Have you personally every suceeded at boycotting anything?


New member
Jan 30, 2008
I've tried boycotting food on numerous occasions, but as soon as I get bored I get hungry so it never lasts long.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
McDonalds. I absolutely refuse to eat there and have done so for a little under 20 years, partly on principle, partly because I find their food ghastly. Oh, and Starbucks, for similar reasons.

Michael Hirst

New member
May 18, 2011
I wouldn't call what I've done a boycott, I've just chosen not to get said game. For example Black Ops seemed like a lame retread of previous COD games so I decided to stop buying into the series until I saw some innovation and some decent prices (fuck £15 map packs)

Oh and McDonalds as well, the food is hideous and overpriced, when I'm out in town I can get much nicer food for less cost so why the hell not.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
I refused to buy Rage due to them cutting content if you bu used. I had the game reserved and everything. But alas they pulled that stupid card if you buy used. I hate it, so I haven't bought/played the game.

Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
No I've had no desire to boycott anything.

Krion_Vark said:
I have personally NEVER bought a CoD game. I have played pretty much every iteration from CoD 4 and technically owned every one besides WaW because of my brothers. So TECHNICALLY yes I have successfully boycotted CoD.
Since you played the game it counts as failing to boycott. By definition to boycott something you must have no association with it.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I boycott almost everything successfully. Oh, did you mean refusing to buy something that I actually WANT because I believe it's bad? Personally, I just think that's silly. If I actually believed something was bad, I wouldn't want it any more.

Due to my new diet, I'm boycotting carbs--wheat in particular. It's going quite well.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Vault101 said:
but becuase if you REALLY want it...then shitty DRM or not your going to get it (like i did)
Just because you don't have the self control to say no when you disagree with a companies business practices does not mean others don't have the self control either.

For the record, when I heard about AC2 having it's terrible DRM, I avoided it. I did really want the game, but not while they were saddling PC players with a DRM scheme so needlessly restrictive (and I wanted it for the PS3 which doesn't even have such DRM). Then Ubisoft listened to the outcry and not only did they ditch the DRM with Brotherhood, they changed it in AC2 to at least be less restrictive. I still dislike the fact that you need to be online at start up to play single player, but at least it's a bit of progress.

I've loosened my stance on Ubisoft to some degree though. Games that feature these kind of idiotic DRM on any platform I'll avoid, but the ones without such absurd measures that I actually want I'll support, because I want my money going to games which aren't punishing paid customers.

As for full blown boycott's of entire companies, I've been boycotting Activision for the last few years. I loved COD4, but their handling of Infinity Ward shortly after MW2 was released, coupled with their yearly iterations on their most successful franchises, and the very anti-gaming attitudes which Kotick has expressed repeatedly completely put me off of them. I will not give my money to a company that sees customers as little more than dollar signs, and employees as something to be exploited in whatever way they can manage. I haven't bought an Activision game since COD4. There have even been games I've seen which looked interesting which weren't the usual Activision fare, but once I found out they were publishing them I never gave them a second look.

There are too many companies out there that aren't treating their customers and employees like complete garbage who still manage to make great games, and I've got no problem supporting them and having plenty to play without ever giving companies like Activision a single dollar of my money.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Vivi22 said:
Vault101 said:
but becuase if you REALLY want it...then shitty DRM or not your going to get it (like i did)
Just because you don't have the self control to say no when you disagree with a companies business practices does not mean others don't have the self control either.

I lack self control?

I dont know if the customers actually made a difference to ubisofts policy....mabye they did but I dont know how often it happens

all I'm saying is there are plenty of people of will go "aaahh fuck it" and just get it because they are fans and will put up with it....its better than not having any game at all, go on just see how well Diablo 3 sells...it will sell Im pretty sure

Of coarse bad buiness practices can sway ones opinions...like I was NEVER interested in any of the call of duty games...but my interest is even less because of activision,it puts me off even more, same goes with blizards DRM, but I was only mildly interested in Diablo at best

but if activision was putting out mass effect 3...damn right I would buy it..collectors edition too..if that means I lack self controll...then fine

also I dont think "I dont get popular game x because Im not interested" counts as boycotting..(as alot of people here seem to be saying)


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Vault101 said:
I lack self control?
Perhaps I was reading too much into your buying games despite shitty DRM. If so I apologize.

Vault101 said:
I dont know if the customers actually made a difference to ubisofts policy....mabye they did but I dont know how often it happens
I'm sure it happens less than the people who boycott would like, but I do think that largely comes down to most people either not noticing or not caring when companies are acting like assholes, and not generating enough of a backlash against them, rather than companies simply not listening to customers. And I will bet money that Ubisoft changed the DRM in Assassin's Creed because a lot of people spoke out against it. If not, they'd still be using it (especially since they are still using it in some other games/series).

Vault101 said:
all I'm saying is there are plenty of people of will go "aaahh fuck it" and just get it because they are fans and will put up with it....its better than not having any game at all, go on just see how well Diablo 3 sells...it will sell Im pretty sure
Yeah, there are a lot of people who will simply put up with it, which I think is largely due to general consumer apathy or lack of information. I have no doubt Diablo 3 will sell well. But there are still a lot of people who will pass on it because they don't like companies trying to screw them over. I also disagree with the statement that giving in is better than not having any game at all. We're not talking about a situation where you're forced to choose between having a game and putting up with DRM or not buying any game at all. It's more a matter of buying a game with shitty DRM, or buying a different game that's also really good that doesn't have it. As much as I may want a game sometimes (such as MW2 when it came out), I'm not so beholden to any franchise or development team that I'll turn a blind eye and buy it if they're doing something I don't like. There's no shortage of other companies doing great things as well, many of whom could probably use my money more to be honest.

Vault101 said:
but if activision was putting out mass effect 3...damn right I would buy it..collectors edition too..if that means I lack self controll...then fine
When I said lack of self control, I was specifically referring to the sort of behaviour some people exhibit where they'll verbally chastise a company, and claim they're the worst of the worst for what they're doing on the one hand, but buy their stuff anyway. Those people are either low on self control, or don't really feel half as strongly as they say.

The way I see it, if you hate what a company is doing so much that you feel the need to tell everyone you meet in person and online why they're the scum of the earth then the least you can do is show the small amount of restraint required to put your money where your mouth is and buy something else or not buy anything at all.

So the question really boils down to which do you feel is more important. Taking a stand against a business practice you don't like or playing a game. I won't begrudge anyone for the going with the latter, but at least try not to be a complete hypocrite when you do it, and certainly don't talk about boycotting a company, except for the games you want.

Vault101 said:
also I dont think "I dont get popular game x because Im not interested" counts as boycotting..(as alot of people here seem to be saying)
I agree, it doesn't count as boycotting. Everyone "boycotts" the things they aren't interested in to begin with. Saying you boycott something is meaningless if you make exceptions for the things you would actually want if you didn't disagree with what the company in question is doing. If you're going to say you're boycotting something then you need to be consistent.

Like I won't say I'm boycotting all Ubisoft games. Simply the ones that use always on DRM. I didn't even touch Assassin's Creed 2 until they got rid of it, which wasn't easy when everyone and their mother was talking about how good it was, but I didn't play it on any platform until a year and a half after it came out and they had backpedaled on the DRM front. They're still using the always on DRM in some games, but not others, so I'll continue to support the games I want that don't have it, and avoid those that do.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Nestle, haven't touched their food or products in... 2 years?

This is the reason why: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestl%C3%A9_boycott


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Well, I don't expect companies to change their ways because I or a couple thousand people decide to stop shopping there. Unless it's a very small company, losing customers just isn't a big deal. My reasoning behind not shopping at places that support anti-LGBT groups is that I don't want them to take my money and use some of it to fund people who want to continue to discriminate against me and a lot of my friends.

I was never bothered that Chick-Fil-A was a Christian run chain, or that they supported Christian values. Being religious does not automatically make you hate. So I was more than happy to eat there until I found out that they were directly in support of a few hate groups. It's a shame because I like their food.. but I don't feel like funding those that hate me, as I said... Not to mention finding it hypocritical.
Jun 7, 2010
The only thing i would say i'm consciously boycotting is Activision. I haven't bought any of their games since the whole Infinity Ward thing and their practise of shitting out a £40 map pack annually.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
I stopped buying Ubisoft games, and now I'm also avoiding EA.

Additionally I also don't buy stuff from Nestlé and some other food giants (which includes never visiting any fast food chains).


New member
Jan 1, 2011
There are a good number of fast food franchises I've steered clear off for a good few years, especially since watching Supersize Me. McDonalds, Burger King, KFC and a few other of the big ones; I think their food is rank, overpriced and they treat their staff like shit, so yeah, they won't get my money.

rollerfox88 said:
I have successfully boycotted my local public buses, as they were constitutionally unable to stick to a schedule, they charge a ridiculous amount that doesnt decrease even if you walk a mile and a half along the route, they were prone to not showing up at all, and the drivers were rude.

In doing so I have saved myself £15 a week (which I used to justify treating myself to a shiny new copy of Skyrim yesterday) as well as getting a little fitter walking to work every night :)
I wish I could do that, but unfortunately it would entail a two hour walk to Uni; I've managed to hitch lifts or use a family car to drive myself in since this semester started, but I don't think that'll last long sadly; buses where I live are extortionate, mainly because one company has a virtual monopoly, save a few crappy routes they don't bother on. Buses are often late (not usually their fault, the roads where I live are just bad) or the drivers take their sweet time leaving the bus station and end up five minutes late.
Edit: Actually I forgot my Uni's cafeteria; the food is overpriced and the staff are often rude; been boycotting it since I started and probably saved quite a bit taking food from home.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
... Yes.

"I'm not going to buy (INSERT THOUSANDS OF GAME NAMES HERE) because it does not interest me."

Does that count? :p

Or are you talking "I find this game interesting, but I feel morally obligated to not buy it?"

Because in that case, no, because I've never had that situation.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
Yep. I've been able to boycott Apple. I've never bought any of their products, yay me!