How SPECIAL are you?


New member
May 24, 2011
-1 - Strength
-1 - Perception
-1 - Endurance
-1 - Charisma
-1 - Intelligence
-1 - Agility
-1 - Luck
I'm special when it comes to not being special :p.

Sir Boss

New member
Mar 24, 2011
5-Charisma (Known to fluctuate between 2 and 7 given the circumstances)
6/7 Intelligence


New member
Mar 29, 2008
I tried to do it the Fallout way, but I ended up with points I couldn't attribute honestly! Maybe I'm under-selling myself, but my speed and precision have always been good, and I'm studying Molecular Biology at degree level, love philosophy, especially ethical dilemmas, and I have a passion for learning, so I'm not unintelligent, however if I was to give much credence to IQ results, my 122 isn't going to assure me a place in cryogenics after my death. My perception is fairly above average; I'm good at naturally pre-empting peoples reactions, their emotions, what they're trying to hide, by making observations in the past as well as spotting inconsistencies in lies. (Not to make out that it's incredible, but it's definitely a thing I have). The rest: well I get along with people, I'm not frail limbed but I'm not "strong", I'm out of breath quickly when running, and I'm really unlucky.

S 4
P 7
E 3
C 5
I 7
A 8
L 2

I should be improving S and E over the next year though, as well as I and hopefully L...


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Strength - 3, can barely lift half my own weight
Perception - 8/9, high eyesight perception thank to gaming, high instinct
Endurance - 4/5, no stamina, although I resist disease well
Charisma - 7/8, smooth talker, easily approachable
Intelligence - 7/8, good in math, precise knowledge
Agility- 4/5, pretty standard, becomes 6/7 when playing games
Luck - 4/5 couple bad luck, nothing much, pessimist more than anything else


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Strength 4: Can carry my weight, but not that built
Perception 6: Above average situational awareness, but no crazy good senses
Endurance 8: Can take quite the beating, good at suppressing pain
Charisma 3: I have my moments, but I don't think most things are even worth saying
Intelligence 7: 160 IQ, too lazy to study
Agility 9: Rarely every slip and fall, catch myself somehow when I do
Luck 6: It's mostly a coin flip, but every now and then I get lucky, like when I found ten bucks on the floor at GameStop today


New member
May 29, 2011
Strength - 7 (Not that I know how to use it ;))
Perception - 4
Endurance - 8
Charisma - 2 (I don't look like a trustworthy guy, that's for sure)
Intelligence - 6
Agility - 3
Luck - 6


New member
Dec 28, 2008
I would be something like this:
6 - Strength
5 - Perception
3 - Endurance
7 - Charisma
6 - Intelligence
8 - Agility
9 - Luck
This is one of the more honest post :D


New member
Aug 25, 2010
4 Strength
5 Perception
7 Endurance
3 Charisma
7 Intelligence
7 Agility
7 Luck

This is who I am in real life. Lucky, reasonably intelligent, agile, and being a woman, having a high endurance is essential for childbirth, but am socially awkward.

However, my in-game character looks something like this:

6 Strength
7 Perception
5 Endurance
1 Charisma
7 Intelligence
7 Agility
7 Luck

Even more socially awkward, not as healthy, but stronger and can see things better. Everything else is pretty much the same.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
From a very similar thread (though admittedly with different discussion value):
loc978 said:
well, in reality I'd probably look something like this:

Str-6 (I can still lift 160lbs of concrete with... well, I won't say ease, but I can do so repeatedly throughout a day)
Per-3 (foureyes perk trait, 5 with glasses. I compensate with extensive firearms training, but I'm naturally a pretty bad shot, with 20/60 vision and tinnitus)
End-7 (I'm actually quite good at continuing past the point where most people roll over and quit)
Cha-3 (I'm blunt and curt with most people. My best social grace is my ability to say nothing)
Int-7 (I've always tended to learn quickly. I test extremely well, always within the US's 99th percentile as a kid, perfect score on the ASVAB)
Agi-6 (I have excellent manual dexterity and good balance)
Lck-2 (I'm the kind of guy who can take absolutely every precaution in a firefight and still catch a stray ricochet in the leg while standing in good cover in a group. Trust me on this one)


New member
Nov 29, 2008
1 (lazy bastard) - 10 (steroid freaks & geniuses).

3 - Strength
1 - Perception
5 - Endurance
5 - Charisma
5 - Intelligence (blessed with Dyscalculia & Adult Dyslexia, hooray!)
6 - Agility
5 - Luck


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Wow, lucky this thread came along. I've been having fallout on the mind.

5 Strength
4 perception
7 Endurance
3 Charisma
6 Intelligence
4 Agility
6 luck


New member
Jul 9, 2009
Strength - 7, possibly 8. I know this is quite high but I'm going off natural ability. I'm no weightlifter or body builder but due to my size I can lift with relative ease things which average people have real difficulty with. Of course if everyone were my size I'd probably be a 4/5.

Perception - 6/7. I have what I think is ok spacial awareness. I'm better at reading people and their intentions than most of the people I know. It's very difficult for me to get lost, even in places I haven't been to before. I'm naturally always looking around me making myself aware of where people are, who they are etc.

Endurance - 1. I don't think I'd even be able to run 100 meters. Strong yes, fit certainly not.

Charisma - 3. I'm not the most social of people. I cannot talk to women, at all, even in proffessional situations. New people I also struggle with. Those I've known for a while seem to like me though and in many situations if a group doesn't have a clear "leader" figure, they will look to me to take that place. The afforementioned inability to converse with people I don't know knocks this score right down though.

Intelligence - 5, maybe 6. Back in school I would have said 8, top sets for everything, placed on the honours program. I was certainly above the average. Dropping out of college, not going to university etc were pretty dumbass things to do though. Really, to anyone looking at say, a CV, GCSE grades aside there is no difference between me and those at the bottom who couldn't even get the grades to go to college, because we both stopped education at the same time. I do learn things rather quickly though and I have the kind of memory which lets me remember the lyrics to hundreds of songs, obscure bits from films, years released and so on.

Agility - 3. Again due to size I'm not a quick mover, not very flexible, can't climb, leap or dodge, have terrible balance.

Luck - 5. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

So the short version:

S. 8
P. 6
E. 1
C. 3
I. 6
A. 3
L. 5

I think that's a fail.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
S-7: I look small, but I'm a lot stronger than i look...
P-2: Aspergic, so even though I'm usually very charismatic, I almost always manage to say exactly the wrong thing XD
E-7:Enought to do ten military chinups at least...
I-10: Nation wide I'm in the top 0.1%...But my luck ensures I get B's.
A-7: Good shot with small arms so I have to put this down, my small fram adds a few.
L-1 Black cat broke my mirror with a broken horseshoe is about the only explanation possible.


New member
May 21, 2009
E-4 if we're talking cardiovascular ability, 8 if we're talking about durability

I'm a really big strong guy and I move pretty good for my size and can take a lot of punishment, but if endurance refers to how well I run and stuff like that its low. I wouldn't call myself charismatic but people seem to like me and I make friends easy enough. I'm also pretty lucky as I;ve been in really bad situations and always manage to come out unscathed.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
7 - Strength (Definitely above average but not huge)
8 - Perception (Pretty sensitive to things...)
9 - Endurance (Excellent cardiovascular fitness, do heaps of running... I could run a marathon. plus seem to have good tolerance for pain)
3 - Charisma (Not very good socially... :( but not lower than 3 because I seem to get respect)
9 - Intelligence (Pretty damn smart :p)
8 - Agility (Definitely good at dodging around stuff, good awareness of surroundings)
5 - Luck (um, luck? how is this even)


Swarm Agent
Sep 12, 2008
7- Strength - I frequently carry heavy objects all over the place and can run with a sizable weight on my back. I do weights frequently with the intent of keeping in shape and not getting buff.

10- Perception - I am almost always observing things. I will notice the most minor details in the enviroment or in people quickly and from far distances. My hearing is mostly excellent, except in rooms with multiple loud noises (clubs etcs). Also, many of my friends who are afraid of the dark send me to go forward first because of my excellent night vision. Disadvantages to that is minor sensitivity to light and overactive hearing. (Do NOT let me explain some of the detriments to that.)

7- Endurance - I am relatively fit and can run a good amount of distance without getting exhausted. And i will recover quickly and get back into it. Major injuries will only stop me very briefly.

8- Charisma - I talk to people, I love to talk to people (Add me! :D) and I can realy express the way I feel in the way i talk and act. I can get the reactions out of people I want by talking.

8- Intelligence - I dunno if this is the right level for it. I am definately not average, but i dont think being a perfect 10 would be right either.

7- Agility - After 6 years in high school, I have developed a good reaction speed to fast projectiles and can generally evade most incoming, thanks to my friends obsession with bombarding things at each other, without warning. It has come in useful many times. I also play indoor soccer, and can move fairly quickly in that.

1- Luck - Apart from some flukes, I rarely have the standard 'everyday' fortune that alot of people have. Hence why I do not gamble, place bets or rely on chance in any sort of game.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I felt like I had to justify myself on why I got those ratings. Though they shall change in the future, as I aim to make myself at least a 9 for all of them within 2 or so years.