No I don't, because the test is intentionally loaded. In general movies have limited time to get to a specific point. If the leading character(s) are male and the story revolves around them, and the entire thing is based around that plotline, it only makes sense that scenes involving the female characters are going to revolve around the plot and that guy.peruvianskys said:But if only maybe 10% of films pass this test, then that implies that only about 10% of films are made with any kind of realistic female character. You don't see that as a problem?SmashLovesTitanQuest said:What a stupid test.
Yes, films aimed at men are going to be about a man, probably, unless we're talking porno. But hey, I guess we should start shoehorning women into movies like Das Boot, American Phsycho or Amadeus, even though it would make all 3 worse.
To be honest this tends to be more "realistic" as far as such things go, as say stopping an action-science fiction movie so a couple of girls can engage in girl-talk about shopping or something irrelevent is kind of misogynistic when you get down to it.
You can flip this test around just as easily by taking movies with female leads and then asking how much time men are given to be involved with things that somehow don't involve that female lead and her problems (you know, the plot), and try and claim it's misandry.
By the logic of this, technically you'd probably be saying that horror movies are the most enlightened thing out there, because oddly as a genere they will usually have a couple of girls sneaking off to smoke pot, vandalize the school, or engaged in cat fights that might not have anything to do with a guy in paticular (preppy girl vs. bad girl).
That said it's a little more balanced to simply say that there are fewer movies that revolve around women. Of course that's to be expected given the amount of time the cinema has existed compared to the modern take on liberalism.