Have you ever hit a bad checkpoint?


New member
Jan 3, 2009
I remember I quicksaved on one of the old ps1's tombraiders as I was nosediving into a pit of spikes, don't know what got into me...


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Lest just say I have to restart Lost Oddyssey since apparently I did not level enough.

Captain Pancake

New member
May 20, 2009
on dragon age 2, I'm at a checkpoint near the fight with the Arishok and I have a team that is woefully ill equipped for the fight, but I can't go back and take Fenris (which would allow me to fight him one on one rather than against his entire personal guard. The last save before that is all the way back at the start of the act.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
In Oblivion I cleared out my saves when I slept and then my character woke up I was being attacked by a strong ghost-monster thing at point blank and couldn't kill it because I didn't have enough arrows (I was an archer) or enough room to dodge its attacks and when i tried to go outside as a vampire the sun would completely fry me.

T'was suckzors....


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I seem to recall running into a bad checkpoint when the helicopter shows up just before you rappel into the nuclear missile base in COD4. I believe I was dicking around looking for intel when it showed up. Since I had played through it numerous times over the last few years I wasn't too worried at first, but I got stuck trying to cross the level back to the rappel point when the chopper showed up, and it took me probably ten tries before I managed to cross without getting mowed down. I believe it also started me off half dead already each time. Luckily I've played it so many times that I saw it as more of a challenge than an annoyance or I would have just said screw it.

But I think the worst checkpoint I ever ended up with wasn't really a checkpoint per se. I was playing PoP: The Sands of time and was in the middle of the fight right before the boss battle. It's been a few years since it happened so I'm somewhat sketchy on the details, but I believe I finished the fight and saved as I had to go somewhere. When I played the game next, the save file started off right at the final battle, skipping over at least one entire cutscene where the girl died and I presume, the Prince went back in time to stop it from ever happening. I'm a little sketchy on the details like I said, probably thanks in part to the game skipping over a fairly important part of the story on me.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Modern Warfare 2 - Takedown. Fuck that mission. Every checkpoint was a struggle to get to, and every checkpoint was horrible. 1 in particular, just before you climb the ladder, you can be checkpointed in a small doorway with enemies below and above you having a clear sightline. But, better than auto-save just not bothering *glares at the mako missions in ME*

Edit: Oh, I can't believe I forgot the worst: Oblivion.
At the end of the game, Martin can't go doors once the daedra prince appears. And you checkpoint once you enter the temple. I used invisibility and skipped merily into the temple, got auto-saved, and then in horror realised my mistake. Last save was 4 hours ago, and I was 10 minutes from completing the game. /Wrists.


New member
Mar 1, 2008
In Metro 2033 I was on the surface with a broken gas mask. I would die within 10 seconds. However I thankfully managed to find another one mere metres behind me.

I now have a checkpoint in the "communist/fascist" battle bit, where I die as soon as it loads. Haven't played it since that.

BOOM headshot65

New member
Jul 7, 2011
One Time, I was Playing Halo: Reach, I was on the mission in the 'Saber', and had started a backflip to avoid a 'Banshee'. However, I had Backflipped into 'Anchor 9'. "Well, Thats a fail." I thought to myself. Checkpoint reloads...I am halfway through my fatal flip. I raged.