Have you ever gotten a game into an unwinnable/unfinishable state?


New member
Apr 22, 2011
deus ex human revolution, I shot a cop and entered a building. The whole city was shooting me and a couldn't reload my autosave.


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Apr 18, 2011
Baldur's Gate 2: Jaheira got cursed by that guy in the tavern. I set out to break the curse and ended up with my party facing a couple of wizards in some house in Atcatla. And then I saved and overwrote my only savestate. What then happened, was: My mage and healer got hit by a confusion spell and wandered aimlessly around while my mind controlled melees beat the crap out of them. When the mage and healer were dead, the wizards controlled the melees to fight each other and the last surviving partymember got killed by a magic missile or something.

Usually you'd just load your last save before this situation but since I only had one savestate it was game over for me. This was the only time I remember beeing unable to beat a game due to my own fault.


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Aug 12, 2010
band43seat said:
resident evil 4, sold some extra ammo so i could buy a bigger case to carry things, needed extra ammo to progress through a room filled with enemies who u blow off their heads and they gain a tentacle thing to replace it
Dude, i can kill those guys with my knife. The only thing you can't kill in that game with your knife are some of the boss's, otherwise it's entirely possible.

OT: I was playing knight of the old republic 2 on original x-box. I was young and for some reason didn't save much if at all. I got to a point on a desert planet where i was jumped by a group of 4 people. I was a total badass in theory, but a dual lightsaber doesn't do much good when the rest of your stuff is broken as sin. So i saved randomly roughly 10 seconds before i died. Couldn't reload and run away, could not win even with all criticals. was terrible.


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May 24, 2008
I reached an unfinishable point in X-Com: Apocalypse. Apparently it is a little subtle, but can occur regularly if you aren't aggressive enough.

In order to finish the tech tree you have to down and then invade an alien Transport ship. Thing is, they only appear fairly early on. They aren't that hard to down, but their escorts do a lot of damage; I'd held off after losing a couple light flyers so that I could build up my air force. Then, they just stop sending them. The aliens also have another ship (two actually, but one is uncommon) that can fill the same roll as the Transport, but is better armed and armored and has a larger payload, so no reason to use the transport with the new Assault ships around.

Long story short, you *need* the transport ship research to build a new type of ship that is the bare minimum that can actually enter the alien dimension and attack them. Without it, you just sit on your hands and keep reacting to the alien invasion indefinitely; it is possible to avoid a game over without the transport, but it isn't possible to win. And then they just stop sending them; you only get about 5-10 shots at them, and then never see them again.

Once I figured out what went wrong, I restarted, and made damn sure to get that research. Apparently, the Transport is the ONLY ship they flat-out stop sending; some other ships get very rare, but you also see more of them early on and they are even easier to down, so the Transport is really the only choke point.

Not Enough Gun

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Apr 27, 2011
Resident Evil 2. On the Leon campaign, just after teaming up with ada again near the end, I saved with nearly no health and nothing to give me health back in the area. Any enemies I came across completely owned me, sending me back to my last save, which thanks to my habit of saving over files was my only one. This continued for a good two weeks until I gave up.

Commissar Sae

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Nov 13, 2009
Accidentally quicksaved instead of quickloaded when falling into a volcano in Drakkan. Found out i hadn't made a hard save in roughly 5 hours. Was royally pissed so loaded that quick save and giggled to make up for it.


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May 24, 2008
Luke3184 said:
imnotparanoid said:
MurderousToaster said:
I also found I couldn't complete Dragon Age: Origins on anything other than a combat-oriented character, which is one of the reasons I dislike that game. I found this out in that goddamn Mage Tower segment or whatever it was called (the part where you're separated from your entire party).
Uh same, I gave up on that game about 10 hous in, its just stupidly padded and difficult, I might go revisit it somewhen though.
If you guys are on PC there's a mod that skips it whilst still giving you the xp, codex entries and stat boosts, and I've managed to do that section on a mage character who was a Arcane Warrior, hope it helps :D
I did that section on a regular mage (never did find the Arcane Warrior training). I had to retry some sections several times, but I got through the whole mess with a death count in the single-digits.

Nami nom noms

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Apr 26, 2011
There are 3 major ones I can recall;

The first came on chrono trigger, during a part climbing along rafters you're supposed to catch a mouse for a code or something (can't remember exactly what happens, it was a long time ago) and for some strange reason the game would bug out and never allow me to progress. (Which was frustrating to say the least.)

the second one I can remember came from FFVII. As a console gamer I had never played an RPG before (except for zelda) and levels were an unusual concept to me. I basically got through the whole of the first disk without any kind of grinding, despite it obviously getting ridiculously hard as it went on. By the time I reached wutai, I was stuck, with no chance of beating the bosses and not even being able to train (as a result of having no materia and extremely low levels, I wouldget slaughtered even on the basic battles). It wasn't until I got pokémon I understood how a levelling system worked, and then I was able to return to FFVII.

the third example was not against the computer, but when playing a friend on Advance wars. We'd selected a large scale map full of mountains and bottlenecks and lacking any factories to build up troops, thus we ended up attacking in waves... clashing in the centre of the map but taking time to send out another one. The battle lasted 6 hours before I finally managed to gain the tiniest bit of headway. It was a real war of attrition lol.


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Sep 18, 2009
Diablo 2, the expansion to be more precise. It was the first character I played and I thought Necromancer might be cool. So not only did I pick the class described to be the most difficult, but I also went in completely clueless. About the first act I kept putting points in my skeleton raising abilities, thinking it'd be cool to have an army of them doing my fighting for me. It worked well for some time, but I ended up putting more points in my own spells. That seemed to work, but I felt like I needed more minions, so I leveled a few golems.
The expansion content starts and I'm having huge troubles with the first area. I push on, doing more or less well at times, until I hit the boss fight where I have to defeat those 3 powerful guardians. My skeletons die instantly, my golems don't fare much better and no way can I beat the three of them with my own spells. So that's where my playthrough ended.

Short version:
-Diablo 2 + expansion
-Playing as necromancer
-Skillpoints scattered here and there according to what I thought might be cool
-Boss fight in the expansion, against 3 hero dudes
-None of my skill paths are strong enough to match the bosses
-No random mob corpses to raise skeletons from or use Corpse Explosion


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Jul 5, 2009
Lost planet 1. final boss couldn't die. It really sucked. Then my Xbox broke, so i didn't finish it at all


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Apr 19, 2009
theemporer said:
I messed up with the silver keys in Legend of Zelda OoT. Damn you, water temple! Damn you to hell!
That has still never happened to me. Whatever way I thought I had to do it was the correct one, I guess.

OK, so of course there is Oblivion on PS3 wherein the absolutely brainless leveling system broke my first two characters. "What's that?" I hear the game ask. "You wanted to play something other than a combat mage or generic warrior? Well f**k you then. You'll never finish the main quest until you do, or maybe not even then! :)" I know there are some solutions, but so much for creating whatever character you want... and something's wrong when two mudcrabs is an unwinnable fight.

Onimusha II, I was sailing through the game. A few slight problems were overwhelmed later on by my natural skillz, man. Anything relating to fighting, I took it down easy, even when they unceremoniously dumped me into another much weaker character. Then, the crank. Oh god, the crank. See, regardless of how powerful you've become you'll have to rotate both thumbsticks(!) at the exact same speed(!) extremely quickly, in opposite directions(!) or you're caught in the exploding fortress and you die. I did eventually manage to complete it, by enlisting my sister to use one thumbstick while I used the other, and it still took almost a full hour and 100s of tries to barely get it in time. Then many hours later I reached the final boss but didn't have enough healing items and nowhere to get more. AAAAAAGH

FF9 (FFIX) was the first game that I can remember that put me in an unwinnable position. I had never played a FF game before, but I knew RPGs and tried to get in a few fights between locations. After a long period of walking around, big cutscene, walking around, big cutscene and then another big cutscene, I finally made my way to a new area... only to discover that I couldn't go back and there wasn't a single safe haven or shop within a hundred thousand miles. I eventually had to restart completely. I did it right this time (grinding myself totally bored and full of self-hatred, of course) and eventually made it to the final boss. It took many, many tries with different character loadouts, but I finally won with my favourite characters (who were unrecommended, ha!) and sat back as Necron uttered its last words... "as long as there is the fear of death, I can never die. Where there is fear... I will be watching..." (or something). Screen goes black, disc makes loading sounds. Nothing. Several hundred retries later, broken game can GO TO HELL!

Martian Gothic is unique and quite interesting as games go. I would have liked to see it resolved. Too bad every enemy is unkillable and nigh unavoidable (or actually unavoidable). If you don't know exactly what you're doing and where you're going at every single moment with three different characters, then you can very easily get the game into an unwinnable state wherein you cannot proceed without getting chomped, and you cannot survive getting chomped once more. THANKS GAME


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Mar 19, 2011
I haven't been able to beat any Ninja Gaiden because for some reason I suck and get stuck at a boss with barely any life or power and there's nothing to get me out of it. I usually double suck because I don't save often enough, so I end up having no save point to go back that's less than a few hours before the point I"m stuck at.


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Jun 9, 2008
Managed to lock myself out of a story required room in Kotor 2 once, that sucked.

Also, had New Vegas bug out and crash every time I entered the Tops Casino which was a bugger and no mistake.


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May 20, 2009
morrowind; bloodmoon. While i finished the main quest i was doing the quest line for the east empire company. I had to talk to some dude and he told me i had five minutes to find him and he could be in any of three very seperate places. Then just to be a dick he cast a burden spell on me. so after finding the guy and running through the frozen wastes of solstheim in not but my skivvies with a 500 pound magical boulder atttached to my back i came back into his room put on all my armor and picked up my weapons and equip my old stand by, a dwemer warhammer of wounds, which i swung with a mighty nordic roar and made his face something akin to a bowl. yeah not flat, concave. anyway walked out satisfied. saved went to bed (in real life).

Next day went to raven rock (town with the quest giver) took a quick nap to restore health. na dwent to the questgiver. he said i need to go talk to that guy again and get some silver swords. uh.. uh oh... check my saves and realize that i have saved over other games where he was alive and my last save before i killed him was...


crap well i ain't doing that 4 hours again... i don't even know what all i did during that 4 hours. I spend alot of time dungeon crawling and free adventuring so i could've gone to any number of tombs caves or raider settlements in Solsteim or Vvardenfell... so yeah no...

so i decided i was a god and savior of the land, and immeasurably rich so whatevers. i quit morrowind until i got a new computer.


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Aug 17, 2011
Heroes and Cons said:
2) The first time I played Fallout 3, about 4 hours into the game (during which I hadn't manually saved at all) I went into the Church of Atom and killed the crazy folk. I went back outside... only to be attacked by the entire town. Now at level 4, Jericho is more than just a bit dangerous... yeah. Plus my autosave was stuck at me exiting the church, so I had to restart the game. At least it worked out in the end, since after that I decided to be a good character instead of an evil one. :)
You know if you leave a town in F3, wait 3 days and the people should forget that guy who came in and slaughtered 10% of its townsfolk.

Thats if you can make it to the gates..


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Apr 13, 2010
Not quite Unwinnable, but infurating to completionists: My wife nearly threw her DS across the room when playing Castlevania Portrait of Ruin.

Specifically: completing all the optional quests (which gives Charlotte some powerful weaponry) you need to provide certain items. One is a New York Strip Steak (yes, really). There's only one and it's in a hidden location. Not hard to find, but the problem is that (1) it's also a healing item; (2) you'll probably find it long before you know you need it for a quest; (3) you'll probably need it and have used it before then; (4) they don't drop from any enemies. If you used it, you're SOL. Fortunately I still had mine (having a hoarder's tendency to save all my healing items for the final boss), and was able to trade it across to her game.

Konami deserves a solid smack in the face for that stupid bit of game design.


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Jan 5, 2008
Llil said:
I've played the old Sierra adventure games. So yes. In fact, I'd be surprised if someone didn't get those games in an unwinnable state on their first playthrough. Miss an item, walk over a rickety bridge too many times, or use both of the cupid's arrows before you're supposed to; there's so many ways to screw up. I even managed to do it in King's Quest 6, which made it a lot less easy than in the previous games.
I still love 'em, though. Great games.
I knew there'd be at least one person bringing up this series. What's that? You ate the custard pie at the beginning of the game? Well now you can't kill the yeti and are doomed to a horrible death.


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Jul 20, 2009
Shiny Koi said:
Eternal Sonata. Got to the pirate ship, which you cannot escape from until you defeat the ridiculously hard boss, and was woefully underleveled with no heals.


I kind of wanted to finish that game, just for the sake of finishing it. And also because Tri-Crescendo games tend to start off really slow and shit and then get really good, and I felt like I never got to see the "really good" part.
What's funny is that you have 2 healers in your group for that boss fight, but she just hits retardedly hard. It also didn't help that she came with helpers, and that your party consists of the four people with possibly the lowest defenses in the game. Eternal Sonata didn't screw around with bosses...

OT: The Final Fantasy Tactics boss. I shouldn't have to say which one.