Have you left WoW and if so why.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
The whole reason why I lost interest in WoW was due majority to those who took the game way to seriously. I played Warcraft and loved the story and just how fun it was to play and when I heard an mmo was coming out I jumped in head first. When it first came out it was amazing and I enjoyed everything. Interacting with people was actually enjoyable and people were also friendly and willing to help. Now adays its the HARDCORE wow people that run the show and if your not on their bandwagon your out casted. I enjoyed exploring and finding my next adventure not getting the best armor or the best weapon. You could label me as a casual wow player but after the third expansion I fell out of love and began to expand my horizons. I found many MMO's that were free a lot more enjoyable like Champions Online or Guild Wars. All I can say is that I will not be returning to WoW for my new love The Old Republic is almost here.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I played for years since launch (and the days of the 'terrible twelve' servers. But after Burning Crusade came out and all my Epic Raid Gear that I spent so long in collecting became obsolete with the first bunch of trash mob drops, I threw in the towel. Not only for WoW but for raiding in MMOs in general. It lost it's point, to me, if in the next level hike expansion the gear I thought was great becomes mediocre at best.

I did try it again when I was given a 7-day comeback. But the magic was gone. Simple as that.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Played for almost a year, then quit.

At its best it was a fun thing to occasionally play with my friends who lived hours away from me.

At its worst I was completely addicted. I played no other video games at all and it even got between me and sex a couple times. I was forced to quit because of a move and a lapse in steady income, and when I started playing other games again and spending more time with friends, I realized that I was a better, happier person.


Magnificent Retard
Dec 27, 2010
I left cuz 1. It wasn't challenging me 2. It was very grindy 3. I didn't have the large blocks of time I needed for end-game raids 4. I found getting properly equipped for raids was too hard because no-one did any of the low-difficulty raids I needed


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Too many dead servers with raiding populations spread too thin. It's almost impossible to find replacements and training newbies every week gets tiring.

It takes Blizzard too long to put out new content. They hype and hype those new Firelands dailies and what do we get, the same old same old. Just another grind to keep you playing longer.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
I stopped playing mostly because most of my RL friends don't and my in-game friends in my guild got into some arguement and that split the group a bit and stopped playing, and eventually everyone else followed and then it got to me. It was hard to find other people to group up with and I just couldn't get back into it. I stopped at about lvl 53 I believe.

Chris Barber

New member
Jul 14, 2011
I left WoW partly because my friends left and the social element being taken away for me killed my morale. Also when the Rated BGs got permanently set to 10 man mode I couldn't get a spot anymore and there wasn't much gameplay to be had for me since I don't have time for proper raiding anymore.

The game simply grew in a different direction than me. I guess Cataclysm's design philosophy wasn't one that supported me. So I left and eventually found NEStalgia; which I'm quite happy with currently as an MMO.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Doing the 7 day welcome back thing and its still pretty mediocre. Got two toons up to 85, even after Cata the game is still the same old shit, rinse and repeat. It's cool to see so many people that left the game all in one place. I'm not re subbing after this 7 day period.


Good news everyone!
Jun 3, 2011
Played since a couple months after release. Then when cataclysm came out I had 2 level 80s and 5 60 -70 toons and just decided it was time to do other things. Plus raiding was never really my thing. Also, my friends quit so I had even less reason to stay and no reason to go back.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
I bought it earlier this year and only played it for the first 30 days. I haven't considered playing it again because it was so damn boring.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
1. My guild disbanded over night and the game hasn't been the same since

2. I got bored

3. It cost me money that I did have

4. Everyone became jerks


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Its funny how you phrased the topic like its like quitting an illegal substance, when really its more like when did you get bored with an old game. it sounds so weird when you phrase it as "Have you left Devil may cry 3 and if so why?".

and i wouldn't say i left, every 6 months or so i buy another month and have fun with it.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
I played WOW for a couple of years and quit because of...
1. Gearscore, turned the whole game into a fashion show and turned everyone into idiots that think that you need a 5000 gearscore for everything when you don't

2. Raiding community, lets go kill the lich king for the millionth time because it will give use Leet gear to be awesome. (even though you will have to trade them in for greens when the expansion comes out making all that hard work to kill the lich king that millionth time pointless)

3. guild, same reason as 2 and never trying to help me with gaining gear always forcing me to try to pug which leads me to number

4. PUGs, raiding pugs usually suck its a rarity to find a good one and when you do the world ends.

5. Racism and sexism, if you have listened to the trade chat once you should know what I am talking about.

6. Not at max level after the first week and raiding. Well then you will never get to raid successfully or kill the end boss pretty much.

7. Bored out of mind because I can't get into raids because of the guild, the raiding community, and gearscore.

8. crappy internet connection and lag. Though that's my fault but still really annoying.

9. Warrior class. Most gear dependent and most nerfed class out there, where everyone and their grandma can kill one with ease but it's the only one I want to play.

10. Can't complete the whole story of your character in the game because of 1,2,3,4,6, and 8.

I know I sound angry and pissed because well I am all of this and maybe a little more made me quit because It was just pointless to play it at the point I was at.

And to think I am considering playing Star Wars The Old Republic.


New member
Nov 22, 2010
RL friends weren't online anymore
Ran out of places to explore and wasn't into raiding
Wanted to burn time on something else, something with an end


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I left WoW for the strange reason that it was an invader that changed places with my WarCraft III when I bought the Battlechest, the idiot at Gamestop put WoW inside my box instead of WarCraft III and since I went all the way back to Queretaro which just around the center of Mèxico I couldn't return it so I played the free month and it didn't grab my attention and also was too expensive for me.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
I played WOW from vanilla until the end of TBC, I rejoined in WOTLK when my friend offered to pay for my subscription and because several other friends had also joined, however the content was too easy and repetitive, so I left again also partially due to starting A levels.

This summer though, I tried the 7 day free trial and after exploring the starter zones and trying the (70-71) dungeons, I found the game having further been reduced in difficulty, so I left after a few days of the trial.

TL;DR, I prefered the game when it was harder and due to not having enough time to spend on it due to concentrating on A levels.