How Much SHOULD a Game Cost?


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Vicarious Vangaurd said:
icame said:
Vicarious Vangaurd said:
$50 (the price of PC games) for everyone.
Theres a reason for that you know
No I did not know that, please explain.
You think microsoft/sony just let them put any old game on there console? When they are barely breaking even on consoles sold, and in some cases losing money? How do you think they make there money from consoles that they developed? Well, they charge licensing fee's of course! which I believe is about $7


New member
Feb 24, 2010
$60 is fine. It's not like I need to buy more than one game every average month. I can wait until I get more money between games because I'm not a whiny, impatient tool.

(That includes the equivalent of $60 worth in £ or whatever. Fuck charging other places more.)


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Siris said:
I think a new, console release should be about 40 dollars.
That was the number I immediately thought of when I read the thread title.

I always wait a couple of months after new games come out for the prices to lower. I'm just not a big fan of dropping 60-70$ in one purchase, I'm an art student, I need my money to live, lol.

I find it additionally annoying when a company takes out half the content and makes it DLC, so you pay 60-70 for half a game, then another 5-20 on buying what should have been included in the release.

MAUSZX said:
The games cost 60 because everyone is ok paying that amount of money
Mar 9, 2010
£40. It's how much I pay for new releases right now and I think it's fair. It's not cheap, but the work that goes into it deserves to be rewarded. Paying any less as a standard price might result in disaster for the entire industry, we could see a massive spike in 'brown' games or we could just have no games at all if they don't make enough money from the game.