Honestly though, there is only so much You can actually do in such a game. Same with mobas. At some point, You run into the same skills and skillsets because they are the only ones that make sense.
Of course the flying character will have a rocket launcher. You are looking downwards at the battlefield, that means every target will be visually smaller. You need splash damage to actually hit anything consistently. The only other sensible things would be melee diver (probably nausea-inducing when combined with flight) or grenadier (pure cancer. Just trust me on that).
Of course the tank in a FPS will have a shield. What else? And of course it will be rectangular - it's easier to animate than a circle, and has to presumably cover a lot of diverse character models of varying heights.
Of course the turret-building guy will be a dwarf in such a setting. That is not an overwatch character, that is a friggin' dwarf. It's a trope.
I could go on, but You probably get the point. And honestly? If they changed some minor stuff, what would the reaction be? "Oh, that's just like Overwatch Character XY, but he has a ROUND shield! Who do they think they're fooling? It's just a clone! And that one, that's just a mix of Overwatch Character A and B! How unoriginal! What, come up with a character concept that can't be described in those terms? Of course I can! I, um... just don't want to!"
They're not exactly on a generous budget. Why scrap weeks and months of concept art, modelling, animating etc. just to try to prevent the inevitable?