How civilized are the Escapist forums?


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Compared to the rest of the internet, I mean. On one hand, we don't seem to say "FIRST!" or call each other homophobic fags as much as other forums. But on the other hand, all the old members constantly complain about how "the forums used to be better" and "we used to have better threads!"

So... You guys!


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
The forums are no better and no worse than 99% of other forums out there. We've got the grizzled old vets who think it was way better back in the day. We've got the grammar nazis. We've got the sugared up dipshit who thinks yelling FIRST! at the posting of a new Zero Punctuation is still funny. Then we have the one good thread that gets buried by the same 100 topics that are posted on a daily basis.

Just like every other forum. No better, no worse, just the one I hang out at (I suppose that makes it better, you're welcome!) Did I mention the guy with the God complex?


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Probably the best forums I've ever been on... this place is awesome... if a bit pretentious... Though I do remember the threads being better when I first started... though I probably just resigned myself to the forums games in recent years...

but me personally... well I don't wear shoes anymore so I guess that disqualifies me from being part of the civilized world...

Edit: also you can probably thank the mods for how friendly this place is...<.<


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
I think it's pretty good here, the Mods are really effective about hitting the First people hard and there isn't too much spam either. Some people here may be a bit holier than thou but it's probably the best place I've been to, outside of a smaller niche website


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Quite civilized. Just depends on certain games, genres and platforms sometimes.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
tippy2k2 said:
The forums are no better and no worse than 99% of other forums out there. We've got the grizzled old vets who think it was way better back in the day. We've got the grammar nazis. We've got the sugared up dipshit who thinks yelling FIRST! at the posting of a new Zero Punctuation is still funny. Then we have the one good thread that gets buried by the same 100 topics that are posted on a daily basis.

Just like every other forum. No better, no worse, just the one I hang out at (I suppose that makes it better, you're welcome!) Did I mention the guy with the God complex?
Guy? Singular? They're all the same person? Huh. Well, that would explain why they all sound the same.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Compared the the rest of the internet, by averages, this is positively high society.
But yeah, this is generally a much more pleasant place to be than many other popular forums. I know i certainly feel more comfortable making a post here than other places.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Im fairly new here and to me the escapist seems to be extremly civilized in comparision to the rest of the internet, i have never encountered spam, and usualy my comments are replied to with normal responces, also i have never encountered that much hate toward a certain group and people are pretty open to opinions.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Of course it's more civilised.

I'm here, for starters.
I've seen this response twice already, and there's only been 6 posts. I feel like this is marking out something, but I can't for the life of me figure out what.


New member
May 27, 2009
Yep easily one of if not the best gaming based forum around, lacking flamers, and with fair mods, oh also lack internet memes for the most part, or if they are involved their not used much.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Well, it depends what thread you click on at any given time.
Sometimes it's civilized, sometimes it's heated and sometimes it's a mess. You roll the dice and hope you get lucky here. Still, that's better then having a site where you know what to expect, keeps things interesting.

Also, on a semi-related note, the back-ground politics between some users are...interesting. I've heard many rumours about what certain members may or may not think about other users, and I've seen a couple of screenies that also show said users bitching about other users here that, if in a public forum such as this, would cause a shit-storm.

And no, I'm not sharing those.
Dec 14, 2009
retyopy said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Of course it's more civilised.

I'm here, for starters.
I've seen this response twice already, and there's only been 6 posts. I feel like this is marking out something, but I can't for the life pf me figure out what.
That we're all incredibly sarcastic?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
For some reason, everytime I hear 'How civilized is... [Forum, country, etc]' I always feel the need to strip down to my caveman loincloth, bash a woman over the head with a club and sacrifice a newborn child to the Skygods of FallingWater, FireBall and BlackSky.

But that's just me.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
retyopy said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Of course it's more civilised.

I'm here, for starters.
I've seen this response twice already, and there's only been 6 posts. I feel like this is marking out something, but I can't for the life pf me figure out what.
That we're all incredibly sarcastic?
No, it couldn't be that. Why would you even spare a moments thought on such a silly idea?


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Depends where you visit, what day/time of the day it is, and who decides to post on any specific post.

Really, it's more or less the same as most forums. Except User Reviews. That's better than everywhere, obviously.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
We have pretty nice language skills, and don't constantly flame eachother, but all of the trolling is much more subtle and we're, for the most part, elitist as fuck.

So we're just as civilized as the other places, just in a different way.
Dec 14, 2009
retyopy said:
Daystar Clarion said:
retyopy said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Of course it's more civilised.

I'm here, for starters.
I've seen this response twice already, and there's only been 6 posts. I feel like this is marking out something, but I can't for the life pf me figure out what.
That we're all incredibly sarcastic?
No, it couldn't be that. Why would you even spare a moments thought on such a silly idea?
Yeah, it didn't sound right in my head either.

Must be all the elitism getting in the way of cognitive thought.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Inb4 supercilious derisive platitudes towards the influx of new members/lamenting of current state of forums from those whose only jejune notoin of virtue essentially amounts to 'I wuz ere FIRST!'. (It'll happen anyway)

OT: One thing I do have against these forums is the level of smugness that seems to exude from a fair amount of user's posts. Whether it be from sweeping generalisations about cultures/behavioural patterns/tastes etc., 'I've lost faith in humanity' misanthropy that stems from someone throwing a sandwich in your face or something and the incredibly grating sense of superiority you get from user's pining over the good old days, sneering down at any kind of behaviour they can attribute towards some kind of trend and acting with the same sense of general myopic smugness they accuse younger users of having as if they've unlocked the fucking zenith of cultural and intellectual fulfillment in their early-mid 20's. Also, there are some rather questionnable attitudes towards Feminism here...but probably best not to open that kettle of fish...again. But apart from these few gripes I'm rather fond of these forums, I've met quite a few people I like, some of the threads can be fun/interesting and while it isn't necessarily difficult to amass a userbase a little more erudite than the horde of illiterate troglodyte's that have plagued a fair many other communities on the Interwebz, I still hold this up as one of the better communities out there. Every forum you go to is going to have an asshole or two, but I've found most users that I recognise here to be rather pleasent. :)


New member
Jun 24, 2008
I guess better than most places, but it has gone downhill. Though that's only because there's a lot more people so of course you're going to get all the repeat topics and posts that are just repeats of posts within the first 3 pages.

Though I have to say that the amount of "Chernobyl" used as an example why we shouldn't build nuclear power plants in one topic has knocked this site down a few clicks for me.