, etc this means that some cars will feel similar but most cars will have different acceleration and top speeds making driving more diverse and a hell of a lot more fun than it was in GTAIV where all the cars felt and handled pretty much the same. Also this bullshit about a disconnect between the characters and the game is total BS, from the beginning of the game if you pay attention you'll know the characters are morally bankrupt.

(Minor Spoilers ahead) If you pay attention to Micheal's therapy at the beginning of the game (and the extra side quest sessions) you will know that he has a physiological need for danger and wants to shoot people to feel alive which is ripping his family apart. Franklin however wants to earn more money to leave his house because his aunt hates him and he thinks that he is better than everyone in his hood so feels degraded doing gang bangs and carjacks. Trevor however is a grade a Physco who takes speed for fucks sake, he is completely unstable its not far fetched to see him kill a shit load of people especially considering he is EX-Air force and likely has the training for it.

Don't get me wrong however this game is by no means perfect but these flaws are just people who don't pay enough attention to what the game is telling them thinking there are flaws where there isn't

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
LITE992 said:
That mandatory install
Okay man, you are gong to need to add more content to that post, that is unless you like getting warnings. Anyway on topic, I really hope the driving is okay, I might get it on steam for cheap.


New member
May 8, 2009
Well shit another topic telling me how much a person hates GTA 5, haven't seen that a couple dozen times since 3 days ago when the game freakin launched.

Every time a big release game comes out these people come out of the woodwork to say how "perfect scores" are for morons and tell us all the faults they've found, well woop-de-do we've known how screwed reviews have been before there was even the internet, and it's not just the perfect ones, The Escapist review, IGN, Game Informer, all equally useless because for me personally I don't give a rat's ass what faults someone else finds in a game, I just want to play and enjoy my game.

Maybe I'm just jaded since I enjoy JRPGs, and JRPGs are according to most Escapist posters and most media review sites absolute shit, so public opinion can screw off and I'll stick to my "problematic" games in peace.

Dear god it's been 3 days, FFS I'll have to add positively reviewed games to my list of things people love to hate.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
One of the games biggest issues is its character development and nuances on screen, rather than off screen. Each of the protagonists have an overall mindset to them (Having no problem massacring innocents on Trevor; doesn't feel right having Michael carjack), but when it comes down to what might be deemed as important tidbits, we're forced to piece them together after the fact.

When we zoom in on a character, we often see them at the end of an event, whether it be a crying Michael or Trevor waking up from a psychotic break. The problem here is that, although we -know- something has happened to them, we are not privy to what exactly -happened-. Of course, we can piece it together, after thinking about it, for a second, given their individual issues, but, it's never overly clear.

Mr Mystery Guest

New member
Aug 1, 2012
I do think the GTA games need to get over having the hedges act like concrete blocks. You should be able to drive through them or at least roll over them. You can climb over a eight foot fence but you can't jump over a two foot hedge!

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Johnny Novgorod said:
I don't get why suddenly everybody has to have an opinion on GTA V. Was it supposed to be the Best Game Ever Made? Because the hype went completely over me.
Well, it has ridiculously bloated review scores on Metacritic, and has made $1 Billion in a very small amount of time.

So technically, from that kind of point of view, it may seem like it.

So of course people who either a) don't have it yet b) don't want it to be praised to such a degree will rush to state their opinions of it so that perceptions of the game will be more grounded.

In response, those who have played it (people who have been deprived of proper GTA action for too long) will rush to defend it(not to say that V is a bad game, just that the bar has been lowered since IV, and that also had ridiculously bloated review scores(pretty much the most well-reviewed game ever according to Metacritic))

*By saying this, I in no way say that either party is wrong, nor am I ridiculing them, its just that I too am tired of all this GTA hubbub.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Alright, I'm not falling into the trap of complaining about someone's views of the game, but I would like to offer some perspective on 2 and 3 from the OP.

As for 1: from what I heard a lot of people hated the driving in GTA 4. If you liked it, super, but one gamer's "near perfect driving" is another gamer's "every car drives like a boat on land".

Now with this apparent disconnect between the story and the gameplay. I'll admit I'm only about halfway through the game right now, but I'm just not seeing it. Same with the gripes about the characters that Greg mentioned in his review.

With regards to this "disconnect in story" I said, I just don't see it. The only two characters who don't actively WANT to kill other people are Franklin and Michael. That said, they both have histories that include being willing and able to kill if it comes down to it. Guess what? Every GTA game has a history of "things not going as planned" and ending up with the characters having to go on a rampage in order to get away. The exact same thing is happening in this case. It's not like Franklin and Michael are pacifists, one is a hardened thug trying to get out of the day-to-day grind of thug-life, the other is a retired bank robber who has no problem with killing cops if it means getting away.

Sooooo where is the disconnect? It's not as though Franklin and Michael ever claimed to be pacifists, in fact they openly show remorse over what they do. Franklin doesn't like hanging out with Lamar because every time Lamar gets involved with something bad shit happens. Does this mean that when said bad shit happens Franklin is just going to throw his hands up and run away? No. He's a street-racin' thug. He has guns and he knows how to use them.

Same thing with Michael. He doesn't WANT to go around murdering people - as seen in his conversations with his psychiatrist - he regrets doing what he has to do. But he has to do them. He's someone not afraid to kill if a job goes wrong, that's something that the opening scene of the game clearly depicts. He's a bank robber for crying out loud. He WANTS a normal life but he gets sucked back into the chaos.

It all ties together, the only reason Michael pulls off the first heist is because he needs money to pay back the cartel dude that he pissed off. Upon doing that, his witness protection cover is blown and Trevor finds out that he's alive. With his cover blown, Michael has to do favors for the FIB in order to make sure that Trevor doesn't learn the truth about what happened during that bank heist at the beginning of the game. Basically Michael's FIB contact says "my problems are now your problems." Again, this is a common motif that has been in pretty much every GTA: dirty cops using the protagonists for dirty work.

My point is that it's not as if the protagonists are saying one thing and doing another, each one has valid (in GTA terms) reasons for doing what they do.

Franklin wants a better life than just being a dime-a-dozen gangbanger. He meets someone who seems to be a professional crook, someone who can show him how to do BIG jobs with BIG pay. So he starts hanging out with Michael hoping to get included on some bigger jobs...and what do you know: that's exactly what happened.

Michael is, at his core, a bad person. He doesn't like to admit it, but he's got serious anger issues, as revealed in the psychiatrist sessions. He WANTS a normal life, he WANTS to just live in peace, but look at what he's surrounded by: a pot-head, foul-mouthed son who actually drugs him with heavy hallucinogens at one point, a daughter who is being exploited at every turn, and a wife who has absolutely no problem with cheating on her husband right in front of her husband. Are you telling me that a former hardened criminal who made a living robbing banks and killing cops is supposed to just sit back, take a deep breath, and accept all that? No. His family is messed up and it drives him to a rage, his uncontrollable rage just makes his family even more angry with him and so they act out even more. The guy clearly wants a normal life, but his psychological issues prevent him from having one.

And then there's Trevor...what's to say about him? He's a meth dealer with a history of mental issues, said issues had him discharged from the air force. He's a hard-ass who doesn't take shit from anyone and is already very stable. Add to that the fact that he's (apparently) constantly high on meth and/or speed and you have a VERY volatile cocktail just waiting to explode. And what causes that explosion? Well seeing his best friend who he thought had been dead for the last 10 years is not only alive but is also getting paid by robbing jewelry stores. Time to go pay him a visit, but first he has to take care of his unfinished business...namely ensuring that his meth empire is situated on top by taking out all the competition. That's why he takes out the biker gang. That's why he kills the red-necks and blows up their meth lab. With everything squared away and secured, he leaves Ron in charge of what should officially be a smooth-flowing operation because he can no longer be there to directly oversee it: he's got to go to Los Santos and find Michael.

As for the bit about "killing rednecks just because they looked at him wrong", I can only assume that complaint came from the fact that in this game they actually give a little context to the Rampage missions - missions that have been in every GTA that I can remember - rather than just having you run up to a floating ball that gives you a weapon and tells you to start killing everything in sight.
So again, I really don't see where Greg or the OP's complaints about the story/characters come me (and that's the keyword here, I'm just saying I don't understand their reasoning but I'm not begrudging them for having their opinions) it's all just standard GTA stuff that was present in 4, San Andreas, and Vice City.

Now that that's out of the way, I would like to issue a couple complaints about the game :3

1: Fleeing from the Police.
Yeah yeah, I know, Pay'n'Sprays never made much sense. You drive into a garge with a hundred cop cars piling up right outside of it, and because your car comes out blue instead of the red one that went in, the cops suddenly forget all about who you are and why they were chasing you. Still, it's a pain in the ass to get away from the cops (unless you're playing as Franklin). Hell, on one mission I had to get away from the cops in a frickin' garbage truck.....yeah, good luck with that. I find it easiest to just hop out of your car and run down some back alley for a bit as it seems like as long as you're not on the street they'll never find you (granted I've never gone above 3 stars, I doubt it'll be that easy once I actually do some sandbox craziness to see how long I can last).

2: The map feels smaller.
I actually made a topic on this subject hoping to get an answer to a question and from the few responses I got I managed to get that answer, though not directly. The game just feels tiny compared to the previous games. I know that technically in terms of area it's the biggest map that Rockstar has ever put together, but San Andres, for example, felt a LOT larger. Mainly because there were actually 3 cities rather than one city, a few small towns, and a hell of a lot of open countryside. It's made even bigger with the underwater exploration...but what all can you do underwater? Where's the San Francisco and Las Vegas parodies from San Andres? Without other cities to go to the map just feels really small.

3: The Bonus Objectives.
Yeah, I gave up trying for these after about the 3rd mission. Am I playing GTA or Assassin's Creed? OH NO! I DIDN'T GET 10 HEADSHOTS! FRANKLIN IS FALLING OUT OF SYNC! REBOOT THE ANIMUS!!!!! Seriously, why'd they put these things in there? Now THIS is something that feels like it was added just for padding out the game, getting perfectionists bogged-down with trying to pull off every single mission by fulfilling all the checklists. Remember that mission I mentioned about having to outrun the cops in a garbage truck? Yeah, one of the bonus objectives was to get to the ending point with absolutely NO damage done to the truck. Good luck with getting out of a police chase in a slow-ass garbage truck without hitting anything or without having the cops ram into the back. So I really don't give a damn about those anymore and I struggle to see a reason for them to be there in the first place.

4: Vehicle transitions.
One of my biggest pet peeves is how the game loves to devour your car. Most missions you start have the car you were just driving magically disappear after the cutscene or it forces you to take some other car and just abandon yours to disappear once you drive around the block. If you're doing the driving anyways and you need to drive someone somewhere....why can't they just get in your car?


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Nothing on Planet Earth is perfect. My big gripe with the game is that most of the missions offer no reward whatsoever other than the advancement of the plot. But on the bright side, Franklin seems to be really irritated with this aspect as well.


Usually Neutral Good
Feb 8, 2010
I've only got two complaints. First, I'd really like to have had more (profitable) heists. The final heist turned a nice profit, but still not enough to buy all the property--and it seems like the only real way I have to make money now is to play the stock market, which just doesn't grab my attention. Give me some repeatable heist scenarios, like the respawning bandit camps from RDR, and I'll be a happy man. Even just letting me make more money from repeating previous missions would be nice.

Second, someone needs to iron out the bugs with saving stolen planes in hangars. I finally succeeded in swiping a jet from the air force base, but I'm never going to be able to select one of my other planes again, because doing so will make my shiny jet disappear into the ether. (Also, it'd be nice to be able to customize the non-car vehicles a bit.)

Other than that? I'm just eagerly awaiting October 1st. (And then October 2nd, when the servers might actually be functional.)


Usually Neutral Good
Feb 8, 2010
Proverbial Jon said:
Any time you have to use the D-pad.

'nuff said.
Not... really. Changing radio stations or turning on your headlights is a major problem for you?

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Kavonde said:
Proverbial Jon said:
Any time you have to use the D-pad.

'nuff said.
Not... really. Changing radio stations or turning on your headlights is a major problem for you?
Yes, it is. This game has a very odd control scheme. It probably stems from the fact that you can control so many different things at once. I've never seen a game attribute so many important functions to the least used button on the controller.

The amount of times I've got into a car and had some god awful radio station blared at me is ridiculous. Maybe it's just me but having to remember which way to push the d-pad to switch stations is not something I want to be guessing. What was wrong with the back button like previous games?

I'd have preferred context sensitive use of the face buttons for major functions. The pickup truck, for instance, uses the left analog stick to raise/lower the hook - that's fine, makes sense. But the right d-pad button to unhitch a car? What? Why not have a generic "action" button like X, B or Y to control vehicle functions?

Sorry, it probably seems petty but it's really bugging me!

Matthew Lynch

New member
Jun 26, 2010
The saddest bug I found involves the marina helipad...the helptip telling you that your vehicles that you buy wil lbe stored there always appears when you approach...making it impossible to actually access your brought helicopters.


Aug 25, 2008
The only bug i have seen is after an explosion, a bus flew into a building and got stuck in it...then shot back out and pretty much cleared the road, killing anyone in its path until it stopped at the next set of traffic lights...Quite amusing.

Anyway, despite the minor nitpicks, i'm having fun, and for the first time ever, am actually engaged in a GTA story, without having to reset, and without putting it in just to activate a weapon cheat to blow shit up. So can't really complain.


New member
Oct 1, 2013
anybody else found all the endings of GTA5 rushed and incomplete? Previous games, except GTA4, delivered much better in this regard.

this minor annoyance aside, the games seems pretty good, with GTA Online launch today and endless fun onwards.


New member
Oct 1, 2013
anybody else found GTA 5 endings rushed? sorry for the doublepost... something is wrong here.