Has a game ever moved you to tears? *SPOILERS ABOUND*


New member
Sep 28, 2010
I've never cried at a video game. Yes I get very involved in my games, but to me when it comes down to it they are just pixels. I may be dissapointed or upset but never cried.

I AM ALL THAT IS MAN!! (lol jk, but i don't cry easily)


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
Irridium said:
Not really, no.

Though I will say that the one scene in Saints Row 2 was surprisingly moving. You know, that one Brotherhood mission.

Also Aisha's death. Played the first game, seeing her die in the second... just damn man.
Yeah, felt the same way with both these...events, same with Lin's death in the first Saints Row, but then I got enraged with William Sharp for causing it...

But I think what moved me the most was that one part in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, I had to deal with that one part of the main quest that involved recruiting Bobbery, I learned about his wife Scarlet.. what happened to her... how he felt... that letter she wrote to him... dang it! I think I'm shedding tears just typing this!


New member
Mar 7, 2010
RadioactiveMicrobe said:
Rest in Piece Dom...

The only thing I've ever really cried at. And god dammit did I cry like a *****.
join the club.
This and the ending of gears 3 had my friend in tears because he lost his dad at a nearly age.
although thats it for me :/ maybe something will later.


New member
May 25, 2011
Ending of FF7: Crisis Core. Oh god Zack nooooo! :( It was my first time crying during a game and I have done that many times more after that. Kingdom Hearts: Days made me cry quite a lot too. Roxas doesn't deserve that kind of life...


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
The ending to inFAMOUS 2, both of them actually.
I'll be damned if the game didn't hit me hard when the credits rolled.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
The entire ending. Especially after you beat Ghetsis, and then "N's Farewell" plays...The whole damn thing was just...it really felt like the end, and that made me sad. And I actually didn't want to do the postgame afterwards; it ended too well.

Flint finding out about Hinawa's death and getting all angry. I knew it was coming and I still cried. That more than anything else about this game is impressive. Nintendo: Why haven't you translated this and put it on DSiWare yet?


New member
Oct 19, 2008
otakon17 said:

The final battle between your character, Amaterasu and Yami. And it seems after the longest fight in the game, you've won. Ammy goes to let out a victory howl, only to be blindsided by a somehow still living Embodiment of Darkness. He drains her powers, then throws her down like a punk. Drained of her divine powers, Ammy's just stares Yami transforms again and starts to bear down on her.

Then, through probably one of the best cutscene's ever, she hears the prayers of all those she helped throughout her journey. Then, that faith in her, those prayers reach her restoring her to full strength to finally beat Yami and bring light back to Nippon.

It's the music that does it for me, it's just so GOOD.

No game to this date, out of the probably dozens if not hundreds, has made me shed a tear in response to what was happening in it. Only this.
Though I didn't cry, I certainly teared up a good bit! Love this game, but I especially love this scene! Great choice!


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Never to tears, but notable mentions go to FFX the ending, Red dead redemption's ending (john's ending at least), and Infamous 2 good ending (and the zeke part of the bad ending).


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
Beyond Good & Evil and Silent Hill 2 make me sad on multiple occasions every time I (re)play them, particularly
the lighthouse destruction and the discovery of Pey'J's corpse
Maria's first death, James' confession to Laura and Mary's full-length letter

Also most well-done character death scenes, moreso when I actually liked the character. Emma in MGS2 was a fucking *****, but her death scene was so great that I still felt sad.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
neonsword13-ops said:
Persona 4. The train ride back home, That got me where it hurt.

And Teddie's voice-over made it even more depressing...
"Doesn't matter how far apart we are. The bonds we made will remain strong. Everyone's heart is connected to the people they know and trust. It's those bonds that led us all search for our purpose in life. As long as it's a purpose you believe in, there will always be a someone who can help you fulfill it. You, me, and everyone else; There are no barriers. Our hearts are one. Right, Sensei?"
Persona 4 for me too, but I was composed again by that point. It was the final boss that did it for me.

After 80 hours of the game, the characters, after the very emotional piano music in the final dungeon, there I was, in the very definitely final battle, fighting alongside Chie, Yosuke, and Yukiko, when the music goes from a somber beat to the most uplifting remix of the main battle theme, and I shed a single manly tear. Then fought against shedding anymore throughout the rest of the song, my friends sacrificing themselves, everyone thanking me for helping them with their problems and encouraging me to go on, and Izanami's "Well done!"

But I was calmed down by the time of the train-ride home. Fortunately.

Liquid Ocelot

New member
Nov 6, 2010
The ending of Crisis Core. Holy shit, that was done well.. Why, Zack, why? D: I loved that game. It made the plot holes in FF7 go away.

I can't actually think of any others, but I am sure there are.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
every thing i can think of has been said except one the end of black ops from when your screaming at dragovich to halfway through the credits it didnt truly bring teers of sadness it made me cry with laughter it sets it up to imply that you did kill jfk only later

Toy Master Typhus

New member
Oct 20, 2011
Ace Combat 5 The Unsung War: Got the water works going in my eyes during the mid point. What happens is the President of your country hosts a speaking at a sports stadium and during his we are going to war speach the crowd all starts singing peace songs. During the mid point a bunch of fighters start flying over and fucking shit up. Your squad being the fly over team are the only guys in the area so you are alone in a dog fight between several next-gen craft. The worst part was during the ending of the battle one your wingmen get shot down and they are unable to bail out, because they are over the city. So he had to steer his burning craft into the ground and in the middle of the arena, because that was the only place he could make it to without killing someone.


New member
Sep 12, 2011
saucecode said:
*halo 3 spoilers ahead*

The legendary ending to Halo 3!
How this worked, was I vowed that if I were to finish the last level in Halo 3, it would be on legendary. After several pain-staking hours (knowing there would be a legendary ending), I saw the epic scene of Master Chief's isolation, in dead space. I cried right there. "Wake me, when you need me". So moving. The saviour of the human race condemmed to an eternity locked away in space.
This for me too lol.


New member
Nov 20, 2011
For me,

The start of Homefront when the two soldiers shoot a kids parents on front of him, I dunno just seems to affect me.

Also the end of HL2:E2