How did you choose your username?

Zen Bard

Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Sep 16, 2012
cleric of the order said:
Zen Bard said:
On topic...I'm a practicing Zen Buddhist (one day, I'll get it right!).
Why zen.
If I'm not mistaken they have some of the most brutal practices(surviving), (perhaps it's another sub school but I do remember zen stories about masters killing students for incompetence).
which is odd from what I've been told Mahāyāna traditions tend to be lighter then Theravāda.
There are absolutely no stories of Zen Buddhist masters killing students as that would severely contradict the fundamental tenants of Buddhism.

That being said, there are stories (and I stress that they're stories) of some masters using violent methods to shock students into enlightenment.

However, Zen IS a type of Mahayana Buddhism. But it de-emphasizes studying the sutras as the main way to achieve enlightenment in favor finding one's Buddha-nature through experience.

My analogy is this: If ask a Buddhist hanging out by the pool and about the water temperature, he'll stick his toe in and tell you how he thinks it is.

If you ask a Zen Buddhist, he'll jump in and know for sure.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
At the time I was really into Death Note. I was also playing Devil May Cry 4 on Dante Must Die mode. I decided to put the two together.

The brackets are just there to look cool.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
RedDeadFred said:
To be honest, I wanted to get one with him doing his chicken impersonation, but I don't think there's gif that can do it justice. The sounds he makes are too important!
Probably for the best, you don't want to piss off any Mexican members of the forums.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Lunar - I like the moon, I find it rather pleasing to look at, (and I getta lot of time to do that seeing as i work at night) and a lot of 'moon' related things like mythology, and some of the creatures the moon holds sway over. The decision to use it however.

Princess Luna from MLP FiM.

Templar - I play tanks and high DEF DPS almost exclusively, in pretty much everything. it's the first class type I seek out, and since those are rather easy to pull off, is the barometer by which I judge the rest of the game. After all if they can't pull off a simple fighter, I've no reason to think they could handle something more complex.

Also, like above, there's a media related thing attached, in this case, the Black Templar Space Marines.

The best part is that the name it self isn't dependent on me continuing to like 40k or MLP to continue to work. It's two things I've always liked in one package.

lowtech redneck

New member
Sep 19, 2014
The first half is a brutally honest admission of technological ineptitude; the second half is half irony and half defiant Southern pride. Also, I just like the way it sounds.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Uhh, mine's kind of weird, I feel, and maybe a little cheesy, but I like it. So, I'm a writer, and one of my characters that I have written about is named Chance. One of my other characters calls him "Chancie" as a nickname, so, that's why I use the name. I feel a little self-absorbed for it, but whatever, it works for me. :)


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Once upon a time, back when the internet was young, you could post on message boards without having an actual username, password, etc.

I was on here long ago (before I actually started posting somewhat frequently) and someone had posted something that I just needed to respond to (I can't remember why). But then I saw that you had to register and have a password and a username and blah blah blah. I was pissed because I only planned on posting that one time, and it still made me register. Therefore, I hate registering.


New member
Apr 6, 2013
I go by 2 names, Deathbringer or Ghostface, came up with deathbringer in 2010 when playing Goldeneye Wii and just thought up a random cool sounding (shut up) name (i was 12 at the time I'm well aware of how terrible it is now...)

Aaaand Ghostface i came up with for my brother but i was randomly going through wiki articles and for some reason was looking up horror movies and the killer in Scream is actually called Ghostface and i thought that sounded coos and (again. i was 12) i was really desperate for my little brother to have a cool name in Goldeneye as well for some reason but then after he stopped using that (and he started using a much better name, ealstream, which is the translation of my old-english last name, Ellerbeck) i basically took back the Ghostface nickname and use it as a backup...2206 is 22nd June my birthday because i really wanted to have this nickname for some reason...I might actually think of a good name one day hopefully

The Raw Shark

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
Nov 19, 2014
I ended up playing alot of Metal Gear Rising from late 2013 to now(Gonna go on my 9th playthrough since my frakking PlayStation 3's memory got wiped thanks to my little brother) and so Raiden's nickname kinda stuck on me. So despite not being able to ham everything up as good as Raiden does, I wanted to name myself Jack the Ripper. Hence the avatar and two parts of the name.

Why is it "Jack O'Ripper"?
I felt like it needed an Irish spin. I don't know, I just liked how it sounded (That and SWTOR was being pissy about ANY username I ever used, I mean seriously EVERYONE has taken some sort of Username I mean I could type "asdfghjkl" and it would STILL say someone took that name.....IS EVERYONE REALLY THAT BORED?).

And so I am Jack O'Ripper. I don't think I have it in me to change the avatar until I can get a tablet to practice making a better one.
Take what you will from that story.

Section Crow

Infamous Scribbler for Life
Aug 26, 2009
Section because I believe I was either doing an essay at the time and recalling that i was supposed to 'Section' it accordingly or I was thinking about section 8 and found out it apparently had a sequel that I didn't know about (At the time), it can also be neither. My memory falters when it comes to usernames without any real sentimental substance.

Before I was the lurker known as section crow, I was the lurker known as crimsongamer of equally great recognition, I changed names since I was going through the teenage years (I was 14 at the time, soon to be 15) and I made a lot of dumb posts which I regretted out of those years of false assurance. Course you can just peruse through to my oldest posts and the fact I mainly lurked meant that probably no one recalled me in the first place, I just felt like changing it.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
I misspelt another word "Teclis" while I was entering a name for an account, and they wouldn't let me change it. Declis was unique, I grew to like it, and now I use it.

My story isn't as interesting as other peoples.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I chose it (btw it's how it's typed in my profile) back in January of 2005 when I started playing WoW and I wanted a name.

I couldn't find a good one so I played some custom Warcraft 3 maps back at my local net cafe that I was going to and picked a map with multiple randomized heroes and Darkhollow happened to be a name of a Lich that I grew fond of so ever since then I have been Darkhollow. My previous nicknames were Darkbone and Bone Collector and majority of the people back at the local cafe would call me "Bone" but sometimes in W3 they would call me "Dark" (which they are calling me in WoW for the past 10 years now). that point I also started watching Bleach faithfully every week and many asked me if I took the name from Bleach..since Hollows there are the monsters that Shinigami fight against. It wasn't my intention but dark shadow (if you would translate the name like that) sounded cool as well.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
It's basically a modified mistranslation of my last name into English that I came up with when I was 14-ish. It's kinda stupid but it stuck and I have grown quite fond of it.


New member
Dec 3, 2014
WHen I first started playing runescape, I was watching Inuyasha, and I really liked the villain Naraku, however the name Naraku was taking so I appended 3 random numbers on the end and it has stuck ever sense.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
A few years after the birth of the Internet, I started playing the online game called Magestorm. Five bucks to anyone that remembers that game. While making my first character, I had the idea to name him after the guy that gives you the Zodiac summon spell in Final Fantasy Tactics, since I had just gotten it. However, as anyone can plainly see, I misspelled his name, but I didn't know it for years. It eventually stuck and is now one of my two default user names. My other one also comes from Magestorm. Loved the heck out of that game. That and Legends of Kesmai. Too bad the remake of Magestorm failed. Oh well...


What am I doing here?
Jun 3, 2014
To be perfectly honest it was originally my mothers. It was a mash up of two of her World of Warcraft characters. Lornadoone and Doctajones. Doctadoone was the name of her steam account which I have essentially inherited over the years and is the name I have begun to use around the net. I sometimes go by one of my roleplay character's names, which is Orion. But I mainly stick to this one.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Rico is actually my nickname, it started back in '03ish when I watched Starship Troopers then went to play PlayStation 2 (no memory card) afterwards and was sick of typing Richard in, so I tried Rico and it was quick and easy, when I got a PC and downloaded MSN I just used Rico, then also in games and it's now at the point where everyone calls me Rico even those at work, so it's just stuck.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
I wanted a unique user name that would never be taken so I could keep the same name through out games.
I knew I wanted to have the db somewhere inside it and eventually added Odba and finishing with barc really resounded with me the moment I said it once and I've kept it since.
15 years?

Nemo Atkins

New member
Apr 14, 2014
Nothing really exceptional about mine, unless you count the circumstances leading up to it.

Basically, WAY back when I was starting college in 2011, I was getting into the idea of doing reviews and I was working out ideas for internet handles (being very much influenced by the Nostalgia Critic and Todd In The Shadows at the time). At the time, I was big on rock music (still am, if I'm totally honest) and I did debate using The Stone God (I know, that's a godawful pun) as both a pun on rock god and as a shout out to the British rock band that spun off from The Darkness, but I found it so cringeworthy that I decided to try something else after two or three practice reviews. Still being keen on puns for names, I went for Metal Ed and even did some posting on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses under that name, but I got sick of the name after a bit, so, when I started up my blog in late 2013, decided to try something a bit different. I had been listening to Sanctuary's Refuge Denied at the time, so I decided to reference the chorus of that and chose the name Battle Angel, but I again found that kind of cringeworthy, so, when I started to post some stuff for a small Facebook group I was part of in early 2014, I thought hard about a new name. Figuring a more natural name might be a better idea than constantly coming up with titles that ultimately become embarrassing to remember a bit later, I took the title of a Nightwish song I was fond of, chose the last name of the original vocalist of Judas Priest, put them together and got Nemo Atkins.

Been my internet handle on everything I've done since then and I've never felt the urge to change it!


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Mine is the title of a series of short stories I wrote shortly after high school. They were something like Supernatural but more like a comic book and much heavier on cliche.