how do you act on live?


New member
Apr 30, 2008
If I'm playing Halo I will almost always have my mic off and have half of my own team muted. If I do say anything, it's updating my team with tactical information, then I turn my mic back off.

But in general I'm more calm while speaking over live, because if I speak freely I may come across as slightly obnoxious to teammates who don't actually know me.


New member
May 5, 2008
I'm very relaxed no matter who I play its in my nature... I get extremely pissed of with the high pitched 12 year olds yelling racial slurs at me because i'm Scottish or cursing every single second i mean i swear alot (I'm Scottish) but come on man.

redstar alpha

New member
Dec 9, 2007
FranicalFrazical said:
I'm very relaxed no matter who I play its in my nature... I get extremely pissed of with the high pitched 12 year olds yelling racial slurs at me because i'm Scottish or cursing every single second i mean i swear alot (I'm Scottish) but come on man.
yeah i agree, there are so many annoying littel kids on live that i can no longer play a game that doesnt have a mute option.

p.s. if you ever say your real name on live people (mostly american and 12) will start to act total dicks, sad but true.


New member
May 7, 2008
silentsentinel said:
I keep my mic turned off, so I can hear the others while they can't hear me. I'll occasionally turn it on to say something, then turn it back off.
I only really talk in games where people are more... mature.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I'm usually alright with people I meet online, although as soon as the fucking "tea and crumpets" references start, I'll fling back the "McDonalds cheeseburger" or the "so fat you can't leave the house" references.

If someone's a dick to someone else, I'll back up the person getting shit if it's necessary.


New member
May 4, 2008
I almost never talk.


Unless it is for sarcastic insults when I encounter douchetards.
Apr 24, 2008
I am the guy you will hear mumble "for the love of..." or "damn punk kids" before mysteriously disappearing from the server. My tolerance level for bratty behaviour is low to the point that my friends despise playing with me because I insist on changing server as soon as we encounter what can only be described as a "fucktard". The kind of babbling, pre-pubescent child that hates the world because his mother and sister, like his father and pet dog, are the same creature. I do occasionally meet decent, non-schizophrenic/sadistic people on LIVE. They are usually Scottish...for some reason.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
I only talk to insult friends or total dicks on Live. I don't call out n00bs because I know that on CoD4, what happens on your screen and what happens over the kill cam can be completely different. I do mute the annoying brats and target them and the other dicks when playing. I will also ALWAYS avenge a team kill against me, that stupidity cannot be tolerated, unless followed by a sincere apology. One bastard killed 4 team mates with an rpg or rocket grenade as soon as the game started. I was one of those team mates and I gots him good.

Evil Lawyer

New member
Dec 30, 2007
When someone asks me what I think of Live or the Sony Network, I remember fondly on a CoD4 match where a few mates of mine where faffing about and not exactly trying to win the match. Our clan had joined mid-fight and the score was something like 500-50 and we were on the losing squad, so we figured since we're losing anyway we might as well have a bit of fun. As the match drew to a close, someone was added to our team at around the time the score was 700 and was rather displeased to see his 'teammates' acting like a bunch of idiots. In the lobby after the match, he insulted everyone of us, assigned us a sexual preference that quite contradicts the female wives the three of us have (no, not three wives per man...but that might be fun) and accused us all of being around the age of 14. I asked him if his mum knew that he was up so late, to which he responded he was 21 can do whatever the fuck he wants despite what his mother says. My answer was simple: "You're a great representation of your age group. I'm sure glad the future is in your hands."

This is typical of my encounters with strangers through any form of gaming. They are insulting and presumptious, and I respond with dry wit and pure liquid sarcasm.

And yes, I'm fully aware that we might have deserved some name calling for not even trying to win, but when the score is that far apart with less then three minutes to play...yeah, exactly.


And you are?
Sep 10, 2007
I act British. Kent accents rule.

Biobeast said:
I don't have a very deep voice (even though I'm 14, I sound much much younger) so I tend to keep my mic off on live. There is nothing really interesting to say anyway. If I'm around friends that I know won't bombard me with "ARE YOU A *obscenities* TEN YEAR OLD GIRL" I'll turn it on.
...A kid who doesn't talk on live because he's got a high pitched voice. Can I adopt you?


New member
Mar 1, 2008
On COD4 i'll only play Team Tactical with 2 friends, for some reason everyone who we end up playing with aren't total dickheads, so it's good to have a decent conversation after the match, instead of some total fucktards bashing the other team cos they got completely mullered despite being 'SUP4 1337 R4NK5'.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
It depends, when im with my friends I'll talk with them through alot of the match, I know it annoys people sometimes but I dont mind being muted and sometimes people join in with us and the whole team will generally have some fun.

Other times I'll just talk to some random teammates when I'm bored, I usually dont flame people unless they flame me first, with the exception of people with really high voices who must sing FOR THE WHOLE GOD DAMN MATCH


New member
May 7, 2008
I usually am not wearing my mic, with the tv volume off and music on. If I do have the mic on I am pretty much the same as I usually am. I only turn it on when I have something I need to say and don't talk shit unless someone does first, I'll defend myself or others that deserve defending.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
I act good, anyone who's a prick, i warn, I give a player review, then file complaint at the most.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
I don't have an Xbox 360 or Xbox. But if I did, I wouldn't have a mic and if a friend ever developed, the reunion would be sweet if not seldom and proably short.

I wouldn't comment much on anything and much less [] would be an ass.
If I had a mic, compliments would be awarded to almost anything that happens. If someone kills me, "nice kill". Teamwork and happiness however small effort make the world a better place.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
I've been noticing that alot of people don't talk, why not?

Is it because of the douchebaggery that seems highly prevalent in the online gaming community? Try talking once in a while I find it keeps a game more interesting, after a few CoD4 matches with nobody to talk to I'll get bored but if I even have a mildly interesting conversation going it will keep me playing longer and enjoying more.

For anyone who might want a match do friend me, I lose contact with more than just a few friends :(

GT = Dragon Knight 1 yes I am fully aware it is a gay-tastic tag.

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
I make it a point to yell at every 10 year old that says incoherable words in an incredibly high pitched voice or just won't shut up. and every 10 year old playing an M rated game (they're already on GTA 4!)


New member
Apr 6, 2008
I'm generally pretty silent, unless talking tactics or game events. "Sniper at the *insert map location here*" or "Get in/let me in the Warthog" or something like that. Unless some 10 year old who's balls haven't dropped yet starts going on about how he screwed everyone's moms. Then I use one of my witty comebacks.

the monopoly guy said:
I make it a point to yell at every 10 year old that says incoherable words in an incredibly high pitched voice or just won't shut up. and every 10 year old playing an M rated game (they're already on GTA 4!)
"So, did your mommy buy this game for you?"