Has/did your school ever pull a dick move?


New member
Oct 30, 2010
NefariousAuther said:
End of the year, A.P test taken, no work to be done, teacher puts on a movie and my phone comes out. She takes my phone, I'm like "Ah, ok, I'll pick it up after school", then she's like "No, your parent can pick it up". I came home, told my mom "They took my phone, DON'T bother going to school for it, call them and TELL them to give it to me", the next day I have my phone. Swag. Niggas ain't gonna take my phone is all I'm sayin'

you kinda seem to be a self entitled racist asshole


New member
Jan 6, 2011
> Stay up all night doing PE assignment
> Save on USB
> Go to school
> Hand in
> They don't accept electronic copies
> What the hell, this is 2011
> "Don't worry about it"
> Two weeks later
> Get letter from school
> If I don't hand it in I repeat a grade
> I will snap someone's spine


May 1, 2008
Jakub324 said:
Mine did. Twice.

1) Changed the already awful cafeteria system so kids can only get school food (we used to be able to swing by Tesco in the morning to get something worth eating rather than sawdust sandwiches)
2)Timetable changes. Now, kiddies only have one hour of free time in the entire day, which goes from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, and they have less options for their GCSEs, with (I think) 6 of them being removed. This affects the teachers, too - their pay gets frozen for I don't know how long (I'm not even sure they know).

What about yours? Did you ever want to set the board of governors on fire?
EDIT: The one hour is made of 20 minutes break and 40 minutes lunch.
EDIT: GCSEs are exams you take when you're 15/16. They are the only compulsory exams that mean shit.
My Junior year in HS the principle tried to cancel prom. It ended up on the news and she became demonized very quickly ( it was because some kids had complained about "provocative dancing" at homecoming)


New member
Aug 29, 2008
aenimau5 said:
KiKiweaky said:
They did a few first one I remeber is not allowing students to go to the toilet at all except outside of lunch times. They locked all the toilets, except the staff one of course -.-

Another was when they stopped providing hot water for noodles and the like, all because some first year scalded himself. We didnt have a cafeteria so this was the only way you could get a warm meal during lunhctime.

When they replaced the old vice principal with a roaring bellend, the guy was just about one of the biggest assholes I have ever met.

Forcing all students to buy and wear school jackets, most people have them all ready and now you have to buy a second one because the school says so <.<
holy crap do you go to the same school as me?
cork area?


New member
Dec 1, 2010
When I think of dick moves, my mind goes to my senior year of high school.

See, due to organizing failure, I never figured out where my school bus was supposed to be. And I was late the first day of school. Not such a big deal... when I get there, I find that my class schedule was turned into the office and apparently lost 'cause I wasn't there for homeroom. Leaving me with the schedule I got on orientation day which had no class room numbers so I had no idea where to go... Again, mild as I did get help eventually and sorted that out.

But the problem was, the next day, I found that suddenly, I was taken off the roll sheet for a few of my classes. So I get to talking to our administrator person who takes me too the office and I discover that apparently the school took it upon themselves to UNENROLL me from the school.

No warning. No calling my mom or something. They just assumed apparently that I no longer went to the school and took me of the list...



New member
Mar 1, 2010
My experience with dick moves in School.
1.In middle school we only had one field trip ... across the bits of the east coast fora week (New York, DC, Hersey PA, to name a few stops). It sound awesome but I being the poor boy that I was(and still am) wasn't able to afford the trip. So I made a deal with the head of it, that i'd do a bunch of work around the school to work for it. After months of working(cleaning the cafeteria after lunch and doing other thing after school)I since had developed ha rather serious case of depression, to the point where I couldn't maintain a presence in class. After a few weeks of being absent the school recommend a out of school tutor to help me catch up with my work. After one session my mom received a call saying that, despite all of my FUCKING WORK, I WON"T BE ALLOWED ON THE TRIP. "It wouldn't be fair to the other students" WHAT?!? No compensation. Not even a thanks for help doing a metric fuck-ton of work.
2. Fast forward two years and I'm in high school and still very miserable not helped by the fact that I was surrounded by a sicking number of douches and real life trolls. This enviably brought me down to the point were suicide seemed reasonable. I mentally couldn't get out of my bed for two weeks moping and way to many mental breakdowns. And at the end of the second week I felt I could maybe face the idiots again... And then my power goes out... for two weeks. Mind you this was still near the beginning of school year so the temp was like 86 with a ton of humidity. With out AC I stunk BAD.I mean i'd get out of the shower and within an hour sweet so much that I stunk worse than before. Deciding that it might be better if I don't go to school smelling worse than death. After a month of things out of my control (Depression and power outage) I finally get to go back to school... i thought. As I tried to get in the school the Principal stopped me and said That I was not allowed in due to truancy charges. After 6 days of meetings with my parents, me, severally heads of the school district, and the Principal. It came down to them telling me that I either accept the truancy charges or go to a school "for the mentally underage"... a school for retards. You know what I chose, neither. I told the to shove it and that I'm dropping out. My parents applauded as we left. Now about a year later I have my GED and am going to college in the spring. I've also self taught my self several things.


Senior Member
Feb 23, 2010
Well, this year the school decided that it would be a great idea to take every single printer out of every single room and just have one per hallway. And by hallway, I literally mean hallway. They are just sitting on tables in the middle of the hallway. Convenient right?


New member
May 1, 2011
On a whole my high school was actually fairly good...except when money they raised 'for equipment' was involved

I swear to god, we had a cupcakes sale or a pizza day to 'raise money for the school' every 3 weeks, we never saw any of that money go toward anything but the re painting of the rugby goal posts, surely that cannot cost $20,000 0_o


New member
Jun 1, 2010
The only thing I can really think of, was grade 6, my teacher, after seeing me get bullied daily by practically everyone in class, when I finally tried to get her to help me, she gave me lines to do during lunch, telling me that no one likes a snitch *sigh*..... after my black eye and bruised shins from having kids throw large at me.... That was bad enough actually


New member
Dec 19, 2010
KiKiweaky said:
aenimau5 said:
KiKiweaky said:
They did a few first one I remeber is not allowing students to go to the toilet at all except outside of lunch times. They locked all the toilets, except the staff one of course -.-

Another was when they stopped providing hot water for noodles and the like, all because some first year scalded himself. We didnt have a cafeteria so this was the only way you could get a warm meal during lunhctime.

When they replaced the old vice principal with a roaring bellend, the guy was just about one of the biggest assholes I have ever met.

Forcing all students to buy and wear school jackets, most people have them all ready and now you have to buy a second one because the school says so <.<
holy crap do you go to the same school as me?
cork area?
Nope sorry. Out of curiosity is it a catholic school?