Highlander: The Game: There Can Be Only None


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
Super Toast said:
...There was going to be a Highlander game?
There is a Highlander videogame


New member
Mar 8, 2010
In the end there should have been only 1 movie and no sequels, games, nor cartoons/anime.

Iron Lightning

Lightweight Extreme
Oct 19, 2009
Well, this is kind of a relief, knowing Square Enix, this Owen MacLeod would probably be a skinny emo child with an oversized sword.

Edit: It's McCloud, not MacLeod.


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Honestly, I thought this got canceled over a year ago. I had some friends at Eidos before Square Enix bought them up; according to them, the game was pretty dreadful even then.


A Miserable Pile of Honesty
Jul 17, 2009
Iron Lightning said:
Well, this is kind of a relief, knowing Square Enix, this Owen MacLeod would probably be a skinny emo child with an oversized sword.

Edit: It's McCloud, not MacLeod.
Two things wrong with this statement.

1. Look at the shot that comes with this article. That was a concept shot of the game. I don't see Mr. McCloud as any of those three things (neither skinny nor emo NOR a child), and that sword in that is MEANT to be wielded by two hands, and even then, it's not oversized.

2. The game was actually being developed by Eidos, not by the standard SE team. I would be more worried if it turned into a Kane and Lynch 2, not an FFXIV.

vansau said:
Honestly, I thought this got canceled over a year ago. I had some friends at Eidos before Square Enix bought them up; according to them, the game was pretty dreadful even then.
That was what I thought, too, though I didn't have the friends to have it said to me.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
There is no Highlander cartoon either.
<IMG SRC="http://s91291220.onlinehome.us/formica/malone.jpg" align=right>Awww, pshoo. It was a fascinating study in how neutered concepts have to be to pass as a cartoon and what can and can't pass under the radar. For those who never saw it:
1) Chopping off heads is something the protagonist must NEVER do, directly or indirectly. (He CAN do it accidentally, though.)
2) The bad guy can do it, but only off screen. He can SAY what he's about to do, you just can't show him swinging the sword.
3) Accidental decapitation is okay as well. In fact, accidental blending in an industrial fan is okay, as long as cut away about half a second before the victim would hit the blades.
4) Showing the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki, including an immortal walking around the immediate aftermath and seeing a human-shaped scorch mark is okay.

And I'm sure you could get some mileage out of the concept of an immortal who had taken an oath of nonviolence so complete that he could even pass on his power nonviolently.

Also, the bad guy's post-apocalyptic jester also had some rather disturbing implications. I know this is the low-hanging fruit of the series, but come on! A guy who hangs around with a rather wispy young man (possibly even a teenager) in leatherish pants, no shirt, and a weird leatherish half-mask? And has a room that's basically a monument to all his previous 'jesters' that he kept in a similar role for the last thousand years?

slunk slayer

New member
Jul 13, 2009
i didnt get to see the anime but i HAVE all the movies and i loved em all (all being the good ones 'cept for 3) the story doesnt change, and gives new challenges this will prove to have many sequels


New member
Mar 26, 2008
When I first saw the film in between Highlander & Highlander 3 I was absolutely shocked to find out that George Lucas had nothing to do with it :p

Hope that the reboot does this idea justice. The series was ok when I was younger, but is bloody unwatchable now. I hated the cartoon, not for it's crapness, for replacing X-Men on Saturday mornings!

The original film was quality though, good cast, awesome soundtrack and the Kurgan, who is awesomeness personified >:D

(Edit) Anime was pretty damn good too.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
As I'm sure others will remind you, there is no Highlander 2.


There is no Highlander cartoon either.

Nope. Don't exist.
There was also no The Source. Duncan never used knives or spun around someone to bury them in sand.

Iron Lightning said:
Well, this is kind of a relief, knowing Square Enix, this Owen MacLeod would probably be a skinny emo child with an oversized sword.

Edit: It's McCloud, not MacLeod.
No, it's MacLeod.