Well, loads of my favourite films don't pass this:
1. Stalingrad... no women whatsoever, but it's a damned sight better a film than Enemy at the Gates (whether that film passes the test, I don't know, nor do I care).
2. A Bridge Too Far... one named female character and she spends most of the film trying to take care of her children or talking to dying soldiers, so nope.
3. Copenhagen... yeah, a three member cast talking physics, two of which are men, try shoehorning another woman (Liese Meitne, anyone?!) into that... *grrr*
4. Ben Hur... *inhales* ... actually, I'm not too sure about that one. Fairly sure Miriam and Tierza exchange dialogue...
5. Battle of Britain... yeah, fat chance... oh wait, no, SO Harvey & her number one have a couple lines.
6. Tora! Tora! Tora!... yeah, fat chance... yep, only two 'named' female characters and only one male character even remotely connects them
7. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... well, this one passes for sure... woohoo!
etc. etc.