Has multiplayer lost its point?


New member
Mar 21, 2010
I play splitscreen with my friends and we have fun and have a laugh. When I play online with people I don't know then I'm not playing for the same reasons. So yea, online multiplayer has changed, and it is more about levelling up than the fun. But so long as you don't have your mic on, you can still have fun playing the game on your own and ignoring the other players


New member
Mar 22, 2010
true, quitting is more of a sensitive subject and i do understand your point
but quitting and letting your team one member short(especially in games like halo 3 where after the game start no one can join)is a douche move to


New member
Nov 3, 2008
I think the general dicking around that you could do with friends in multiplayer is a dying animal, but that is good and bad. More people want to play competitive multiplayer and that can extend the games multiplayer for hours on end, whereas you dicking around with you friends could last a weekend or two, hell maybe three. But eventually (or in my experience) want to move onto something else and the game gets shelved.
For example I bought 50 Cent Blood in the Sand, and in my opinion it is one of the most hilarious split screen games you can play with another person. Just over the top silliness and you get your money's worth from the game. But after a second play through my friend and I were pretty much done with the game and we moved onto something else. But something like MW2 I think I've logged around 100 hours and I've derived another kind of fun from playing it competitively and if it wasn't for the removal of being able to choose random gametypes each match I would've logged 100 more hours.

It really wasn't a change over night, its just a change of the times. A lot of people played games doing split screen because there was no online multiplayer or not everyone could afford a console/game at home. Hell I remember the obscene hours I spent at LAN centers playing counter strike with like 30 other guys from highschool every other day. And we just dicked around the whole time. But with the availability of home computer and high speed internet those days are gone. And makes me comes to a realization a lot of the fun of playing is that you're playing with people that you know and even if you're losing you can laugh it off with the person that you know who is beating you. But with online multiplayer being pretty anonymous and your odds of meeting those players again it becomes a real hard loss to take and you really can't laugh it off. So it might be that multiplayer really hasn't lost its point at all, but the circumstances around the game have changed how players respond to it.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Wait, the OP seems to imply that he normally has voice chat on. Take my advice, man. Turn mute all on, download skype and only talk/listen to people who matter.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
MiracleOfSound said:
bog7metal said:
quiting just because you are losing ,
Quitting because your losing I can forgive, as sometimes in certain games the manner people use to beat you can be very douchey.
Ahh yes, the douchemers.
I do that (Quit, that is), sort of, in MW2 online.
I never rage-quit (Unless lag is unbearable, or the guy is obviously cheating/glitching), but I do just leave the room and join another. If a group of guys are just slaughtering you, it's just no fun. I can stand losing, but getting beaten severely, multiple matches in a row is just frustrating.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
A problem maybe your own attitude towards the multiplayer concept. I play multiplayer parts of a game to have fun, and if you do that it shouldn't matter what random people on the other side of the world are saying/doing at that moment.

But maybe this is because i feel a general emotional disconnection to people i can not look into the eye directly


New member
Mar 11, 2009
split screen and co-op are great, as I've said many times on here it's those snot-nosed kids on adult games that spoil the experience for everyone and cause me to hate multiplayer. Unless it's with friends.

[EdIT] this has probably already been said but on the rare occasions I go into a matchmaking I always start a party so I don't have to here them. even if I'm sat on my own I prefer silence to the whining of the youth


New member
Aug 14, 2010
Multiplayer has some-what lost it's way. Bt if im honest, split screen is dead to me, i want the entirety of my 42inch plasma..im greedy.

LAN play is the way to go. :p

Senor Smoke21

New member
May 23, 2008
Me and my room mates play Timesplitters 2 splitscreen a fair bit. It still has the same charm it did all those years ago. As long as you have friends you want to play split screen with, you can play both the hate-filled, xp fuelled online multiplayer and the chilled, "have a laugh with your friends" multiplayer.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
No. I do the exact same thing on Xbox Live and three friends with a night of Halo 3 multiplayer. It's the same, only we can't see one another.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
I don't think Multiplayer has lost its point. There is however a big fault with Multiplayer nowadays: The removal of LAN.

Less and less games actually support LAN/System Link or other possibilities to just have some Multiplayer fun with your friends. I don't want to connect every single PC/console to the internet when i can just invite my friends over and see them face to face while playing.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Once split-screen and, bot matches are 100% phased out, that is when multiplayer will have truly dies. At the moment it is merely on life support and alone in the dark...


Feb 9, 2010
kidwithxboxlive said:
XP has turned multiplayer into a hell, people ignore the actual game and boost just to "get up a rank and prestige"
Oh god this.When your own team mates are freaking out at you for the crime of actually trying to complete the objective and win the game something has gone seriously wrong


New member
Aug 26, 2009
I don't find that very often in KZ2 multiplayer. I mean yeah I am pretty sure there are levels but for the most part people try to work together and work towards winning rather then racking up XP. Anyone with a mic almost always just tries to get people to go where they are needed. Not random swears.

Warhawk usually has lots of teamwork. I mean that's the basis of the bloody game.

As Well Resistance 1 had amazing multiplayer that has yet to be replicated in the Sequel. Mostly because a lot of us set the game to one hit kills CTF.... Most tense moments ever.


New member
Aug 19, 2010
You are right to a degree. A lot of games still do the co-op and multiplayer of the past. And those are good fun. Apart from that I just try to avoid games that have random game joining. Since I use steam I only go into either servers my gaming community runs, or into servers that I have friends in. But if I decide, I want to play so CoDMW2 (which Infinity Ward is make far less common) then I have to subject myself to the horrors of random game joining, with horribly uneven teams and little kids all shouting profanities at once. And yes, then it does seem like pissing into the wind.


The Cheerful Pessimist
May 6, 2009
WrongSprite said:
Different kind of multiplayer. If I want fun with humans, I'll play splitscreen.
But there is a distinct lack of splitscreen games now, (with the exception of Wii) all releases only allow a maximum of 2 player split screen which is ridiculous seeing all the consoles support 4 controllers


New member
Jun 29, 2009
WakeTheDead1 said:
does anyone else remember when multiplayer meant sitting with 4 mates in the same room on golden gun mode on Goldeneye 64 having a right laugh with each other...?
so i was online today and some snotty little american 12 year old was on his headset saying all manner of insults and things to other players and i just though this isnt even fun, has multiplayer stopped being about having fun with other humans and just become about leveling up?

thoughts please
Sorry that was my cousin form west virgina(serioulsy that kids got a mouth on him).

OT: Thats why I only play Lan or split-screen with friends.