Hackers Reveal Sony and Marvel Almost Agreed to Share Spider-Man


New member
Oct 9, 2014
So let me get this straight, Sony... You were given the opportunity to get in on some of that MCU action, and you didn't follow through? Do you WANT to go bankrupt? Are you really so immature and greedy as to horde a franchise that you obviously have no clue what to do with other than play copy-cat to Marvel's connected-universe plan that you won't consider cutting a deal and profiting off of the runaway success of the MCU movies? I mean, why wouldn't they get in on this? The profits they'd get from letting Spidey appear in an MCU movie, maybe even one of the Avengers films, would easily dwarf whatever they're making off their own pathetic excuses for superhero films.

I don't have any clue why they wouldn't leap at a deal like this. The Avengers was one of the highest grossing films of all time, if I remember correctly. Why wouldn't they want to reap the rewards of letting their character hitch a ride on such a mega-successful franchise?

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Sony is acting like a patent troll with spiderman.

Yay capitalism, keeping the fans and their money from what they want.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Hmmm. Played right, this could work. I started reading Spider-Man with Stracynzki's run and the Happy Birthday story arc is a fantastic way to retell his origins without actually telling it. It also features Doc Strange so we could also have Cumberpatch in this.

For those who haven't red this, in Happy Birthday, Pete unites with other superheroes and Doc to stop The Mindless Ones from entering our dimension but in doing so, they inadvertently re-unite Dormammu's scattered essence from different planes of existence. Doc then casts a spell but because Spidey is in the middle of it, its' dynamic changes and the webhead ends up getting caught between past and future, having to revisit every past battle and come out on top so as not to change history and to warn the superheroes as to what will happen if they go through with their plan.

Long story short, Spidey manages to warn the heroes and receives a gift from Doc Strange for his birthday, a miniature house with Strange's insignia on it. He opens it up and a ticket says 'You have five minutes, spend them as you wish'. The miniature was a camouflaged spell that brought Uncle Ben back for 5 minutes and in that time, everything that makes Peter Spiderman is summed up. And I mean everything. Bam, no reboot, direct sequel and some Avengers and Doc Strange inside for the ride.

It is a favorite of mine and since recently, I have come to love more it than 'Coming Home', mostly because Peter is more than just 'The Determinator'. When faced with the choice between stopping the spider from biting him when he was fifteen thus saving Ben and all these people whom he saved facing an uncertain outcome since he won't be there to do it a second time, Spiderman chose self-sacrifice.

Great story and it gives every major villain a chance to appear for at least a little bit, summing up Spider-Man's rogue gallery and another chance for a different type of cross-over, centered around two newcomers, Spidey and Strange.

Hope Sony gives Spidey back to Marvel or at least agrees to a deal cause the more I see the story arc, the more I figure this would be an ideal place to start with the webhead. Give em hell, Kaz.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
These rumours have been flying around for ages. And for the record, "something was about to happen, then didn't" is hardly worthy news.

Anyway, the more recent rumour is that the emails the hackers allegedly found were overruled by higher-level execs who see a collaboration with Marvel as being one of the few things that could save their sinking ship. The Amazing Spiderman franchise, that is.