How civilized are the Escapist forums?


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Escapist is Less civilised than Youtube comments, More Civiised than Any Memebase Comments, and about as insane is The Bay12Forums - With less magma, blood, Goblins and Baby Merpeople farming.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Jimmybobjr said:
Escapist is Less civilised than Youtube comments, More Civiised than Any Memebase Comments, and about as insane is The Bay12Forums - With less magma, blood, Goblins and Baby Merpeople farming.
Less civilised than youtube comments? Really? That's pitiful on our count.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
I'm not sure, I don't actually have much experience with other forums; but I know we are far better then the youtube comments.However, on another thread someone implied because of the way I live I must be a 'fucking lunatic'. Hmm, nope, still better than a majority of YouTube comments.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Overall I think it's very civilized here.

Doesn't really mean people here are that much nicer then your average internet user (who isn't nearly as bad as sometimes made out to be). Just means the dislike takes different forms.

There's quite a decent bit of passive aggressiveness as well as many, many fallacies (argument by innuendo and irrelevant conclusions are particularly common) used to win arguments on the internet. But hey, that's part of the forum PvP. Can't say I'm not guilty of it as well.

It's just average here when it comes to most things if you ask me. An average with less insults and spelling errors but more passive aggressiveness and fallacies.


New member
May 27, 2010
Depends on the topic. Seriously.

Make a topic with 'Am I the only one...' in the title and watch how you get destroyed by the community. Even though 'Am I the only one' isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's a figure of speech for godsakes.

I consider myself to be the Escapist's most infamous/successful troll, though. It's much too easy to get people riled up here.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
I haven't posted here much in the past few months, so I'm just going by what I remember.

While most people act civil, I think there's a bit of condescension going on between posters.

We keep saying we're better than most other forums, but I don't really think we are. We have some really good people, and we have some really awful people, which is true of basically anywhere on the Internet and in real life.

I see a lot of repetition in threads, and a lot of ideas being parroted (most anything said by Yahtzee, arguments involving E vs WRPGs). The latter case is pretty bad in that it leads to just a ton of flame wars and I really would like for them to stop.

And I think the mods could maybe be a bit stricter. Not too much, just a tad.

I completely realize that everything I've just said has probably been posted eleventy billion times in this thread. Even though the post count isn't over 90 at this point.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
retyopy said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Escapist is Less civilised than Youtube comments, More Civiised than Any Memebase Comments, and about as insane is The Bay12Forums - With less magma, blood, Goblins and Baby Merpeople farming.
Less civilised than youtube comments? Really? That's pitiful on our count.
*more, i meant more. My bad.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Kopikatsu said:
Depends on the topic. Seriously.

Make a topic with 'Am I the only one...' in the title and watch how you get destroyed by the community. Even though 'Am I the only one' isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's a figure of speech for godsakes.

I consider myself to be the Escapist's most infamous/successful troll, though. It's much too easy to get people riled up here.
I know, right! I bet we're the only ones who realize its not meant to be taken seriously.

[sub][sub][sub][sub]see what I did right there?[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Consider that there are banhammers for people typing "first", troll like behivours or anything negative, it's pretty civilized around here.
So sure there will be some who complain the strictness on this site but those people don't know how to stay nice for long.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
It's very civilized until somebody's stupid enough to mention a few certain topics.
(which I will not name because that would be mentioning them)


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Vault101 said:
thelittleman66 said:
From what I have seen, these forums are okay. Not as bad as tvtropes, but can grow uncivilized with one proper comment.
whats wrong with TV tropes?

anyway although I havent had much itnernet experience thease forums seem pretty good, although I do fear moderator wrath at times..but I think its a fair price to pay
If you give ideas on how to improve the website, you are a troll and will be banned.
If don't like Lady Gaga's music, you will be flamed then banned.
If You don't know who a certain anime character is, you will get flamed.
If you don't care about MLP, you are a troll and will be banned.
If you call out the admins on not doing anything about this, you will be banned.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
The escapist is one of the most accepting of different opinions sites on the interwebs. So, very civilized.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
Let's put it this way, it we were to compare it to evolution, then the Escapist is living in caves and just learning about fire while the rest of the Internet is still just crawling out of the ocean.
This is a rather nice analogy. Props to you!

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
white_salad said:
It's a very civilized place until you bring up something the escapist doesn't like. Then it turns into the normal internet.
Yep like nintendo or anything related to nintendo. Then what looks like a civil forum turns into the usual bandwagon of hate like the rest of the internet.

Then there is the hate/dislike about the anime topics. The sometimes looking down on new people. The group that blindly follows Yahtzee and flame anything even related to jrpg's.
Jun 11, 2008
Nokiro said:
To the people talking about 4chan: you do realize most /v/ hates us right?
New members tend no to know how the rest of the internet tends to think of the Escapist forums but then again the rest of the internet thinks the same of itself. I've yet to go onto a forum that has said good things about another forum unless that forum has ties with the other forum.

If anyone is interested in how people who hate us view us these two [] links []. That sums it up nicely. Now I'll any users think of that what you will but we do need to stop thinking we are the best thing on the internet although the 10 people on this forum who understand binary already know this. Seriously though we are a solid forum that is no worse than others we are made unique by our flaws and most of all what we do right.

Just remember there is a little /b/ and youtube comments in us all don't deny it just use it in a constructive way.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
retyopy said:
Compared to the rest of the internet, I mean. On one hand, we don't seem to say "FIRST!" or call each other homophobic fags as much as other forums. But on the other hand, all the old members constantly complain about how "the forums used to be better" and "we used to have better threads!"

So... You guys!
I want to start by saying that I love your avatar, retyopy. It never ceases to fascinate me.

Anyway, for me, this place is much more civilised than the rest of what I have experienced on the internet. Having spent time on websites like Funnyjunk, where you are thumbed down and called a fag for having a different opinion every bloody second, The Escapist is my escape to read posts about something I love (games) without skipping every other post because it's a troll poster. It has its downsides, yes, but the pros outweigh the cons.
Jun 11, 2008
Kopikatsu said:
Depends on the topic. Seriously.

Make a topic with 'Am I the only one...' in the title and watch how you get destroyed by the community. Even though 'Am I the only one' isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's a figure of speech for godsakes.

I consider myself to be the Escapist's most infamous/successful troll, though. It's much too easy to get people riled up here.
Lol I've seen your posts and you have a long way to go. There have been trolls that have rickrolled mods and others that have spawned flame wars lasting up to a 1,000 replies. You have a long way to go before you can claim that. Whether you are serious or not about the claim is irrelevant but scope of the successful trolling that has gone on here needs to be noted.