Habits in videogames.


Detective Prince
Jul 2, 2009
In any game that has different classes I have to roll a rogue type class. ALWAYS. Also, after each quest I finish I save my game you know.. in case. In wow if I'm in a guild with vent I get in vent first then log on to wow. In moral choice games I always go good. All my customizable characters have green or blue eyes and never blond hair. I always go the tactical route in free world games like Prototype. I always buy armor first then weapons.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
I have to clean my controller before I play a game, I have a special cloth and cleaning agent I use. I have to read the manual on any game I have, thoroughly and reread them before I start a new game on something I have completed.

In game: The music volume has to always be lower then the sound effects with the voices being the highest. If you can customize your character, it'll take me hours to get every tiny detail the way I need it. I always take cover before reloading and have to have used a full clip before I do so.


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
GnomeThief said:
In RPGs, I always have to collect something utterly random and useless just for the hell of it. Petty soul gems in Morrowind, pewter bowls in Oblivion, Westcliff cod in Fable II, and garden gnomes in Fallout 3, to name a few.
My brother collects teddy bears in Fallout 3.

OT: I always read the manual for every new game I get.

In RTSes, I try to develop a balanced army as best I can, usually with the most guns (I don't like melee combat in RTS games). In Dawn of War, for example, I'll take different squads of Infantry/Heavy Infantry that are good against Infantry, Heavy Infantry and Vehicles, and different tanks of the same nature, to ensure I'm never beaten by type.

In Pokemon, I always beat a Gym or member of the Elite Four through type advantage if I can. This usually leads to my teams being a much lower level than the Gyms, or even Trainers on routes.


Apr 28, 2008
lilmisspotatoes said:
I have this niggling need to poke at EVERYTHING in-game. Exploring Fatal Frame 2 took me forever the first time because I kept trying to open drawers and doors and closets.
I'm just like you on that. I feel old RPGs got me into that habit because it would be like "Hey guess what, this bush just had an awesome sword in it for no fucking reason, good job on finding it!"


New member
Jan 28, 2010
I always TRY to pick the good side but soon fall to the dark side of things... Megaton for example was too good to pass up.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Marter said:
I will always try to keep my gun fully loaded. Even if I only take one shot, I'll reload.
I do the same thing, I can't stand starting a gun fight without a full clip. Everyone things it's weird until they die reloading in battle.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
When I figured out you could pick up and move stuff in fallout 3, i customized the shit out of my house. No wasting money on a pre-set design thing. I have this one shelf that I filled full of ammo boxes, just cause it looked cool. The desk in my room had a bunch of whisky bottles, a pistol, and the Abe Lincoln action figure on it. I also kill every brotherhood soldier I see, I have over a hundred something of their dog tags.

I always reload, and I constantly remind my friends to if they are playing.

I also apply some real military strategy when playing; fire control, avoid doorways and stair wells, dont chase that guy its probably a trap, watching my back. it bugs the hell out of me watching my one friend play CoD online. He stands still, he stands in doorways, if he camps he stands instead of crouching or going prone; he doesn't reload, he blindly rushes enemies...some things are common sense.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Is an NPC is walking around in the same place over and over again I must:

a) talk to them to find out why they are doing this
b) follow them for a while running their never ending path!


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Constant reloading. In Far Cry 2 I will always put unfired weapons into the crates so when I get one out it has the longest lifespan possible. If a gun that was fired even once gets swapped into the crate it WILL get replaced as soon as possible with a new one.


New member
May 6, 2010
I have a tendency to not use cover properly. I have little patience and apparently a desire to see blood shed, even if it's my own. So, if I feel there isn't enough action, I come out of cover and usually get my ass killed.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
I will always try to "mountaingoat" my way up placs that im not supposed to go for around 10 minutes,


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Hmm, habits I have in video games. I always choose the good option in moral choice systems. I also have the tendency to run away from fights when the option is given. Constant saving. This one freaked out my friend because I had 800+ saves in Fallout 3. Having to talk to everyone in a game is another one. That's why I can't play Mass Effect. I'm also, very stingy with my ammo in every game. Like in L4D I always have the lowest kill count but the highest accuracy.
OH, here's one. If the game gives me the option for character customization, the first time I always give a modest attempt (3 hours or so) to making the character look like me. Same with my Xbox live avatar (minus the pirate hat)


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
In RPG's, be they single-player or MMO's, I could probably be called a kleptomaniac, miser, and rampaging looter all in one. Even when it does not matter how much I have, such as in Single-player games where not much is bought from vendors such as Fallout 3, I am *extremely* tight with in-game wealth. This was very true in my WoW days as well, which is part of the reason why I quit that game with over 600,000g (though I made that through massive investment-driven crafting industries). But this behavior also happens in strategy games too such as Civilization, where I try to suck money out of rival powers and hoard it all for myself. But most of all? I take everything from places that I visit. If it can be looted, I grab it. Everything must be taken and either stored in my home/bank or sold to a vendor.

In all of my games where it is possible, the wealth of the world is pillaged, taken, or stolen and put into my own hands for the sole purpose that I find hoarding massive amounts of currency, yet almost never spending it unless its to make more money, to be good sport.