Guilty Pleasure You Least Want To Admit?


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
Only 3 to my list:

1.Some music (Since its from Anime)
2. My interest in unique fashion (Which some would yell gay JUST because I like to look clean)
3. Sex. No not kidding, Sexaholic due to my useless ex-girlfriend. Wont go into detail.

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
Cockney_Jesus said:
I love pro wrestling!

I don't give a flying **** if it's 'fake' 'gay' etc. I fucking love it!
I whole heartedly agree, wrestling is fucking awesome.. even though it is "fake" the wrestlers still get hurt real bad at times..

I miss seeing The Rock in action, he was the bomb!


New member
Oct 14, 2008
sirbryghtside said:
Cpt_Oblivious said:
sirbryghtside said:
Warhammer :D

I'm Eldar.
I've never understood why that's a bad thing...
Well, basically, none of my friends are nerds, so they wouldn't understand and therefore would take the mick out of me forever.
I was going though the attic last night and found a load of mine, ah the memories. I dont know anyone that plays that I would like to be assioated with, and I would probably get luahged at so hard if I wanted to play with my friends.
I tried eldar once, for an ancient race with the mastery of technology I could never understand why they wore armour with the consistancy of cardboard., and used guns that were marigally more deadly than a butter knife, with twice the range.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
That I least want to admit? Probably checking myself out in the mirror once or twice a day, just to see if I'm the same. I always assume something will be different, but it isn't. I study my face close up, and gain pleasure from seeing it is the same - or if I have been doing a lot of exercise, enjoying the different appearance of my body.

Of course, I have much filthier things that I do for pleasure, but this shallow guilty pleasure is the most embarrassing, as it shows my vanity and is probably the girliest thing I do.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
While I've never been a Pokemon fan (in fact, the only Poke-game I ever really liked was Pokemon Snap for the N64), anytime one of the movies is on TV, I drop whatever I'm doing to sit and watch it. I could take or leave the TV series, but the movies are just very compelling and almost infinitely watchable for some reason. I think it's the broadly-drawn, comic-opera/melodrama treatment the supporting characters get (like Butler and Diane in Jirachi--see, I even remember 2nd string characters from these damn things!).

There's also the Poke-manga by Toshihiro Ono, which is one of the best manga series I've ever read... and I read Oh My Goddess, Evangelion, Junk, Rayearth, et cetera... and I'd put that one in the same top ten list as any of those.

So, that's it, I'm a closet Poke-fan... and a picky Poke-fan at that.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Really there is nothing apart from hating my brothers girlfriend...not really a guilty pleasure but the fact she always is sad and bad stuff is happening to her all the time it makes me smile...god i'm so evil!


New member
May 21, 2009
Magic the Gathering card game, some of my friends play but I'd never take cards along on a bus trip or something


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Jaygee02 said:
Magic the Gathering card game, some of my friends play but I'd never take cards along on a bus trip or something
Somewhere amidst my possessions in a storage locker, I (should still) have a binder with some of my favorite magic cards in it, including at least three (because I'm obsessive) Earthbind cards. I don't know how long you've been playing, but Earthbind features a Quinton Hoover illustration and was there when the gave first launched around 1992. I stopped playing about 1993 (I sucked at it, and only really got into it for collecting), but I still have some of those cards. I think it's cool people still play, even if the game has transformed beyond anything I would recognize.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Revelo said:
Listening to Gorillaz alongside tons of Rock and Metal music.
WHAT??? You listen to THEM???

Haha, only joking mate.

I don't really have any guilty pleasures, I'll happily admit to liking anything I like.


New member
May 21, 2009
matsugawa said:
Jaygee02 said:
Magic the Gathering card game, some of my friends play but I'd never take cards along on a bus trip or something
Somewhere amidst my possessions in a storage locker, I (should still) have a binder with some of my favorite magic cards in it, including at least three (because I'm obsessive) Earthbind cards. I don't know how long you've been playing, but Earthbind features a Quinton Hoover illustration and was there when the gave first launched around 1992. I stopped playing about 1993 (I sucked at it, and only really got into it for collecting), but I still have some of those cards. I think it's cool people still play, even if the game has transformed beyond anything I would recognize.
Yeah to a certain extent if you don't buy cards all the time I think you slip behind a little, I only buy new cards rarely, but I enjoy that a deck can play differently each time so there's still variety


New member
May 9, 2008
sirbryghtside said:
Warhammer :D

I'm Eldar.
me too :D and I am sick of people calling it a gay army, sure they are space-elfs in skin tight armour wielding weapons made for elegance and that kind of mallarcky, but they are still awesome.
and if you read the Horus Heresy, you will notice that all space marines are truly gay, and that they fell in love with thier own primarchs.
yes, I also play space marines.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
I enjoy singing even though I'm not that good at it.
Aside from that, nothing that I wouldn't openly admit.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
sirbryghtside said:
Warhammer :D

I'm Eldar.
This. Except I'm (deep breath):

Black templars, Chaos space marines, Orcs and goblins, Lizardmen, Dark elves, space marines and a bit of empire.

oh, and I enter Golden Daemon every year.



New member
Apr 20, 2009
goatzilla8463 said:
Shapsters said:
Also the Escapist, I don't tell anybody that I am on here role playing with random internet people.
People would shred me if they knew.

Cpt_Oblivious said:
Guilty pleasure I least want to admit?
Well I'm hardly going to put it on the internet am I?
True... But I'm going to do it anyway.

I love Dragonball Z and my friends would laugh at me if they knew.
My friends do laugh at me.

But who gives a shit eh?