Heavy Metal Icon's Son Accused of Plagiarizing Famous Manga


New member
Feb 26, 2010
looking to find similarities? your really serious?

The Orihime look alike is tilting her head the same way and saying the same thing as Orihime is saying. The only difference is the clothes and hair color. when laid ontop of each other it's an almost identical match.

As an artist myself, I will tell you with 100% certianty... the odds of that happening coincidentally or accidentally more than 3x are a million to 1 on a good day. I mean seriously. We're not talking one look alike, two look alikes, three look alikes, we're talking about an entire comic.

no body positions aren't owned... but I mean come on... The same head tilt, tears in her eyes, saying the exact same thing... the same body position, grabbing at the chest, hunched over, shocked look on the face, saying almost the exact same thing... and when overlayed on top of each other, they are almost identical.

not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, almost TWENTY different examples of too close to be a coincidence.

And how odd is it that some of the Deviant Art traces in question, are actually saved on his favorites?

Look, unlike everyone else, I like Gene Simmons. I LOL'ed when he had a cameo on the live action DMC movie. never really watched family jewels, but my mom use to like it... So I'm not looking to hang him out to dry...

but this is tracing dude. As someone who has been drawing since the womb, who studied art from kindergarten through college... as a painter who just won top award out of 500 entries at our local festival this summer... I have to say... this is a bit more than merely circumstantial evidence as it is clear that the number of "coincidences" is just too many to be a coincidence... Someone with NO art experience who is blind in one eye could see that.

and besides, in a case such as this would be if it got that far... you don't need to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, because it doesn't reach that high of a crime... you just need to prove that it is more likely than not, similar rules to small claims court... It's what is more likely to have happened that can determine the outcome, and circumstantial evidence is admissible, so it would be allowed. and there is more than enough evidence to prove that, more likely than not, he traced the majority if not all, of his comic from other artists.

If there weren't a strong enough case... his publisher would have laughed it off and not halted production (there's a collecters issue that was due in March currently in Limbo) It's not a good sign when your publisher doesn't come out and back you up publically (even if they have concerns) it's not a good sign at all.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
HG131 said:
As much as I like KISS (who is NOT metal, barring Revenge), the kid is a thief. Or, as Dr. Hax would say, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New member
Mar 29, 2008
Mayuchan said:
looking to find similarities? your really serious?
I don't like Gene Simmonds or his son. There is no way anyone on DA is getting any compensation cause he took an idea for a contrapposto stance. Manga/Comicbook dialogue is a very weak argument.

You say 20 examples but I see a reality of only 2 that have enough evidence to provoke the thought and from what I know Bleach doesn't have demon lords that decided to hide in the real world for years though that is all I got from the description. I love how you say 'Almost Identical' yet I say similar which is exactly what this is just similarities nothing is de facto Identical. You say 'tracing' but only because others have already said that he traced them while he could have done the drawings himself and the editors and other staff could prime and polish. If you got your way then every genetically enhanced soldier story would not exist and we'd be playing 'Universal Soldier' instead of Halo 3. There would be only one WW2 game and it would have graphical upgrades every 2 years.

I'll tell you exactly why I take nobody's word but my own on the subject because we are talking about 'BLEACH FANS' 'DEVIANT ART' 'FORUMS' which all translates to 'Idiots following Idiots' the fact that his publisher stopped production is nothing except covering their ass while he hangs his ass out to dry. I like Bleach but I'm jaded unlike Bleach fans which means I have no particular bias on this story other than the ones I hold against Fanatics and the word Plagiarism which has lost its rank since the days of internet have allowed people to put information and ideas at such immediate access.

Sir Prize

New member
Dec 29, 2009
Well after seeing all the overlays and such I'll say that there is a very good chance he traced all of it, but do I think there's a chance of him being taken to court and losing money...no.

The evidence shown this far is not going to hold up that well in court because A) it's all from fans this far and will easily be shot down and B)as someone else stated, any good lawyer will pull out other mangas and show that their all similar.

And for the point of the publisher halting prodcution here's my view. People will take more notice of this case BECAUSE of the fact that he is a famous person's son and the case will get more coverage, so they have to make sure that there isn't too much evidene.

I don't like tracers and I would like to see this guy get taken down and lose allot of money, just to set an example but it won't happen.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
If anyone is still interested, Nick released a statement where he basically admits he's been a MAJOR fan of Bleach and that he does draw "inspiration" from Bleach's art.

So there blows the "maybe he doesn't even know Bleach" theory out of the water.

really, the statement was more damaging to him than if he kept his mouth shut. Now I notice even people who defended him are starting to shake their heads.