How civilized are the Escapist forums?


New member
May 27, 2010
Glademaster said:
Kopikatsu said:
Depends on the topic. Seriously.

Make a topic with 'Am I the only one...' in the title and watch how you get destroyed by the community. Even though 'Am I the only one' isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's a figure of speech for godsakes.

I consider myself to be the Escapist's most infamous/successful troll, though. It's much too easy to get people riled up here.
Lol I've seen your posts and you have a long way to go. There have been trolls that have rickrolled mods and others that have spawned flame wars lasting up to a 1,000 replies. You have a long way to go before you can claim that. Whether you are serious or not about the claim is irrelevant but scope of the successful trolling that has gone on here needs to be noted.
Yes, but I'm sure most of the people who mess with the mods get horrible things done to them.

I remain unmolested.
Jun 11, 2008
Kopikatsu said:
Glademaster said:
Kopikatsu said:
Depends on the topic. Seriously.

Make a topic with 'Am I the only one...' in the title and watch how you get destroyed by the community. Even though 'Am I the only one' isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's a figure of speech for godsakes.

I consider myself to be the Escapist's most infamous/successful troll, though. It's much too easy to get people riled up here.
Lol I've seen your posts and you have a long way to go. There have been trolls that have rickrolled mods and others that have spawned flame wars lasting up to a 1,000 replies. You have a long way to go before you can claim that. Whether you are serious or not about the claim is irrelevant but scope of the successful trolling that has gone on here needs to be noted.
Yes, but I'm sure most of the people who mess with the mods get horrible things done to them.

I remain unmolested.
Nope a guy who managed to fool a lot of old members and a mod with a dummy post that I am fairly sure went to a rickroll or a bogus source(no one read source) got a bit of a pat on the back as no harm was done. So yes you've a long way to go.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
tippy2k2 said:
The forums are no better and no worse than 99% of other forums out there. We've got the grizzled old vets who think it was way better back in the day.
Woah there sonny. Reigh that back in. Most of the old timers are gone now, in fact there are only a handful of us left now.

Those youngins are the ones complaining, those 08ers and 09rs. They ain't old timers like the, what three 07ers around still?

I know I have complained about enjoying the forums more in the past, but that had more to do with the fact that they where small and pretty much anyone that posted regularly knew everyone else that did. I miss a lot of faces around here, but obviously not enough to keep in touch by other means.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
If I could one word post I would say pretentious. But I cant so this is the rest of it.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
ezeroast said:
If I could one word post I would say pretentious. But I cant so this is the rest of it.
If I could type just one word it would be "this".

I quite like this forum, but I've noticed that for all the illusion of freedom of thought and speech there's a distinct Leftist, Liberal bias - meaning that there are many threads that appear to open up debate on a subject, but as soon as you make a statement that doesn't completely support the original poster, you get flamed up the *ss and called every name under the sun.

Also, while on the surface everyone is fairly civil, if you read between the lines a lot of posters' input amounts to very little more than "OMG WTF U R SUCH A ****** LOLOL ALL CAPS CUS THATS HOW I ROLL". But hey, this is the internet, and normal person + soapbox + anonymity = douchebag.



New member
Aug 24, 2008
D Moness said:
white_salad said:
It's a very civilized place until you bring up something the escapist doesn't like. Then it turns into the normal internet.
Yep like nintendo or anything related to nintendo. Then what looks like a civil forum turns into the usual bandwagon of hate like the rest of the internet.

Then there is the hate/dislike about the anime topics. The sometimes looking down on new people. The group that blindly follows Yahtzee and flame anything even related to jrpg's.
The Yahtzee herd is the worst. They bash any game he bashes, but don't realize he's doing it for comedic effect and take his words as the only truth in the universe.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
I was going to say we have the internet so we must be civilized! But then I realized you said compared to other people on the internet... So I'm just going to have to say as about as civilized or uncivilized as anywhere else online.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
It's ok. The sense of community has been shattered with size though, I remember the good old days...

Well, it probably wasn't better. I think we had a higher opinion of ourselves back then (although I can't say that's completely gone). I'd say that at best we're a bit better than the rest of the internet, but still a million miles behind what I would consider civilised if we were all talking face to face.


New member
Aug 5, 2011
Glademaster said:
Nokiro said:
To the people talking about 4chan: you do realize most /v/ hates us right?
New members tend no to know how the rest of the internet tends to think of the Escapist forums but then again the rest of the internet thinks the same of itself. I've yet to go onto a forum that has said good things about another forum unless that forum has ties with the other forum.

If anyone is interested in how people who hate us view us these two [] links []. That sums it up nicely. Now I'll any users think of that what you will but we do need to stop thinking we are the best thing on the internet although the 10 people on this forum who understand binary already know this. Seriously though we are a solid forum that is no worse than others we are made unique by our flaws and most of all what we do right.

Just remember there is a little /b/ and youtube comments in us all don't deny it just use it in a constructive way.
Yup those links about somes it up.

Mr Somewhere

New member
Mar 9, 2011
Peaceable, that's how I'd put it. You can make your point, or discuss most things as long as you're reasonable about it. That being said I feel it's a tad too strict at times, maybe there could be a little more leniency. Perhaps certain more taboo topics should be more open to discussion.
I still enjoy my time here.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Its more civilzed than anything else. However I have seen that a lot of people on the escapist are very fond of this new religion called Skyrim and Friendship is Magic.