Honest Game Trailers: Splatoon

Team Hollywood

New member
Feb 9, 2009

From the company whos games milk your nostalgia for cash like a $60 Buzzfeed article, comes a new IP inspired by the 90's Nickelodeon logo that's going to be a real ***** for Mario to clean up after.

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New member
Sep 4, 2008
"Please remember to paint your base, and walls do not count as territory."

Yep... Is there an in-game share feature I can use? People need to see this at least just for that part.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
"Starring: Hentai Incoming."
Too late...Rule 34 works incredibly fast.

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
RJ 17 said:
"Staring: Hentai Incoming."
Too late...Rule 34 works incredibly fast.
Caramel Frappe said:
Hentai Incoming.

.. . . .. Honest Trailers has never been more honest.
This is the worst thing about the Splatoon community by far as according to the game, the inkling characters are only 14.

That's too far, if you ask me.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Z of the Na said:
RJ 17 said:
"Staring: Hentai Incoming."
Too late...Rule 34 works incredibly fast.
Caramel Frappe said:
Hentai Incoming.

.. . . .. Honest Trailers has never been more honest.
This is the worst thing about the Splatoon community by far as according to the game, the inkling characters are only 14.

That's too far, if you ask me.
14 is too far try 10 or younger squick

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Z of the Na said:
RJ 17 said:
"Staring: Hentai Incoming."
Too late...Rule 34 works incredibly fast.
Caramel Frappe said:
Hentai Incoming.

.. . . .. Honest Trailers has never been more honest.
This is the worst thing about the Splatoon community by far as according to the game, the inkling characters are only 14.

That's too far, if you ask me.
You'll get no argument from me on that note. Unfortunately, the Rules of the Internet are absolute.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
assuming all the missing features are actually missing instead of added for comedic effect. who the fuck though this is release-ready?

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
And then people harp at me for mentioning it's been 14 years since Nintendo had a new IP on a home console.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Strazdas said:
assuming all the missing features are actually missing instead of added for comedic effect. who the fuck though this is release-ready?
Mainly because...they don't matter? Like seriously, most people (cause if I say all the one other person will appear) don't really care that any of the features aren't there because it's just so much fun. In addition, some of the features missing (like the choose your own map) isn't there because they want to guarantee a game and the game is being continually updated weekly with new maps and modes a la TF2 for free so most of the "missing features" are really minor.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
And then people harp at me for mentioning it's been 14 years since Nintendo had a new IP on a home console.
EAD AAA you mean. :p


The Crazy One
Feb 26, 2010
Strazdas said:
assuming all the missing features are actually missing instead of added for comedic effect. who the fuck though this is release-ready?
There have been no real missing features. Ranking mode was missing only so that the massive amounts of match data from the standard mode could be used to tweak it. There are plenty of weapons but they are walled off to inexperienced players and thus allows the game play to evolve rather than everyone jumping to the most powerful weapon combos from the very start. The paint brush was added later because it clearly needed additional game data to be balanced properly. Game play trailers showed it already existed before launch so the only reason for it no to be there on day one is that it could be game breaking if too powerful. Map selection doesn't exist to ensure that people actually get matches because when you divide the user base by 12 maps you only get matches on the most popular maps if at all. Split screen is a bit much to ask for a game that is dependent on the tablet for competitive play which is why the local vs mode has all of the map features and functions stripped out so the Pro Control player isn't at a massive disadvantage. Same reason goes for why you can't bring local multiplayer into the online matches. Putting a small amount of maps into rotation for competitive play is standard practice, but you probably don't actually play online competitive games like SC2 or TF2

They missed actual criticism of amiibo walled off features. Three Fourths of the single player game cannot be done unless you have all 3 amiibos. Beating the final boss with the roller was interesting, and I'm not sure how to even approach using the charger. However it's a tolerable experiment in how they can use the little toys.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Objectable said:
Yeah, I think this trailer is much more effective.
I like the Splatatatatatatatatatata *8 hours of tatata* version better.

Well, aside from the 14 years since last IP, it's a good video. Also why not mention the freaking awesome music? I have the OST running on youtube for a few days already.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
xaszatm said:
so most of the "missing features" are really minor.
lack of matchmaking, the low map count, and the bad lobby controls would be the kiss of death for most shooters.
Matchmaking in particular tends to destroy interest in a game if not addressed quickly


New member
Dec 4, 2008
medv4380 said:
you probably don't actually play online competitive games like SC2 or TF2
1. That's borderline inulting but it is Strat call.

and it's best to check profiles as he has a youtube channle with WOT videos on it. Which is a competitive online shooter(in a lose term).

and funny enough both of those games have large map pools that are rotated in and out of competitive play, so same question to you there bukko.


New member
Nov 22, 2014
direkiller said:
xaszatm said:
so most of the "missing features" are really minor.
lack of matchmaking, the low map count, and the bad lobby controls would be the kiss of death for most shooters.
Matchmaking in particular tends to destroy interest in a game if not addressed quickly
I wouldn't classify this like most shooters, since it's a brand new IP with different mechanics and platforming/shooting/traversing SP Mode.
They already released one additional map and will introduce another new map tomorrow.

The things I'm missing the most is being able to spectate friends or high ranked players, since that's interesting to me. More commands with the D Pad, currently there is only two - "Special Ready", "Run Away", "Hold Position" & "Come here" would be far more useful than Boo-ya and CMON. Being able to rewatch your own matches and share them via Youtube like MK8. Having the capability to have at the very least two loadouts during the beginning of a match - so you are not paired with just one weapon class in a team.

So far I've spend about 65 hours playing mostly multiplayer and it's been a blast. Haven't played DOTA and CS1.6 in the last 2 weeks.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Z of the Na said:
RJ 17 said:
"Staring: Hentai Incoming."
Too late...Rule 34 works incredibly fast.
Caramel Frappe said:
Hentai Incoming.

.. . . .. Honest Trailers has never been more honest.
This is the worst thing about the Splatoon community by far as according to the game, the inkling characters are only 14.

That's too far, if you ask me.
Well, they are professional soldiers who drown inteligent and self aware beings of another race in toxic paint and constantly put their own lives in danger.

If you erase the funny color filter this game becomes Hatred.

Feel free to argue if that is more or less fucked up than rule 34.

Captcha: The bible

What Jesus would say?


New member
May 27, 2009
Those modes are still coming as free DLC later on, and I'm actually pretty disappointed in this trailer.

For one, as was previously mentioned, the kid squid trailer was already brutally honest

Leads me to wonder whether or not they played the game at all


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
direkiller said:
xaszatm said:
so most of the "missing features" are really minor.
lack of matchmaking, the low map count, and the bad lobby controls would be the kiss of death for most shooters.
Matchmaking in particular tends to destroy interest in a game if not addressed quickly
Well, the matchmaking is there for Ranked battles. It's just not there for the free-for-all. Low Map Count will be gone by the end of this month as the next update adds like 4 maps bringing the map count to 11 (for reference, and why I've been comparing it to TF2, that game came out with 6 maps and didn't update until August of next year). And most problems with the lobby were fixed between the Testfire and the release so...yeah, there's those complaints.

And for the rest...honestly, the game is so much fun I don't care. Most people don't care either. It's just too much fun to worry about stuff like that.

Edit: Oh, if you mean party matchmaking, it's sort of there, you can guarantee that you and your friends will be playing in the same match, but it doesn't guarantee that all of you will be in the same team.