I more meant in the sense that you probably won't be a home invaders first or last, and notifying the police can help lead to their arrest and prevent more innocent people being harmed. And if you are their last, it's probably a lot safer to let the coroner handle disposal than to try to do it yourself.ObsidianJones said:I'll take it under advisement, but I have to weigh it against police actions [https://newsone.com/playlist/black-men-boy-who-were-killed-by-police/item/2]Silent Protagonist said:Usually gun rights advocates use the more pragmatic "the time it takes for a home invader to do harm to me and my loved ones is significantly shorter than the time it takes the police to respond to a 911 call" argument rather than a "I don't trust the cops because of racial history" argument, but the former has been falling on deaf ears for years. Apparently there can only be two all encompassing sets of beliefs now and the anti-gun stuff is usually lumped in with the police prejudice stuff so maybe your way will gain more traction. At least the topic isn't women's self defense where you get those bizarre "Women shouldn't have to defend themselves, criminals just shouldn't do crime" arguments.
Though I will say if you do ever find yourself in a situation where you need to use a gun to defend yourself,even if you don't need to fire a shot, you absolutely should get the police involved, even if only after the fact.
Dark jokes aside, I'd like to try to encourage you to take a step back and try not to let examples and statistics from the internet color your opinions of entire groups of people. Confirmation bias plus internet can be a terrible combination. I know this is impossible, and I don't mean to suggest your views are wrong or unwarranted. Let me share with you a personal experience/realization I had. I used to live/work in a city with a substantial black population. I experienced several cases of anti-white racism from black people during that time, and there was no shortage of further examples to be found online. I began to have anxiety when encountering strangers who were black because I was worried what they thought of me as a white stranger, if they hated me for being white or thought I secretly hated them for being black. This was cured pretty quick when I realized how much easier it would be for a black person to fall into this same trap. I was negatively affected by a few real world experiences and a handful of fringe bigots on the internet. I realized that they not only have to deal with those things but an entire history and culture of those bigoted attitudes, and all in far greater magnitudes than what i had experienced. I knew that realization didn't make the things that happened to me any less bigoted and wrong, or that it was any less likely that some of the people around me harbored unspoken prejudices against me because of my race. But I learned that by dwelling on it and worrying about it that it was poisoning me and probably becoming a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. That's the horrible thing about bigotry is that it feeds into itself and experiencing it tends to create more of it.
On a lighter(?) note, what kind of ammo do you use for your shotgun? Do you keep any non-lethal types on hand? I don't own a gun myself but the people I've spoken to that have a shotgun for home defense usually tell me they keep it loaded with one or two non-lethal shells such as salt or beanbags to fire first, followed up by more conventional(and deadly) shells if that doesn't scare them off. What is your philosophy on this?