How many Steam games do you own?


New member
Nov 21, 2010
Tilted_Logic said:
188. I'll blame thank the Humble Bundle for many of these. Speaking of which, did anyone by chance get the Amanita Bundle way back when? The one with access to the Kooky film? I've been trying to find that movie for years (english dub version because I suck), and of all the weeks to be away, the Amanita bundle was the one I missed x_x

Sorry, on topic - yeah, lot of sales and bundles. I think probably 1/3 of the list is games I have no interest in at the moment simply because they were part of a pack.
No but I did get Machinarium from another bundle, which is included in that. That game saved my sanity, when I moved to my new place ( a few years ago ) it was one of the only games I had installed when I had no internet, along with Witcher 1. Suffice to say, it gave me a greater appreciation for point and clicks.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Just to stick it in and twist because the nature of the thread begs of it and its repeating.

"How many Steam games do you own?"
Zero. You also own zero. This is Steam. No one who uses Steam "OWNs" Nothing. You have transacted currency to "subscribe" for a "license" that is arbitrarily revokable as any and all transactions are not in any means a contract between you and the organization distributing the subscription. All transactions retain zero value and upon forfeiture or termination of said subscription no monetary value is applicable to any purchased licenses nor will any recompense be provided at or after the point of severance and access will be discontinued.

Now, excusing the "technically correct" answer to be on topic, I am uncertain any more. Steam has chosen to implement policies that effectively hold my library hostage in exchange for voluntary compliance. So it has been a while since I last saw it. Before that policy I "Think" I was pushing 150, with an estimated (non sale/Indiebundling) value of 1500$ at the time.

Honestly, it is actually good they did do it in order to force me to break ties with Valve and Steam as I was as guilty as anyone of buying crap I would basically never play but I would tell myself I "might" someday and bought it simply because it was on sale.


New member
Dec 9, 2012
155 Myself.
I wonder how many whoever won that steam sale prize where you got every game on steam as of the time of the sale has, probably somewhere in the thousands.
I bet that guy adopted the library search function shortly thereafter.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
I've got 39 Steam games, all of which are free. I should probably complete some of the shorter ones in there before Dota 2 sucks me in, again. x-D
Apr 5, 2008
453 according to the clients library.
Have about 10 or so things on wishlist that'll be mine eventually. Very few of these are AAA launch day titles, most are sales.

Tactical Pause

New member
Jan 6, 2010
Um... a lot. 286 to be precise.

Now, a good portion of that number is from various bundles and such, and I rarely buy anything above $15, but even so... this is a number I'm not especially proud of.

As for how many I've played, I know there's a website that gives you exact data on that, but I'm too afraid of the results to look for it.


Dec 16, 2008
156, decidedly middling. Played more than half of them. 70% probably from bundles. 90%+ bought on sale / pay what you want.

Most played game? I have about 200 hours in Dark Souls, Terraria and TF2. I spend far more time on my handhelds.

Whispering Cynic

New member
Nov 11, 2009
31, third of which is Valve stuff. The rest is comprised of retail games which use Steam as a DRM and of cheap packs to replace some of my lost or defunct CDs (older Star Wars games, Serious Sams). I'm not exactly a fan of Steam...


The Morally Bankrupt Weasel
Sep 10, 2008
steam is a great evil it robs you of your your senses and makes you spend absurd amounts of cash i am up to 128 games as of this instant and from the numbers on this thread that is not a huge sum on the other hand i do seam to be doing good because only 44 of them have never been played


New member
Jun 7, 2010
183, but that's a little inaccurate because it counts the pc and mac versions of Civ4 a separate games (same for the expansions too) and all the Race07 dlc are apparantly separate games aswell


New member
Jan 16, 2012
38 at the moment. I only play about 2 or 3 of them regularly and a few of them I haven't installed on my computer yet since I'm waiting to get a good controller to play them.


Karma Haunts You
Jan 5, 2011
I had around 250 when I was into mods, but in actual content on steam from the store? 128


Karma Haunts You
Jan 5, 2011
viranimus said:
Just to stick it in and twist because the nature of the thread begs of it and its repeating.

"How many Steam games do you own?"
Zero. You also own zero. This is Steam. No one who uses Steam "OWNs" Nothing. You have transacted currency to "subscribe" for a "license" that is arbitrarily revokable as any and all transactions are not in any means a contract between you and the organization distributing the subscription. All transactions retain zero value and upon forfeiture or termination of said subscription no monetary value is applicable to any purchased licenses nor will any recompense be provided at or after the point of severance and access will be discontinued.

Now, excusing the "technically correct" answer to be on topic, I am uncertain any more. Steam has chosen to implement policies that effectively hold my library hostage in exchange for voluntary compliance. So it has been a while since I last saw it. Before that policy I "Think" I was pushing 150, with an estimated (non sale/Indiebundling) value of 1500$ at the time.

Honestly, it is actually good they did do it in order to force me to break ties with Valve and Steam as I was as guilty as anyone of buying crap I would basically never play but I would tell myself I "might" someday and bought it simply because it was on sale.
Deep hatred for steam, guess being the best company in the world isn't good enough for you.

Well Atlus is the best, but valve follows closely

puff ball

New member
Mar 14, 2011
i have 91 16 ive yet to play and about 20 i haven't played a lot of. ive finished about 10. so yeah i have a pretty big backlog.