Is not often (and often aggressively) that not all pirates pirate everything? Would this not make them go "I would have brought it but they've now told me to go ahead, cool"? They'll still be ways as I've listed but they'll either not know or just ignore it.Charcharo said:I live in a country filled with pirates. A lot more then where you live
There is a very simple divide. People that will buy it and those that wont. The second one also includes the pirates. What the developers did here may have actually made the number of the second group smaller and the number of the first a tad bigger.
*And of coarse you are always the correct one for all matters ever and we can argue all day but your opinion is morally just and sound![]()
On to the second point... It is never quite as simple as that. And I did not say pirating is superior to getting it on consoles. Where did I say that?
Australia's classification board is the one to blame here.
That was not what I said. What I said is the issue of something being a gateway especially something like this can be fruitlessly argued either way to no conclusion. We could argue it for several pages or just conclude that there is no actual answer that can be found there.
Nowhere, but I did not say that you said it was "superior", though I suppose it'd not be a stretch to say you did. Word I used was "distasteful". Your response treated it as it was some sort of dishonour... some sort of shame getting it legally on console over illegally. Perhaps my words are too strong, but something definitely was off in what you said.
Anyway you'll be able to get it legally on PC too, I mentioned consoles as you told me to give you some ways around it which that was one.
And yet instead of giving the information that would tell people how to legally obtain the game regardless of the classification board... they tell people to pirate it. Doesn't exactly promote good things.