I hate to nitpick, but that should be "of Mice and Fire."DVS BSTrD said:Truly a masterpiece Rydell
we shall call this arc: A Suchong of Fire and Mice.
Ummm... just a question, but did you miss the previous page where the old Suchong fell over, everyone seemed sad and got a painting of himself put on the wall? That KINDA implies that he died.PunkRex said:So was it one of Suchongs kids who succeeded him, he was a father after all, or will he now retire and live out his days along side his family?
Well, remember, Erin isn't exactly the brightest of bulbs, but I think the mere presence of a Suchong is enough to keep her grounded.DuelLadyS said:I worry about Erin that it wouldn't occur to her at some point that her rat is impossibly old... at the same time, I like the idea that the rats care so much to go through all of this.
That's a bit silly. Kids have to experience grief at some point.Caramel Frappe said:As sad as that may be, I knew parents who've replaced dead hamsters/frogs, ect. so their kids wouldn't be heart broken. They search in advance once they know the signs of a pet dying and find the 'match' looking very similar. Kids might pick up, but most of the time they will not if it's simple as say, a frog.MetalMagpie said:It makes me feel a bit sad that Erin doesn't know her pet well enough (or pay enough attention to him) to notice when he's been swapped. :/
And there was also kinda the funeral pyre, directly mentioned in the notes of the 3rd strip; very respectful of the rats.Gaboris said:Ummm... just a question, but did you miss the previous page where the old Suchong fell over, everyone seemed sad and got a painting of himself put on the wall? That KINDA implies that he died.PunkRex said:So was it one of Suchongs kids who succeeded him, he was a father after all, or will he now retire and live out his days along side his family?![]()
Considering the world's oldest cat was 36, Pumpkin could live another 15 years, and for it's sake and yours I hope it does.Imp Emissary said:Anyway, I have a 21 year old cat, so this arc got to me a bit. Sadly, I don't think Pumpkin has a secret society that worships me. That's not really a cats style.
Unless that picture is of the original Suchong and the rest are his descendants or followers or something.The Bread is Delicious said:Also I imagine this is only Suchong #2 seeing there was only one picture on the wall behind the Erin Shrine.
Actually the last time I looked it up it was 38! xDimmortalfrieza said:Considering the world's oldest cat was 36, Pumpkin could live another 15 years, and for it's sake and yours I hope it does.Imp Emissary said:Anyway, I have a 21 year old cat, so this arc got to me a bit. Sadly, I don't think Pumpkin has a secret society that worships me. That's not really a cats style.
....Keep digging into a mystery you know nothing about and you'll fnd the order at your door step with cheese and swords in paw....Plucky said:You know what, one thing that confuses me is that if there are tons of Rats in line for becoming the next Suchong and the intelligence of keeping the masquerade up...why not just simply hide the Skittles? I mean if they're dieing at such a rapid pace because of the consumption of skittles, wouldn't it make sense for them to avoid eating them in the first place...
...Unless there's some sort of secret agenda with the elders, possibly involving keeping the worthwhile mates in circulation and giving the "blessing" of being the next Suchong as a way of getting rid of them to a chocolate death? Only other option is that they avoid telling them that chocolate is poisonous to ensure that Suchong always looks as young as he is, due to more young rats to take his place?
EDIT: Dear god, what if he always looked that young because the rat was replaced on a weekly basis, we could be on Suchong Two-Hundred-And-Six by now.
Oh right, my bad. I didn't realise he was on the pyre...Gaboris said:Don' worry Cory, this mini arc was a fine addition to Erin's story, BUT I must stress that I DO expect this to return one way or another in the future. Since you know the rule of writing something into a story "If you made it then you have to use it."... Okay so that's MY rule but it should still stand it's ground just because it wasn't made by a guy decades ago.
Ummm... just a question, but did you miss the previous page where the old Suchong fell over, everyone seemed sad and got a painting of himself put on the wall? That KINDA implies that he died.PunkRex said:So was it one of Suchongs kids who succeeded him, he was a father after all, or will he now retire and live out his days along side his family?![]()