How much do you tip?


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2008
I'm British, so tipping isn't a social norm, but if I'm on the Continent then I usually round up the price to the nearest ten Euros. If that's only a couple of cents, I may be tempted to bung in another five, depending on the service.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Boundless Apathy said:
What is the actual deal with tipping i mean here in Britain they get paid a wage to do that job. i've heard its something like they get paid a pittance and have to live of off tips to survive thus promoting good service to get better tips?
Yep, that's exactly how it works. Restaurant servers usually make about $2.15 per hour where I live (which according to google is about £1.32) as their base pay. All of their other income is solely from tips.

It probably sounds ridiculous, but the truth is that good servers can make more than a living wage. The really skilled ones actually make a lot of money. I used to know a guy that would come home regularly with $100 in cash after a 6 hour shift. If it was a long shift, like an open-close, then he'd easily take home $200-250. It wasn't like he worked at a fancy restaurant, either. The place was just a bar and grill.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
00slash00 said:
TehCookie said:
Where I live (in America) you don't have to tip pizza deliveries, or if you do $5 is considered a lot. Then again when my brother worked in the city as one he always got large tips so I guess it all depends on where you live.
where exactly in america do you live? i live in pennsylvania and while you dont technically HAVE to tip, its a pretty big dick move if you dont. and $5? depends on how much you ordered. i mean if i order $20 worth of food, ill tip around 4 or 5, but i would not consider $5 to be a lot, if you order a lot of food. i mean if you order like $50 worth of food, i would hope you would tip more than 5
The little patch of nowhere outside of Flint, MI. Most pizza places won't deliver here and whenever I tip the people from the one place who does drive out here they always have this look of surprise as if it's not normal. Then again it could be a safety measure like in Detroit if you deliver pizzas you should carry a gun since people know you get tips are more likely to mug you.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I dont tip....I might stay alive that way If I ever decide to rob a bank with some other people

ive never really heard of it happening In Australia anyway


New member
Aug 21, 2010
most ive tipped is like $1. when i order pizza and its like 29.45 or something. instead of waiting for them to find the 55 cents i would just say to keep the change.

does that count as a tip?

i cant think of anywhere else i tip. normally use my eftpos card etc so no change for them to keep.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
I've always tipped 20% no matter what. I tip 30% if they are polite and do a very good job.


New member
Jul 30, 2010
2 to 2.5 times what the tax is.

Our tax rate is 8.25%

So when me and the wife go out we tip somewhere between 16 and 20%. Depending on how things were. If we get a shitty waiter I til 8%. I have only left a 1 cent tip once in my life.

Pizza and other delivery service - We tip about 10% usually all the time. Unless it takes over an hour. Then they get like $2 at most.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm in Australia and tipping isn't the social norm here. If you have a meal you always pay for your meal at the register afterwards, not through your waiter/waitress. Their job is customer service and they get paid a wage from their employer to cover that.
However if I order takeaway delivered or get a taxi and they do their job properly I will usually chuck them a few extra dollars, particularly cabbies.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I tip whatever's left over from what I give him. I rarely bother with change. This does lead to some stupid moments on my part. Like paying for Chinese takeout that cost £27, handing him a £50 note and automatically saying 'keep the change'.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
rancher of monsters said:
So how much do you tip Escapsit, should I feel cheap?
I try to average about 15%. I go up to 20% for good service, and as low as 5% for bad service.

If I have to guess, the look was probably because he had to make change, not because of the size of the tip. People = lazy.

Oh, I should add that I don't generally get delivery - we're talking dine-in here. And I always pay with credit card, so I can make the amount as exact as I care to.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Australian, dont tip, and i dont know anyone who does, the people get paid a standard wage and don't have to live off of tips.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I'm Canadian, just got home from a bar. Spent $16.11, just gave the waitress a $20 bill. Too much?


New member
Mar 27, 2009
It might have been just because you had to make change. The old "make change in the collection plate" phrase comes to mind. There's nothing wrong with it as long as one isn't being stingy.

I tip 15%. For delivery $4-5. If the service is good or the waitress is cute, 20%. Now, if I get a cute waitress who provides good services and compliments me, we are talking dangerous levels of overtipping. I have a primitive male mind.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
In Canada, most people tip about 10%-15% (At least most people I know.)
But anyone who works in the service industry (Myself included,) will usually end up tipping 25%-35% because we know what it's like to be doing their job. And trust me, almost any job in a restaurant, bar or nightclub is probably a totally shit job that someone is just doing because of the tips