How do you get rid of anger?

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
I don't get angry easily. Never on the internet. I usually just take a few deep breaths and realize that 99.9% of my problems are issues many in the world would love to have.

So yeah, just close your eyes, breathe, and think. It could always be worse.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I used to punch holes in doors, but then Stephen Fry told me that it only makes you get angry faster. Now I just beat women A bunny rabbit helps.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
I may swear a bit, but I just compress all the anger inside a little box in my head. Maybe the box will burst open later in my life and cause me to go in a killing frenzy, but for now, it has worked very well.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Taking a deep breath and realising that me being angry benefits no-one.

Also, chicks dig emotionally stable guys who don't throw a tantrum whenever things don't go their way.


New member
Nov 22, 2011
I generally go for drives and vent/yell it out in my car with the windows up so people can't hear it as easily and hence cannot question my sanity.
If I can't do that, I'll spend some time with my puppies, because you never be angry with puppies (unless they pee in the house or chew your socks).


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Honestly? I tend to find enjoyment in nothing and retract into myself for the duration of my anger. If it's bad, I hit myself. If it's really bad, I black out and can't remember anything.

Simon Pettersson

New member
Apr 4, 2010
Punching random people on the street.

No not really I bottle it up ... and when it gets to much I usually end up having a big fight with someone.

Giving that poor sod a really bad day ....


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Don't try getting rid of it. Give in to your anger! Let it make you stronger! Feel the power that comes from it! Go on! That's right! Feels good doesn't it? Welcome to the Dark Side.

Honestly though, just doing something else for a while or just taking it as a challenge usually works.


New member
Dec 29, 2011
Meditate, drive around (preferably at night), sleep.

I've found that, for me anyway, calm stuff makes a calm mind.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
I have an episode of Futurama that I can watch and instantly be in a good mood.
Works when I'm angry. Stressed about Coursework. Even made me happy about 20mins after one of my long term girl friends broke up with me. Sounds bad but I really find it that funny.
It's one of the ones with the 'What If Machine' thing where Bender is huge so they grow Dr Zoidberg to fight him.


Mad Cat Lady
Feb 25, 2008
I generally bottle it up if I'm out in public and I'm angry, but if I'm at home I'll either get into an argument with someone or sit alone in my room, play video games, listen to music or attempt to read or write,


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
Listen to some music or watch videos on the internet. British show panels are the best; try QI or Mock the Week.

Elcarsh said:
People really need to read up on REAL anger management.

Hint #1: Acting out your anger only makes you more angry. If you act in an aggressive manner, all you're doing is reinforcing your own aggression and making a habit out of being angry.

Hint #2: Thinking that 'bottling up' your anger will make you snap one day is bullshit. Anger isn't a substance, it's not something that accumulates over time until it boils over. Anger is a temporary emotion, and once you stop being angry it's gone. Now, if you have constant reasons to be angry about things and you never fix them, then THAT might cause you to snap, but simply refusing to act on your aggressive impulses doesn't harm you in any way. The best way to deal with aggression is always to try to calm down.
I learn something new every day, thanks for the info!


New member
Dec 8, 2011
neonsword13-ops said:
Short Story Time: Persona 3. Fusion. Thanatos.

After hours of trying to fuse Thanatos in P3, I gave up and went onto the interwebz to find a simple fusion chart to find the Persona needed for the hexagon spread. What I was left with was a stupid fetch quest for about 20 other personas in order to fuse what I needed.

The fusing cutscene ended and I go to choose Thanatos to see his skills. They were mostly insta-kill spells that are useless against bosses.

I raged so hard. Thanatos looks so cool (Coffins for a necklace? Wicked!) and they show him off through the story making him look like an unbeatable bad-ass.
Skip to 2:32 to see Thanatos in action or just watch the whole thing because it is awesome.
I went through a stupid goose chase to get some crappy Persona I will probably never use. I turned off the console without saving and walked off angry and dissapointed.

I go to the garage and kick the stuffing out of the punching bag, draining my frustration very quickly.

lol, tl;dr: I got mad, beat some stuff, got happy.

That's why I came here to ask you guys a question: When you're angry, what is your favorite way to get rid of that anger?
Get rid of it? Never.

I embrace it, nurture it, cultivate it. A slow simmering rage can keep you warm for days. It can fuel you when you are tired; sustain you when you are hungry. It gets you out of bed in the morning and tucks you in at night.

I kid. Usually when I'm angry, I examine what pissed me off, try to figure out why I'm angry, then learn from it. I've always been the kind of guy who will brood rather than lash out so I try to use that to my advantage.

Although people say anger is a wholly negative emotion (and sure it can be harmful) I would much rather anger over apathy any day.