the fake

New member
Jul 14, 2009
probably Deep Undercover: While using the Cloak and Dagger, kill the same enemy 3 times, all within the same area in a single life. (tf2)


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Most irritating single achievement .I have is probably One With The Shadows in Alpha Protocol

Complete 3 missions without being detected or killing anyone (tranqs and unarmed stealth knockouts are allowed).

It wouldn't be so difficult if there were more then just a few missions in the entire game that you can actually get credit for them in (There are 5 total, and 2 of them are right at the beginning of the game before it's possible to get a ridiculously high stealth stat, and one of them has a "Boss Fight" encounter at the end that I'm SURE is only possible to complete and get credit for the achievement is you abuse some of the mechanics of the game (which I did, it still took me about 5 hours of trying to beat that last room without being detected - notably it involved pistol sniping a guy with a tranq dart in the head and then running away and letting the enemies reset.. they don't necessisarily reset to the same positions that they were in when they were all there, so you just snipe the closest one, run, come back, and hope there's a guy close to snipe. Not really cheating, but not really in the "spirit" of the achievement either)

And, occasionally an enemy will see you just before you knock him out, but he won't even show that he's been alerted. You'll think you did the mission perfectly, but you didn't, and you won't know until you complete the final mission that it's possible to complete it on and NOT get the achievement, and then have to load an earlier save. I had to start the game over several times because of that trying to get this achievement.

I did it though. Of course, there MIGHT be easier ways to do the mission, but it's still very tense and annoying, and the glitches littered throughout the game make it all the more difficult.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Kadoodle said:
imahobbit4062 said:
If I ever get it, the Platinum for Brotherhood.

Because the fucking trophies are glitching for me, and many others.

You could use a guide.
But then there's surviving a full round on multi-player without being killed.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
QuadFish said:
The ending of One Shot, One Kill. Oh my god, that was hard. But it was so satisfying to run to the heli and nearly get killed with MacMillan on my back.

(Although I once took too long and the heli flew off, making me yell "FFUUUUUUU-" before restarting, AGAIN.)
Oh yes - I hated that on Hard and have never done past that level on anything above normal


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Hard Finish in inFamous. Last chapter is a *****.
Also getting the trophys for boss killing in KillZone 2, all 4 in 1. playthrough.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
COD4 on veteran, that shit took me months and was the first and only time I've contemplated breaking a game CD in 2.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
LinkSwitch said:
Definitely the Hardcore mode on Fallout: NV

Doesn't really add much difficulty when compared to the normal highest difficulty level, but makes the game a bit of a chore, thus hard to get through without going insane. Feels kind of like playing a first person version of The Sims...

especialy because companions are garanteed to doe soo...

OT:Left for Heads in Team Fortress 2. probably not the hardest but its the one that sticks out since i got it yesterday

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
Thatguykalem said:
The infamous Mile High Club level. On Veteran.

When I finished it, I was literally screaming with joy. You have to run through it like clockwork. If you accidentally fire one more bullet than you should've, Start > Restart Mission.

It took hours of practicing, preparation, and everything. It was easily the hardest thing I've ever had to do in a game.
I managed to get to the VIP with 0.3 seconds left. Thank God I managed to shoot the terrorist who was holding him hostage. I was shaking so much. If I had missed I would have screamed. Took me about 2 hours to get that far.

Dr. Awesome Face

New member
Jan 11, 2010
Dead Space on impossible mode, took me soooo long, and it was sooo very hard. i had to restart once because I didn't have enough ammo or health to get past a mob, and i couldn't turn back. I was devastated when that happened.

But yeah Epic Tier 3 Engineer is the absolute hardest achievement I have ever gotten


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Diamondback One said:
Mile High Club or Seriously 2.0, either or. Probably some other stupidly intense ones as well, but I forget.

EDIT: Actually, Finishing Mass Effect 2 on Insanity or Dead Space on the hardest difficulty possible, those two take priority. So... many... deaths....
If by Mile High Club, you mean the one in CoD4, on Veteran; I got that. First try, on accident. Beginners luck. And with the pistol they start you off with, no less. Yeah, that's my crowning achievement. There may be others, but I can't think of them. As far as real-life achievements, though...I saved a little girl from drowning in a pool. 'Sright. I saved a life. I know it seems a little lame, compared to doctors, since they save at least one life a day; but that's their job. This was just because I happened to be in the pool longer than anyone else, and I was young and just settling in to being as mature as I am to this day, too. Just think...if I wasn't in that pool, that little girl would have drowned to death, of all the horrible ways to die, in this fucked up planet...


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Gears of war 1 General RAAM on insane. I swear he takes more ammo and grenades than you can carry at any point in the game. Also seriously 2.0 in Gears 2. 100000 kills counted across campaign and multiplayer. Im up to 5000 i think simply thanks to having played it so many times. Also Halo 3 solo on legendary is simply impossible. I've tried over a hundred times to do it but it is completely impossible when you get to the level cortana. You get swarmed by almost a billion flood that take down your sheild in one melee, half of which have powerful ranged weaponry anyway, and they blend into the goddamn scenery so well i usually get blind-sided by a seemingly invisible mega zombie. Halo reach legendary was easier than halo 3 by a long shot. In halo 3 on the first level you can get instakill sniped from a good 2 hundred meters away at every second checkpoint. In Reach theres no instakill snipers at all. Also cod 4 in general i found was peculiarly impossible while cod 6 was extremely easy in comparison.


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Altorin said:
Most irritating single achievement .I have is probably One With The Shadows in Alpha Protocol

Complete 3 missions without being detected or killing anyone (tranqs and unarmed stealth knockouts are allowed).

It wouldn't be so difficult if there were more then just a few missions in the entire game that you can actually get credit for them in (There are 5 total, and 2 of them are right at the beginning of the game before it's possible to get a ridiculously high stealth stat, and one of them has a "Boss Fight" encounter at the end that I'm SURE is only possible to complete and get credit for the achievement is you abuse some of the mechanics of the game (which I did, it still took me about 5 hours of trying to beat that last room without being detected - notably it involved pistol sniping a guy with a tranq dart in the head and then running away and letting the enemies reset.. they don't necessisarily reset to the same positions that they were in when they were all there, so you just snipe the closest one, run, come back, and hope there's a guy close to snipe. Not really cheating, but not really in the "spirit" of the achievement either)

And, occasionally an enemy will see you just before you knock him out, but he won't even show that he's been alerted. You'll think you did the mission perfectly, but you didn't, and you won't know until you complete the final mission that it's possible to complete it on and NOT get the achievement, and then have to load an earlier save. I had to start the game over several times because of that trying to get this achievement.

I did it though. Of course, there MIGHT be easier ways to do the mission, but it's still very tense and annoying, and the glitches littered throughout the game make it all the more difficult.
Shoot, is it really that hard? I just ended up getting it naturally while playing a Veteran stealth character. Thinking about it, I suppose there are more than a few missions where an encounter gets forced onto you.

I guess you don't need any advice since you already have the achievement, but I'll still say that you should play a Recruit once, then always play a Veteran afterwards. That way you can start the game with Awareness (Master), which is always nice.

Professor Cubbage

New member
Aug 19, 2009
QuadFish said:
Nighthief said:
Probably completing CoD4 on veteran. It actually took a lot of time and effort for me to complete unlike MW2 and Black Ops which basically play themselves.
The ending of One Shot, One Kill. Oh my god, that was hard. But it was so satisfying to run to the heli and nearly get killed with MacMillan on my back.

(Although I once took too long and the heli flew off, making me yell "FFUUUUUUU-" before restarting, AGAIN.)
I had trouble with that mission also. I had to play it twice: once on hardened then again on veteran. On hardened I have must have died around 25 times at the finale whereas when I did it on veteran I only died once.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
I know this will sound stupid, but Overkill for halo 3.

It took like 2 years for me to get.

Of course, it had to be during a lone wolves match, so when there's only 5 other people, and nobody on you team, it's rather rare to do.