Hindus Criticize Smite For "Trivializing" Their Religion


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Richardplex said:
Berenzen said:

Make it happen Hi-Rez.
Nail should be in his wrist, factually inaccurate. Otherwise that is the best thing I've seen all day.
Because the cross cannon is totally factually accurate ;)
But yes, this should SO be in the game :p


New member
May 22, 2012
albino boo said:
Stripes said:
albino boo said:
All these gaming studious being hip and gritty to make a controversy by insulting a group that won't hit back becomes somewhat tiresome. I would praise them if them made Mohamed a player character but of course that means they might have to risk their life. Like all playground bullies they can dish it out, but run away from anything that they stand a real risk with.
Why would you praise someone for maing a muhhamed character?

Currently they offending other peoples religions deliberately to create controversy to get themselves free advertising. They are doing that at no risk to themselves, but if they use Mohamed they would be putting their lives in danger. They could then make a legitimate case that its about freedom of expression, but as it they are just making a cheap buck out of insulting someone who won't punch back.
Dont you think your being a bit extreme here? Muslims dont kill people for drawing muhhamed, on the whole at least, no more than christians kill homosexuals. Considering he has no image and is purely a religious character I cant see a reaosn to draw him other than to piss off muslims, you can defend it with free speech but it wouldnt make you less of a scumbag for deliberatively being shocking and offensive which is also pretty cowardly and childish.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
darkstone said:
Now lets see if the devs have the balls to make Jesus a playable character.
actually, Mohammed would be the bigger debate, I'd have no problem playing Jesus whooping other deities, it'd be about the same as the League of Super Best Friends from South Park


New member
Aug 6, 2010
darkstone said:
Now lets see if the devs have the balls to make Jesus a playable character.
I refuse to even look at this game until it includes Jesus or Mohammed.
So far, this game just reminds me of War Gods.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Stripes said:
albino boo said:
Stripes said:
albino boo said:
All these gaming studious being hip and gritty to make a controversy by insulting a group that won't hit back becomes somewhat tiresome. I would praise them if them made Mohamed a player character but of course that means they might have to risk their life. Like all playground bullies they can dish it out, but run away from anything that they stand a real risk with.
Why would you praise someone for maing a muhhamed character?

Currently they offending other peoples religions deliberately to create controversy to get themselves free advertising. They are doing that at no risk to themselves, but if they use Mohamed they would be putting their lives in danger. They could then make a legitimate case that its about freedom of expression, but as it they are just making a cheap buck out of insulting someone who won't punch back.
Dont you think your being a bit extreme here? Muslims dont kill people for drawing muhhamed, on the whole at least, no more than christians kill homosexuals. Considering he has no image and is purely a religious character I cant see a reaosn to draw him other than to piss off muslims, you can defend it with free speech but it wouldnt make you less of a scumbag for deliberatively being shocking and offensive which is also pretty cowardly and childish.
Woah now, I think you are living in a little bubble of ignorance here. Muslims do kill people for drawing Mohammed, they threaten to kill people just for thinking or suggesting drawing Mohammed. To support free speech and get Muslims off of their invincible high horse of "you can't insult our religion!", <url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everybody_Draw_Mohammed_Day>Draw Mohammed Day has been created.

If you want, I can show you many instances of Muslims being violent towards people that draw Mohammed, but it would require a good deal of searching and browsing that I don't feel like doing right now. Long story short, Muslims are incredibly violent towards people that draw Mohammed.

I really hope you are trolling here =|


New member
Aug 29, 2010
The Human Torch said:
Richardplex said:
Berenzen said:

Make it happen Hi-Rez.
Nail should be in his wrist, factually inaccurate. Otherwise that is the best thing I've seen all day.
Well, new evidence suggests that crucifictions have had the nails in the palm. They used a combination of rope and nails to keep the victim up.

The ropes would be tied around the wrists and ankles, and nails will be hammered through the palm and feet. That way if friends/family members tried to rescue the crucified victim by cutting the ropes, the victim would have a really big problem.

Good old fashioned security measure.

Anyway, OT: As much as I don't give a crap about religion and religion devotees, I wonder how, let's say: AMERICA, would reply if they included Jesus.
Actually, both might be right. There is no evidence to show how the Romans actually did it - the only archaeological find is one guy's heel bone with a nail through the side. Bodies would be denied burial and left to rot, and nails would be reused.
Interpreting texts of those time can be hard (I understand the ancient Greeks even had no word for 'hand', but would say 'end of the arm', which could mean either wrist or palm, afaik))
It almost certainly wasn't like usually depicted, though.

And yes, religious America would shit themselves :p


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Torrasque said:
Stripes said:
albino boo said:
Stripes said:
albino boo said:
All these gaming studious being hip and gritty to make a controversy by insulting a group that won't hit back becomes somewhat tiresome. I would praise them if them made Mohamed a player character but of course that means they might have to risk their life. Like all playground bullies they can dish it out, but run away from anything that they stand a real risk with.
Why would you praise someone for maing a muhhamed character?

Currently they offending other peoples religions deliberately to create controversy to get themselves free advertising. They are doing that at no risk to themselves, but if they use Mohamed they would be putting their lives in danger. They could then make a legitimate case that its about freedom of expression, but as it they are just making a cheap buck out of insulting someone who won't punch back.
Dont you think your being a bit extreme here? Muslims dont kill people for drawing muhhamed, on the whole at least, no more than christians kill homosexuals. Considering he has no image and is purely a religious character I cant see a reaosn to draw him other than to piss off muslims, you can defend it with free speech but it wouldnt make you less of a scumbag for deliberatively being shocking and offensive which is also pretty cowardly and childish.
Woah now, I think you are living in a little bubble of ignorance here. Muslims do kill people for drawing Mohammed, they threaten to kill people just for thinking or suggesting drawing Mohammed. To support free speech and get Muslims off of their invincible high horse of "you can't insult our religion!", <url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everybody_Draw_Mohammed_Day>Draw Mohammed Day has been created.

If you want, I can show you many instances of Muslims being violent towards people that draw Mohammed, but it would require a good deal of searching and browsing that I don't feel like doing right now. Long story short, Muslims are incredibly violent towards people that draw Mohammed.

I really hope you are trolling here =|
Seriously? Not all Muslims are murderers, dude.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
TheBelgianGuy said:
Torrasque said:
Stripes said:
albino boo said:
Stripes said:
albino boo said:
All these gaming studious being hip and gritty to make a controversy by insulting a group that won't hit back becomes somewhat tiresome. I would praise them if them made Mohamed a player character but of course that means they might have to risk their life. Like all playground bullies they can dish it out, but run away from anything that they stand a real risk with.
Why would you praise someone for maing a muhhamed character?

Currently they offending other peoples religions deliberately to create controversy to get themselves free advertising. They are doing that at no risk to themselves, but if they use Mohamed they would be putting their lives in danger. They could then make a legitimate case that its about freedom of expression, but as it they are just making a cheap buck out of insulting someone who won't punch back.
Dont you think your being a bit extreme here? Muslims dont kill people for drawing muhhamed, on the whole at least, no more than christians kill homosexuals. Considering he has no image and is purely a religious character I cant see a reaosn to draw him other than to piss off muslims, you can defend it with free speech but it wouldnt make you less of a scumbag for deliberatively being shocking and offensive which is also pretty cowardly and childish.
Woah now, I think you are living in a little bubble of ignorance here. Muslims do kill people for drawing Mohammed, they threaten to kill people just for thinking or suggesting drawing Mohammed. To support free speech and get Muslims off of their invincible high horse of "you can't insult our religion!", <url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everybody_Draw_Mohammed_Day>Draw Mohammed Day has been created.

If you want, I can show you many instances of Muslims being violent towards people that draw Mohammed, but it would require a good deal of searching and browsing that I don't feel like doing right now. Long story short, Muslims are incredibly violent towards people that draw Mohammed.

I really hope you are trolling here =|
Seriously? Not all Muslims are murderers, dude.
And not all Christians are unbearably ignorant and annoying. It doesn't change the fact that people who have drawn Mohammed, have been killed by Muslims. I don't mean to say that all Muslims foam at the mouth when they see Mohammed drawn, but some still do.

I'm sorry if you thought I meant all Muslims react the same way, I didn't mean that at all.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
...And no one's raising an eyebrow over the fact that they're also including a Buddha in the roster?

I think they're just overreacting. I mean, she kind of is the God of Death, among other things. Sure, her role in Hinduism is much more complicated than that, but its not like depicting her in little clothing, with skulls, scimitars and being blue is all that out of the ordinary.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
I really get a Godyssey feel from this.


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
Shiva's been in Final Fantasy for over twenty years. Has the Universal Society of Hinduism ever complained about that? No? What makes Smite so special then?


New member
May 22, 2009
This story/thread makes me realize how great a religious deity fighting game could be. Like just a straight up side view 1 on 1 fighter.
Also they could use the gory finishers from Mortal Kombat!
Yay sacrilege!


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2011
This is a awesome idea for game. I don't get why Hindus are so worked up over this piece of fiction, It seems like when the Christians got all worked up by The DaVinci Code. It would be cool to see Jesus in this game though.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
I don't get what the big deal, it's not like they're animating Kali to give back alley blow jobs, it's a game where she fights against other deities, that's pretty damn badass. Hell, if I were a god and someone made a game where I could fought and kicked the shit out of other gods I'd be pretty damn pleased.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Lethos said:
darkstone said:
Now lets see if the devs have the balls to make Jesus a playable character.
I was wondering this. They seem to be trying to avoid the giant elephant in the room.
There's no point. What's Jesus going to do, feed the enemies fish and loaves until they all get diabetes?

Now if you wanted to throw the archangel Gabriel in there, that would be pretty freakin rad. Maybe add Lucifer to the roster to add to the controversy.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Richardplex said:
Saw this coming a mile away. Did think it was a bit odd for Hi Rez to include Hinduism along with dead religion's gods. Clearly, the only way to peacefully resolve this is to include Jesus as a hero.
No, they can't put Jesus in the game, he would be the biggest fucking overpowered mary sue. C'mon, he can battle-rez, duplicate anything he touches, and when shit hits the fan his dad is God, an even BIGGER mary sue than he is.