How has your quarantine/lockdown been going?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I want to vent for a second. It sucks being in this house, unable to leave as my dad talks about how not a big deal Coronavirus is as my brother gets really mad at him. they argue for hours at a volume that the entire neighborhood can hear and I'm just stuck in this house crying for them to shut up as do unproductive things.
Ah, there's only a like button... Good luck out there bud.


The Shape of Water was the worst movie of 2017.
Apr 8, 2020
Legit getting super depressed. I'm stuck in an actual quarantine since I moved back home from another country, which means I only interact with my parents on a daily basis. Also, my computer that has served me for the last 8-9 years ended up dying on the trip back home, so I can't game on pc anymore.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I miss the gym and being able to just go chill at a restaurant or a coffee shop or something.

Especially since my wife is working from home and my 3 year old can't go anywhere due to daycare being closed and all the child activities also being shut down(playgrounds, the zoo, etc).

I honestly don't mind going to work because it gets me out of the house for a bit. I'm also happy to have a job as well, considering we're probably headed into another depression.
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Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
It's been ok. I moved back in temporarily with my parents, because I'd rather be stuck in a rural area than a city apartment right now. At least here I can go into the garden or the woods once in a while. I actually spend less time on my regular routine, since I don't have to travel anywhere, and my mom cooks. In exchange I'm paying a minor rent, but not more than I'd usually be spending on food.

Mondays to Fridays I do Home Office for my job, and I'd rather be interacting in person with my coworkers, but we're making it work. No commute times either, so I have more time to laze around after work.

In terms of sheer comfort, it's probably been "better" than usual, just quite boring. Almost all my non-familial socialization has moved online, which is fine but of course not the same. On the whole though, any complaints I have are of the "first world problems" variety compared to what other people are dealing with.

Saint of M

Elite Member
Jul 27, 2010
United States
I wake up a 6Pm, go back to bed at 6AM,
The birds are telling me to invest in seed.
Church is whenever I decide to put on General Conference or have an audio version of the Bible or Book of Mormon playing.
Found time to finish some Warhammer and Pathfinder painting.
Discovered the wonders of Zoom for Pathfinder.
Tacos and Siracha sauce are a breakfast food


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I was working from home, but was eventually furloughed a little less than a month ago, so it’s been me and the girlfriend staring at each other while her son Xbox binges and sleeps until 3pm. Everything is clean; the lawn is mowed; the laundry is done, the fridge is stocked; we’ve literally run out of things to do, so we drink and watch ESPN all day. Pre-COVID-19, I would have said this is a pretty sweet stay-cation (particularly considering all the boredom sex I’m scoring,) but reality is, the uncertainty of the world going forward is scary and we’re just panic fucking; desperate for human contact and pleasurable distraction. We do have one friend who comes over Monday through Friday to drink with us to break up our respective monotonies, but the truth is even THAT is becoming monotonous. I really can’t wait to go back to work in a normal world…

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Well I work in retail that is count as essiental job so I'm not exactly benefiting binge watching Netlix and playing video games every day.

Even at working, I am getting paranoid when customers walked pass me that I quickly put on my mask if they walking in my direction. Speaking of that mask, wearing that virustatic shield mask is getting annoying (starting to smell at times despite the instructions says I shpouldn't washed it daily) but I can't complained given the alternative (reuseable black mask) hurt behind my eyes when worn for too long.

Shopping is annoying too despite I'm not queuing up most of the time as my mom can walked in (eldering) at the big store cos that play can take AGES when queing! Mainly due to how heavy the gorcery is when carrying back eventhought I'm using a wheelie bag!

Granted the one thing I do missed now is McDonalds and KFC and oh! I in dire need of an haircut!

Aegix Drakan

♪ Megalovania is a genre ♪
Apr 30, 2020
I'm doing surprisingly great.

I still get to do the job I love from home, my apartment is large enough I don't get hardcore cabin fever, and my friends and I hang out a heck of a lot on discord these days.

Yeah, going out for a heavy grocery run every 2 weeks kinda sucks and it's a nerve-wracking experience what with all the idiots not following the guildelines, and I do miss actually going in to the game studio I work for, but overall I'm holding together exceptionally well.

That and I moved to a new city a few months ago so this whole thing isn't isolating me more than I already was. The only difference is now I can't take a 3 hour bus ride home to see my folks.

As long as I don't catch the virus, I'm pretty much ok with my current situation and could survive it for quite a lot longer. I'm mostly just worried about grandpa back home. Guy's a cancer and heart-surgery survivor, and he's gettin' pretty old, so he's at triple risk
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I'm also happy to have a job as well, considering we're probably headed into another depression.
Financially, it is really, really weird. The Stock Market is not doing as badly as it did in 2008 for me anyway. I lost about 1/3 to 1/2 of my savings then. Now, about 6% down so far. The four in my immediate family have not taken a financial hit work wise. Expenses are down. I've spent $5 on gas in 2 months. (almost time to fill up.) No restaurant bills is good. I've never cooked so much for myself in my life.
I know I am very lucky. The boy moved out 3/1. My princess leaves 6/1. Me and the missus have our own work spaces and stay out of each other's hair.
But so much is on hold. The kids are having trouble with furniture as warehouses are not delivering. I'm cleaning out spaces as they leave but the dump is closed so, huge piles of stuff to deal with.
Hang in there with the 3 year old. I know it is rough to do double duty of work from home and day care. Day drinking helps (KIDDING!) A close workmate of mine has 3 kids under 7 with a wife that is a nurse so, he is on his own.
Hope you stay employed.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Hang in there with the 3 year old. I know it is rough to do double duty of work from home and day care. Day drinking helps (KIDDING!) A close workmate of mine has 3 kids under 7 with a wife that is a nurse so, he is on his own.
Hope you stay employed.
We've been supplenmenting with babysitters from her daycare, who aren't working right now. It's been helping all of our sanity immensely.

I think my job is reasonably secure. So far the recession doesn't seem to have hurt business appreciably, but who knows.
May 2, 2020
United States
Kind of in Limbo.

My job isn't in danger but I haven't worked since the Bay Area shut down back in March. When I was working I spent the majority of my time off sitting on my ass and gaming. I do very physical work but I've required crutches since my left leg decided to break up with me six years ago. The leg is still there. It just doesn't talk to me anymore. So I would spend most of my time off sitting around and relaxing.

But I've been gaming since I was a kid and someone said, "Hey, check out this Pong thing we got from Sears". So sitting around wasn't an issue.

But I've run into a problem. This should be great but it isn't. I have a backlog of unfinished games but my attention span has been gradually going away. I should be enjoying this but I'm not.

Time off is becoming more and more meaningless in the absence of something to have time off from.

Is anyone else feeling that? Is it just me?


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
But I've run into a problem. This should be great but it isn't. I have a backlog of unfinished games but my attention span has been gradually going away. I should be enjoying this but I'm not.

Time off is becoming more and more meaningless in the absence of something to have time off from.

Is anyone else feeling that? Is it just me?
Last time was unemployeed, back in 2015, I was out of work for about 3 months(this was planned, as I had gotten out of the military and planned to take some time off to unwind).After a month or so I started feeling kinda useless because the same feeling you're having and was super glad to get back to work.
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May 2, 2020
United States
After a month or so I started feeling kinda useless because the same feeling you're having and was super glad to get back to work.
I really want to get back to work.

I'm in an odd position because I can bring my crew back in and we can get to work on Monday. I manage two warehouses and a receiving dock on a college campus. We can easily make a case for being an essential business because we're involved with course materials. My crew have all expressed to me that they want to come back and get to work. And they don't "have to". They're all getting paid right now because our employer knows that they're going to need us when things open back up. They're not in any danger of losing their jobs. They want to come back anyways. I have a very dedicated team.

But I'm the one who as to pull the trigger on that. I have a few decades of experience in logistics and I think I can create a safe environment. But this is not the sort of situation in which being wrong is acceptable.

Maybe I'll just go back to playing FTL for a while.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
It's not too bad. I'm an indoors guy and I've been living on my own for years so I know how to shop smart and take care of myself. I miss my girlfriend and my friends and doing things together - I haven't seen them in 43 days - but that's about it. Knowing it's not going to last forever is comfort enough.

My job was declared essential a couple of weeks ago so I'm heading out to the bookstore once per week. Online sales exclusive, so all I do is reply to customers and hand purchases to messenger services. It's just me at the store and honestly I don't mind the system at all. It's much more comfy and efficient this way.

The rest of the time it's about keeping myself busy or entertained (or both). So lots of cooking, cleaning and washing to feel productive and lots of reading, playing videogames and bingeing on movies/series for the hell of it.

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
It was alright at first but it's starting to become unbearable, up to the point where the highlight of the day is dinner time. I try working out, writing, reading, watching stuff on telly but the days have become so repetitive that it's all blurring into one. I mean, I feel like I have actually completed youtube at this point.


Regular Member
Apr 21, 2010
I worked for a software company that leveraged the pandemic to sell products to help monitor the pandemic and its various effects. Things were going better than ever for them.
...So of course they had a big round of layoffs and cut 10% of their workforce, myself included.

I'm selling my house (since I've wanted to leave the place that I've been in for a while, and losing my job provided a simple answer to "should I stay or keep on sticking it out here") and going back to my folks place out in a rural town until lockdowns end and/or I get a new job.
Already accepted an offer on the house, so assuming it goes through, I'm out.

I didn't have many friends here, and the ones I had didn't want to hang out very often, so not much changed there. I'm still hiking on my own a lot.
Aside from getting really sick for like a month (tested negative for Corona... but I think it was Corona) and my job changing from programming to packing/applying for jobs (which somehow takes *more* hours than my regular job did), things haven't changed much, beyond not getting to go to restaurants and having to use pickup for grocery shopping.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Changes to my life have been pretty minimal. Delayed social gatherings, was already a bit of a homebody. Job considered "essential" (my employer produces parts for companies that make medical supplies among other things).

When this is all over, I'm pretty sure my wife and I and a couple we're friends with are going to go on some kind of small trip, or hit an escape room (if any of them survive) or both.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Eh.. Fine I guess, I've always been pretty solitary & it's not the first time in my life that I've spent completely isolated inside a house, I mean at leas this time I have Internet & therefore access to communication with other people as well as access to video-games, movies & music, so it's not the worst thing ever, that being said I can't deny that I've been very obviously depressed, though I think that has more to do with a friend passing away recently & the depression that I was already suffering before this started than the isolation.

Though truth be told I'm technically not in quarantine as I do have to go to work still, however there's only like 10 people in the whole office & we're all in different offices so work is even more boring than usual, the only perk is that since I'm alone I'm free to use my cell-phone as much as I want.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
This has been a crazy year so far. It can't get any worse.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
Australia's ahead of where we predicted we'd be at at this point in time after lockdown, we've even started stage of 3 in terms of easing restrictions start with allowing allowing visits between close friends and family with up to 5 people indoors and up to groups of 10 people when outdoors. :)