I'm reminded of FFVII and its multiple spin-offs. You have Dirge of Cerberus, which is kind of a sequel AFTER the sequel, Advent Children, of FFVII. Which, as it turns out, is a sequel of Crisis Core. Which is also a sequel to Before Crisis. And don't even get me started on Kingdom Hearts.
See what I'm getting at? MGS4 answered every question there was, got rid of the baddies and gave Snake a fitting reward, at least for someone like him. No Ocelot, no Patriots = no MGS. So MGS5 looks more like a prequel to any preexisting MGS games. So like I said, if you keep adding prequels and sequels and spin-offs, you only end up convoluting (?) the story even more. It was already fine as it was! We got all the answers we needed with MGS4! A prequel would have to create more questions and solve them almost immediately, unless then intend to make MGS6 and 7.
See, Kojima? When you wanna kill of a franchise, kill the main character for sure.
...What? No, RE doesn't count. No, FF doesn't count either. DMC doe-- AW, FINE!
I'll admit, though. I hated those long cutscenes. Not because they were lengthy. I mean, I knew what I was getting into especially after playing Snake Eater. No, I hated them because I liked to lay back, put down the controller and watch the cutscene as a reward for defeating that one boss. But noooooooo! You gotta stay alert because if you blink, you might miss that quick-time event! And there's even invisible ones! I guess it was just a pet peeve of mine.
Anyway, if Kojima is involved, it will probably be a good game. Heck, I'll even get Revengeance despite the dumb subtitle. But still, I wish it would have ended with MGS4.
Mahoshonen said:
1: Its actually a prequel to MGS3 where you play The Boss during her D-Day mission. Bonus points for self-cessarian QTE.
"And now it's MOVE/Kinect compatible! Use your hand or the MOVE controller to guide the knife through The Boss' stomach! Uh-oh! It appears The Boss gave birth to a major, recurring villain. Position your hands, or the MOVE controllers, in front of you and shake the baby!"
I can totally see that happening.