Has a game ever made you cry?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
tirsden said:
Lots of them. Last one to do it: Dragon Age Origins good ending (starring one of my original characters which really brought the game even more to life), complete with the love-interest addition. *sniffle!!!*
Dragon Age: Origins has some beautiful endings. My first play through I was completely spoiler free and the ending of the last battle was so unexpected it left me in tears.

DA:O has some wonderful writing and voice acting. I played through the Deep Roads late at night and Hespeth's poem was so creepy I got up and switched on all the lights.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
The final boss fight in Mother 3 absolutely killed me inside. But afterwards was what made me lose it and start bawling.

?I'm sorry Lucas, but your brother was just hasty. He was always that way. ... You'll forgive your hasty brother...won't you?"

Also, I cried several times during Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Really, the whole premise of the game is just so sad, there are just too many moments to make a list.

Also, Oath to Order and the Song of Healing get me every time.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I cant quite remember what it was but I know it was the end of The World Ends With You which got me choked up.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
LastCelt1989 said:
Adamc-mh said:
Some of the metal gear solid games came close especially number one. Damn sniper wolf :'(

Oh man when that song with the female voice starts up when Meryl gets shot by Sniper Wolf...man I cried like a little ***** then. In fact the MGS series are the only games to make me cry. Specially 1 and 4.

4 is basically watching a child hood hero dying in front of your eyes.

And theres the scene with Big Boss......!
Surprisingly PeaceWalker came close for me re-watching the end of Metal Gear Solid 3

Chris Sandford

Nope, no title.
Apr 11, 2010
well...if you count tears of frustration in the most recent Medal of Honor and Black Ops...
massive single player problems...not poor game play, just story muck ups.

Michelle Weiss

New member
Jan 5, 2011
I can't believe no one has said Final Fantasy VII when Aris or Areth(for those KH fanboys and fangirls) dies, I am big for playable girl characters that aren't just eye candy and I got her up in levels (she was the best out of my team) and then stepheroth comes out with giant sword blazing and kills her why?...WHY?


New member
Jan 25, 2010
*SPOILER* (Assassins Creed Brotherhood)

No tear shedding yet, but I REALLY didnt enjoy having to knife Lucy Stillman.


In fact now that I think of it, I've been closer to crying at episodes of Futurama than any game. Remember that episode where Leela got stung by the bee and the whole episode was her in a coma going mad...with Fry constantly at her side the whole time? That got to me. In a good way.

And when I was a kid, I cried when Freeza killed Vegeta on Namek. But I HAD just lost my old man then so I think I'm justified.

(Sorry, I'm a total novice with making spoiler tabs. Or inputting pictures or videos.)


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Charles_njc said:
I cried at the title screen of Ocarina of Time. I'd loaded up the bonus disk that came with the Wind Waker, and as I saw that familiar logo, and heard the beautiful music, I felt tears rolling down my cheek. It wasn't really because of the game, it was just that it reminded me of my (Less that good) childhood, and that made me sad.

I tend to cry at nearly everything (I once cried during the start Ice Age, pretty much nothing had happened yet, I was just sad for no reason - Always seems to happen to me at the cinema) yet for some reason I very rarely cry at games, not sure why.
Do you need a hug?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Yup. Toonstruck. To elaborate: it's a whacky adventure game, featuring Christopher Lloyd as the main character, a cartoon designer, who gets thrown into the cartoon world of his most successful creation, an epicute bunny thing which he despises. Yeah, I know, sounds crazy, and guess what: it's even more so.

Well, there is a scene where you have to get a new costume for the Carecrow. Nice fella, and the puzzles are quite challenging. Well, you give the costume to him, he gets totally happy, sheds a tear and BAZINGA! in comes the local evil overlord and zaps him with his ray gun that turns everything into a very evil, twisted version of itself.

It was heartbreaking for me. See it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TExni9SiIg


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Beyond Good and Evil

When they took Peyj I ALMOST cried

ZOE 2 when I beat it. Great game

Demon Souls, when I died 1 hit from killing the Flame Lurker


Walking Mass Effect Codex
Jun 11, 2010
Oh definitely yes.

I think the first time was in Ace Combat 5.

When Chopper dies and then this starts playing, I just lost it.