Or as someone who that thinks they're really smart. That would certainly do it wonders.Something Amyss said:Maybe they should make it like Call of Duty. That would certainly be fresh.Nazulu said:Simple: Make it like fucking Undertale! Add some action to the game play for once! It's always the same simple easy RPG where everyone knows the basics. Just try something different so it can feel fresh for a little bit.
Well there you go. I never finished Black because I found it boring. Though what you described to me doesn't sound that interesting unless N and Ghetsis are more interesting than the usual villain.Hero of Lime said:Black and White already did that. Easily the most interesting end to a Pokemon game main story. The scene with the gym leaders actually challenging Team Plasma, capturing the legendary dragon, and battling N and Ghetsis. Excellent climax.
Corrolary: There's no reason that a flying Pok?mon shouldn't be able to "fly" without the use of an HM...but there's no reason that your "tiny bird" Pok?mon should be able to carry you.DeliveryGodNoah said:I second this one. There's no reason a water Pokemon shouldn't be able to "surf" (swim) without the use of a HM.sgy0003 said:3. No more HMs. Player should not be forced to keep "HM whore" in their party. If pokemon is flying type, If should know how to fly. If pokemon is water type, it should know how to surf or climb waterfall.
Knowing how to cut or swim naturally is one thing. Knowing how to use it correctly in battle is something else entirely and should still require the HM.
Yeeaaaah....about that...Something Amyss said:Yay! I quit!The Almighty Aardvark said:Congratulations! You have been tasked with reinvigorating the Pokemon series. We have to admit our games have been a little stale on the innovation front, and while we do have some plans for the future (4bladesPokemon battles, but try to keep that under wraps, we want to shock people with the big reveal), we're interested to hear your ideas.
But seriously, what's with the "innovation" thing? The main reason you don't see major changes in Pokemon is because it's massively popular as-is. You don't see sharks randomly growing legs, do you?
I want to build on this because I think it's an interesting idea. You could also have move progression, for example scratch, once used a certain number of times becomes slash, which in could could become something else, a nice way to encourage use of some weaker attacks and eliminate redundant movesArkhamJester said:two words (SKILL POOL) Keep the four move restriction but make it so a pokemon doesn't truly forget how to do a move but rather "puts it away" so to speak. I'm no fan of HM's doen't get me wrong but many people here don't realize that these are how the player interacts with the environment outside of talking fighting and grabbing anything not nailed down, so by implementing a skill pool you can teach HMs to pokemon but they aren't stuck with them and can switch them out for better moves, heck they wouldn't even need to put the move into the "active" slots just teach the move and they never have to equip the move.
Weirdly, I tend to see LTP and OOT more often as most regarded Zelda games. They're also the better sellers. In both senses, I tend to see Wind Waker and Majora's Mask fall towards the middle of the pile. Now, OOT is a major departure, being the first 3D Zelda game. LTTP is more a return to form, taking a codified formula and expanding on it after the departure that was Zelda 2.The Almighty Aardvark said:Just look at the Legend of Zelda series, the most highly regarded games are Windwaker and Majora's Mask, the two games that made the biggest departure from the formula
I'm glad you think you're really smart, I guess. Not sure why you brought it up.Nazulu said:Or as someone who that thinks they're really smart. That would certainly do it wonders.
They're definitely more interesting. The question his, "how much?" the answer, in my opinion, is "not really that much."Well there you go. I never finished Black because I found it boring. Though what you described to me doesn't sound that interesting unless N and Ghetsis are more interesting than the usual villain.
I've actually always wondered the mechanics of HMs. They seem to make it possible just because. And I suppose that works for a children's game about monsters in your pocket...whoops, gonna get sued for that. But still, it's sort of curious how this is supposed to work.Asita said:Corrolary: There's no reason that a flying Pok?mon shouldn't be able to "fly" without the use of an HM...but there's no reason that your "tiny bird" Pok?mon should be able to carry you.
And that, my friends, is why innovation is bad.Yeeaaaah....about that...
I'm not sure either - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttm_I3dhs5USomething Amyss said:I'm glad you think you're really smart, I guess. Not sure why you brought it up.Nazulu said:Or as someone who that thinks they're really smart. That would certainly do it wonders.
I want a Pokemon cover-based third-person shooter. Surely, change for change's sake dictates this is a good idea.
What makes you think I care if you respond? You've completely avoided me already, and instead have decided to come at me with the exact things you claim to hate. If you don't want to respond, fine. Nobody's forcing you. And I won't lose any sleep. But if you're going to respond about how you don't want to respond, don't tone police while using the same tone. It's disingenuous. Maybe you should turn the question of "who do you think you're fooling" around on yourself. Esecially since I am the one you're responding to.Nazulu said:[Why the hell would I want to discuss with any of those antagonizing turkeys when I could discuss with someone as affable as you?
This is so desperate. And what you've failed to grasp is that I don't discuss with people who fling shit first.Something Amyss said:What makes you think I care if you respond? You've completely avoided me already, and instead have decided to come at me with the exact things you claim to hate. If you don't want to respond, fine. Nobody's forcing you. And I won't lose any sleep. But if you're going to respond about how you don't want to respond, don't tone police while using the same tone. It's disingenuous. Maybe you should turn the question of "who do you think you're fooling" around on yourself. Esecially since I am the one you're responding to.Nazulu said:[Why the hell would I want to discuss with any of those antagonizing turkeys when I could discuss with someone as affable as you?
Procedural generation is becoming a bit of a buzzword, but I'd argue rightfully so. There's just so many applications for it if you're using it in the right places, loads of them you probably didn't even notice. The actual term just means "To create something algorithmically instead of manually". You'll see that in car distributions in cities, texture generation, level generation (And at the very least, typically level generation tools), etc...Something Amyss said:Weirdly, I tend to see LTP and OOT more often as most regarded Zelda games. They're also the better sellers. In both senses, I tend to see Wind Waker and Majora's Mask fall towards the middle of the pile. Now, OOT is a major departure, being the first 3D Zelda game. LTTP is more a return to form, taking a codified formula and expanding on it after the departure that was Zelda 2.
However, even if it was true here, that doesn't normally track. Donkey Kong, Mario, Starfox...pretty much any other franchise that's not Metroid.
But this didn't go to not being improved, it went to the idea of innovation. "Innovation" in gaming appears to mean "any superficial change of which I approve," but I'm used to the more traditional idea, that it's a novel idea. There is generally little innovation in gaming. At best, we see what we see here: a bunch of ideas borrowed from other titles.
I'll say that I get why you argue for procedural generation (though it's also basically a buzzword), but this seems like it'll be incredibly frustrating for both novice and veteran players. You want to get that last Poke for your team? Prepare to grind for thousands of hours and maybe get 5000 bidoofs. You need a balanced team? Tough luck, RNGesus has decided you're getting plant and psychic types only.
Hell, just random loot can be a pain in the ass. I've been farming for days trying to get one of my cars to 1299 in The Crew. Thing is, you don't need that to beat the game. But if you're going into a water gym with earth-type pokes, you're going to need something.
Except that's not what people are talking about when they talk procedural generation.The Almighty Aardvark said:Procedural generation is becoming a bit of a buzzword, but I'd argue rightfully so. There's just so many applications for it if you're using it in the right places, loads of them you probably didn't even notice. The actual term just means "To create something algorithmically instead of manually". You'll see that in car distributions in cities, texture generation, level generation (And at the very least, typically level generation tools), etc...
Nor are they talking about the entire game being randomly generated, which would seem to be your understanding of the term on basis of this comment:Something Amyss said:Except that's not what people are talking about when they talk procedural generation.The Almighty Aardvark said:Procedural generation is becoming a bit of a buzzword, but I'd argue rightfully so. There's just so many applications for it if you're using it in the right places, loads of them you probably didn't even notice. The actual term just means "To create something algorithmically instead of manually". You'll see that in car distributions in cities, texture generation, level generation (And at the very least, typically level generation tools), etc...
Just as an example: Diablo is a game that uses procedural generation primarily for for levels and loot. It doesn't use procedural generation for what enemies appear, how tough they are, what kind of environment you'll be fighting in or what bosses appear. ProcGen pokemon wouldn't mean grinding for hours and only getting Bidoofs, but meeting different trainers in each game, different pokemon in different places with varying levels of rarity in each game and so on.I'll say that I get why you argue for procedural generation (though it's also basically a buzzword), but this seems like it'll be incredibly frustrating for both novice and veteran players. You want to get that last Poke for your team? Prepare to grind for thousands of hours and maybe get 5000 bidoofs. You need a balanced team? Tough luck, RNGesus has decided you're getting plant and psychic types only.
Hell, just random loot can be a pain in the ass. I've been farming for days trying to get one of my cars to 1299 in The Crew. Thing is, you don't need that to beat the game. But if you're going into a water gym with earth-type pokes, you're going to need something.
The problem with random Pokemon locations is that it would make team building a massive pain in the ass. If I wanna build a specific team I might not be able to find what I want because that Pokemon could be anywhere. This applies to both single player runs and wanting to build a team for multiplayer. A big part of the fun for me is playing the game blind, then once I know what shows up where I do another run but with a planned team rather than just what I come across. Random generation takes that away. It would also potentially make some battles way more annoying if you don't get anything good for dealing with them. To me changing up Pokemon locations every save would be like randomizing Dark Souls weapon spawns, it would be game ruining.bartholen said:Nor are they talking about the entire game being randomly generated, which would seem to be your understanding of the term on basis of this comment:Something Amyss said:Except that's not what people are talking about when they talk procedural generation.The Almighty Aardvark said:Procedural generation is becoming a bit of a buzzword, but I'd argue rightfully so. There's just so many applications for it if you're using it in the right places, loads of them you probably didn't even notice. The actual term just means "To create something algorithmically instead of manually". You'll see that in car distributions in cities, texture generation, level generation (And at the very least, typically level generation tools), etc...
Just as an example: Diablo is a game that uses procedural generation primarily for for levels and loot. It doesn't use procedural generation for what enemies appear, how tough they are, what kind of environment you'll be fighting in or what bosses appear. ProcGen pokemon wouldn't mean grinding for hours and only getting Bidoofs, but meeting different trainers in each game, different pokemon in different places with varying levels of rarity in each game and so on.I'll say that I get why you argue for procedural generation (though it's also basically a buzzword), but this seems like it'll be incredibly frustrating for both novice and veteran players. You want to get that last Poke for your team? Prepare to grind for thousands of hours and maybe get 5000 bidoofs. You need a balanced team? Tough luck, RNGesus has decided you're getting plant and psychic types only.
Hell, just random loot can be a pain in the ass. I've been farming for days trying to get one of my cars to 1299 in The Crew. Thing is, you don't need that to beat the game. But if you're going into a water gym with earth-type pokes, you're going to need something.
Please don't. No. You sir, can have every nope that I have ever uttered EVER. Nope!SweetShark said:Never played a Pokemon game before, so I think my desicions as the new CEO of Pokemon World will be important. Please pay attention:
- All Pokemons have Alien Origin.
- Remove Pokeballs. No more the pleaser being a slave master. Digimon is a good example.
- Don't Copy Digimon with Mega Evolutions. Digimon is a good example I said, but don't over do it yo.
- More Rap Music. Ok, ok, we can copy Digimon again. The USA VERSION MOTHERF*CKERS!!!!!
- F*ckable Pokemon. Mass Effect is a good example.
- NOT, I repeat, NOT a CENSORED VERSION!!!! I get sick with the Patch sh*ts in Steam!!! Yuritopia is a good example.
- The Hero will be 18+ old. We want a Legit Eroge game people!
- Not Humanoid Pokemons. We need after all stay in spirit of the old Pokemon games.
- What I wanted to say next? Ah yes, The Hero can NOT pet the Pokemon. Only f*ck them. I know is weird. I don't get USA people as well.
- The Hero can eat Pokemon. NOT the fish Pokemons, cause of an old Japanese Legend. I believe them and I am afraid maybe come true.
- We need more Elements. Chaos, Salt are some examples in my mind.
I hope my ideas will help the future of our normal humble company.