How to improve Pokemon


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
CritialGaming said:
SweetShark said:
Never played a Pokemon game before, so I think my desicions as the new CEO of Pokemon World will be important. Please pay attention:

- All Pokemons have Alien Origin.
- Remove Pokeballs. No more the pleaser being a slave master. Digimon is a good example.
- Don't Copy Digimon with Mega Evolutions. Digimon is a good example I said, but don't over do it yo.
- More Rap Music. Ok, ok, we can copy Digimon again. The USA VERSION MOTHERF*CKERS!!!!!
- F*ckable Pokemon. Mass Effect is a good example.
- NOT, I repeat, NOT a CENSORED VERSION!!!! I get sick with the Patch sh*ts in Steam!!! Yuritopia is a good example.
- The Hero will be 18+ old. We want a Legit Eroge game people!
- Not Humanoid Pokemons. We need after all stay in spirit of the old Pokemon games.
- What I wanted to say next? Ah yes, The Hero can NOT pet the Pokemon. Only f*ck them. I know is weird. I don't get USA people as well.
- The Hero can eat Pokemon. NOT the fish Pokemons, cause of an old Japanese Legend. I believe them and I am afraid maybe come true.
- We need more Elements. Chaos, Salt are some examples in my mind.

I hope my ideas will help the future of our normal humble company.
Please don't. No. You sir, can have every nope that I have ever uttered EVER. Nope!
Sorry, my dear future unemployed worker of mine. My decisions were already made [well, most of them]:

Shards of Eradine COME FORTH!!!!


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
CritialGaming said:
6. Achievements, or badges - I'd like to see Nintendo start rewarding accomplishment more than just a pat on the back. I wanna earn achievements with real bonuses to them. Like:

"Catch 100 Pok?mon" Reward, passive catch rate increased 1%.
"Run 100,000 steps" Reward, movement speed increased 5%
"Level 6 Pok?mon to level 25" Reward experience gain increased 5%

These reward systems would be designed to make life easier for you the more you play. Take the Experience one for example. That can have multiple stages where it would say Level 6 pokemon to level 100, level 25 pokemon to level 100, and each time you gain an EXP bonus which makes the grinding part of the game easier and easier the more you do it. Same thing for the movement speed, and catch rates. There are going to be over 800 pokemon soon enough. I think having 20% extra catch rate wouldn't be refused, especially when you are working through that last 150 or so.

Just ideas.
Aw hell yeah for this! There needs to be a tangible, actually beneficial motivation for capturing the little buggers, aside from the "gotta catch 'em all" that only really motivates mad people. There have been some minor items you can get by catching more pokemon, but mostly they range from useful to worthless. Perks, like you said, or really powerful one-use items like Master Balls, or an item that makes one of your pokemon gain boosted XP automatically, and so on would really motivate looking for pokemon to capture.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
1- I'm gonna climb on the "Get rid of HMs" bus. They're annoying to deal with. Replace their functions with items or trainer learned skills if you absolutely have to (Swimming Trunks for Surf, Jetpack for Fly etc.).

2 - Get rid of IVs and EVs. Bit more of a controversial one I feel here, but doesn't the concept seem kinda fucked up that if you want to play any form of competitive level play, you have to more or less sit outside the daycare watching your Ditto pump out legions of babies? Discarding the ones that aren't perfect and then putting the kids back in with the parents and breeding them? Especially considering in the story up to that it's usually stated that you do so well because you care so much for your 'mons. Just make it so that they all reach their maximum potential by battling and levelling up and being closer to you as a trainer.

3 - No time-locked/area-specific nonsense. Or at the very least, make them all done wirelessly. The internet is a powerful tool, use it responsibly. None of this "Go to a physical store on this day to get this rare monster". It just means that people who either aren't able to go because of restrictions like a busy schedule, lack of publisher approved outlets or just plain late to the game aren't going to miss out.

4 - Make more monsters viable. Not just with mega evolutions, but actually make it so some of the other monsters can stand a chance.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
I wanted to add a couple of things here.

1. Dynamic Difficulty - what I mean by this is that I would love for gym leaders and your rival's Pok?mon to change based on what you are using. For example take an electric gym leader, perhaps he would have Pok?mon that aren't just flagship electric types. Maybe he has a Pok?mon that can learn electric moves, but has a base typing that isn't electric. Something like NidoKing with Thunderwave, Thunderbolt, and a couple surprise moves. Your rival and the Elite Four all have Dynamic Pok?mon designed to counter the typing of everything on your team. For example if your going heavy on the Psychic, Fire, and fairy types. Then the Rival would bust out Dark, water combos, meant to make you think about the moves you teach your team, rather than being able to exploit a uniform weakness.

2. DO NOT REVISIT POKEMON - I know a lot of people would like to see underused or single formed Pok?mon get a touch up, either by a evolutionary form to bring them into viability or simply buffing them with new typing combos and movesets. FUCK THAT!

X/Y only have 61 new pokemon including evolutions!

That sucks.

If this is a new generation of Pok?mon then I need 150 brand new Pok?mon at least! This of course can include pokemon evolutions (starters for example count as 9 of the 150), but X/Y felt so small to me, because there wasn't enough new Pok?mon to feel the change. I understand that they needed to import 715+ Pok?mon into a new 3d engine so I can forgive that.

But that excuse don't fucking fly this time. They've had two entire games to bring everything into the next gen. Time for a brand new and complete set of NEW Pok?mon to catch and learn about.

3. NO NEW TYPING - I know people are tossing around new typings and how they would fit into a chart that is already batshit. We do not need another type. What we need is for them to REFINE the current typings. Revisit and rebalance the typings to spread out the types that actually matter.

4. NEW MOVES! - If you ask me, Fairy-type was lame as hell. Stupid strength and weaknesses, lackluster movesets, just underwhelming and boring. FIX THAT! Bring out new moves, grant Fairy-types a few more aggressive attacks, perhaps with status effects. But also don't forget the other types. Give Poison and Bug types a buff, not only in stats but also move power, because frankly...I would love to fuck shit up with a BeeDrill.


New member
Mar 1, 2016
CritialGaming said:
2. DO NOT REVISIT POKEMON - I know a lot of people would like to see underused or single formed Pok?mon get a touch up, either by a evolutionary form to bring them into viability or simply buffing them with new typing combos and movesets. FUCK THAT!
what would be so bad about stat buffs and new moves? i agree that new evolutionary forms arent always needed, especially if they look as retarded as rhyhornior. But in my opinion there are tons of awesome looking interesting pokemon which are absolute dogshit, just because their stats are awful for no reason. most of the bug types for example. just a buff to the bug type in general wont fix them

other ideas:

1.HMs: as many mentioned, they should get rid of them. just tie it earned badges or something, then allow every fitting pokemon to use it without having to waste a slot on it. the only one that isnt shit is surf.

2.Stats: Like i said before, too many awesome pokemon are ruined by shitty stats. Im fine with some pokemon having better stats and some worse, depending on their typing, abilities, moves or them being a legendary or otherwise special. But the difference between pokemon with bad stats and pokemon with good stats is just way too big.

3.Types: Still pretty imbalanced. Steel is too good, water slightly too good. Types like ice, grass, bug, poison are just bad. Now just changing weaknesses/strengths around might make the whole thing even worse, so i wouldnt do too much of that. I like how gamefreak tries to balance the types a bit by giving them other advantages, like immunity to poison, paralysis, spore moves etc. and would probably introduce more of that. Another idea would be to give all pokemon percentual stat penalties/boni depending on their type.

4.Mega-Evolutions: change them, nerf them, so that they arent just straight upgrades in my cases. Also tell the designers to stop making them look horrible.

5.i really like the idea of roguelike elements, a bit more random content and a new game plus. would definitely bring in something like that to make it more interesting for experienced players.

6.IV/Nature: i'd make it easier to change them. nothing is more annoying than starting the game only to realise your starter has an awful nature. on pc, you can at least just reload. on nintendo 3ds you have to sit through the whole intro shit again.

7.No more boring filler pokemon. the normal-type rodent with one evolution, two shitty three-stage bug types, a stupid pikachu clone: theyre in every single generation and most of them are just boring. it feels like the developers just put them in because they have to, for reasons unknown. i would get rid of them, if theyre bad. they also just fill up the early game, which means it takes longer until you find pokemon that are actually interesting.

8.a more interesting rival. the last one (in X) was lame.

9.A Fire/poison type pokemon.

10.A bug/dragon pokemon.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
GREN" post="9.935167.23542920 said:
what would be so bad about stat buffs and new moves? i agree that new evolutionary forms arent always needed, especially if they look as retarded as rhyhornior. But in my opinion there are tons of awesome looking interesting pokemon which are absolute dogshit, just because their stats are awful for no reason. most of the bug types for example. just a buff to the bug type in general wont fix them

Because everyone has a dogshit pokemon that they like. PArt of the reason we like these pokemon is because they are dogshit and we don't care. It is okay for some pokemon to be crap, it is part of the charm of them. By screwing with fan favorites, you ultimately piss some people off because you ignored fucking Sunfisk or some other random favorite.

By focusing on letting the past pokemon stand as they are, and pouring efforts into a new gen entirely. Everyone can be upset equally, and we can all enjoy a new 150.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Overall I'd like to see some fairly major changes to the game overall, whilst still keeping somewhat the core reason of why you play it the same.

1. HMs. Fuck them. I agree with the move pool suggestion from above; All Pokemon should remember every move they can perform, however you have limited slots for moves to use in combat. Additionally, certain moves have upgraded versions - aforementioned scratch to slash - that are literally just a better version of the move, that simply replaces the old move rather than having a cluttered list of redundant moves. I mean, who uses ember once they have flamethrower?
And on that note, get to the awesome moves a little faster. I remember playing Ruby & Sapphire, and waiting until nearly the very end of the game before one of my pokemon could use something like flamethrower that was cool. Ok, maybe not right before the end, but certainly after midway, after the final evolution of my starter. Maybe I didn't look up every pokemon that had flamethrower and found the quickest way to acquire it, but I shouldn't have to. Awesome moves should be unlocked constantly, rather than Ember, slash, more growl, different growl, smokescreen, different slash, useless move 7, ect. And then flamethrower. I'm not saying give out the most powerful moves at the start, but there is a period where about the only change to most pokemon is its stats when it levels up, and most of the moves are redundant. I'd like to see constant improvements that actually engage me, more than make me question WTF I'd want that move for.

2. I like the idea of a more open world progression, and the option to pursue either the story, or the gyms, however it would have to be carefully crafted. They did a similar concept in Legend of Zelda; Link Between Worlds and... I hated it. I never felt like I was actually progressing, rarely unlocked something cool or new, and overall just seemed to detract from the game, rather than add to it. Naturally, gym leaders need to scale to the number of badges you have. The trainers on the paths you find also should - and should have semi-randomised parties. Gym leaders? Mostly fixed parties, but those trainers are really boring when you know exactly which pokemon they'll have on your second playthrough, and this is a better use of randomness than a procedural pokemon catch placement IMO - that just removes the awesomeness of some pokemon, when really rare or cool ones can appear right at the starting area and everyone farms them to catch early on, and kind of detracts from the feel of each area, but more on that later. There should also be small bits of a few continuous dungeons that you can't do without the HM and gym badge, like the Elite 4 areas, that guide you to a certain order of doing things, don't force it, and that give you some small semblance of progression from still unlocking things with each gym. IMO story content should not scale its difficulty; Hard encounters are hard. This fits more with the feel of the story, and can be used to guide players to play more in a certain sequence, whilst making them feel like its mostly their choice - they want to train up and get stronger before taking on those really tough but not unbeatable story areas.

3. Pokemon encounter system needs to change. Lots more pokemon in each area. 10-15 rather than 3-5. You've got enough generations now to do this. Additionally, areas should be larger. Not a ton more open, that just leads people to getting lost and kind of clashes with the semi dungeon-crawl experience pokemon has always had, but larger. I shouldn't be able to just run through the area in 30 seconds, it should be a significant area, filled with interesting content.
Additionally, allow the player to purchase various bait items. I don't know anyone who enjoys running in a circle 500 times to try and get that rare pokemon that only appears in this area. Have various qualities and types of bait. Lower qualities attract the less rare pokemon, and different types of bait attract and repulse different types of pokemon. This way the player has to have some idea of what pokemon are likely to be in the area, and choose the appropriate bait, and the quality they want, to catch them. Bait quality is not restricting on being able to catch lesser pokemon - if there's no rare pokemon in an area, high quality bait will still attract the lower rarity pokemon. Types however shouldn't work like this, and fire bait will not attract water pokemon and such. This teaches both the typing and counter system, as well as lets the player discover and think about the world itself, and removes the needless grind of running in circles, allowing players more certainty in their encounters - for a hefty price that's only really reasonable if you're post end-game and filling out your pokedex, though can be gained slower outside of this.

4. Battles. Its a tough one. The formula is tried and true, however very basic, very simple, and not very engaging anymore. For one, there needs to be animations of the pokemon kind of fighting or such even when you're not making moves; quick enemies should dart around their opponents, tougher, slower enemies should get in defensive positions, and all sorts of such dynamics. They don't necessarily need to be attacking, but they need to be interesting to watch at least.
Secondly, I'd do away with the one by one turn sort of thing, and make it more like what people love about fighting games - the battle of timing and positioning - without the silly combo knowledge requirements. You can order your pokemon to attack at any time. As they're attacking, there is a natural window of time during the animation for the opposing pokemon to block or counter that attack. Still very much draw on the pokemon styled combat to date's strengths - the tactical requirements of typing, and each move having advantages and disadvantages in certain situations, but make it more active and reactive, as opposed to simply sitting there and spamming your most powerful move for most of the game. The same strategic thinking and typing of current pokemon battles, but with an added timing system as well.

5. More exploration in the story. This is what most of us at least originally played pokemon for. To discover this amazing world filled with cool creatures. These days, its become very formulaic. Every region has very similar areas, with maybe a tiny novel thing thrown in to say "Hey, we're hip and different", but instead all they've done is changed the look of something, and removed most of the complexity of an area that actually made it interesting to explore. The best example IMO is that stupid bridge in Black/White. No content. Just hold the forward button for a minute. "But hey, we can do curves". NO. BAD GAMEFREAK.
Focus the story on finding out more about the world again. Have some sense of mystery. Who is this team and what are they doing? Not "Oh, we're bad because we're bad", and not "Oh, we're here to turn the entire world into land" right at the start. Have them be mysterious, and leave the player asking what they're actually doing. What their goal is. And make it interesting.
Have both a rival, and a friend. Your rival will constantly show up and you'll always be questioning when and how much stronger he's gotten - like Gary in the originals, before you'd played it 20 times - and actually be a challenge that doesn't completely block your progress, but impedes it in its own way, in its own self-contained story. Or change the outcome based on how many wins/losses in a logical and intuitive way; Maybe he becomes really arrogant and strong and thinks he can beat the bad guys, but fails and you need to save him. Or he manages to get up to the big boss, because you let him get so strong, who promises him power or something in return for helping him. Or maybe he decides to join up with you in the final confrontation, because you beat him many times and he knows this is beyond his league, but together you can defeat them. That sort of thing.
Your friend on the other hand would be into exploring the world with you and finding new areas and things, and navigating them with you. And have these places actually need navigating, and be interesting to explore mechanically as well as visually.
All this should make the story side of the game much more engaging. I don't think that the Gyms/Elite IV needs to change too much, there's not really much reasonable way it could outside of very specific stories in some games, but it shouldn't be literally tied to everything else in the game like it is; have it encouraged to work on both at the same time simply to level up and get HMs that allow you to explore more effectively and such, but in general you shouldn't have to beat Team X's grunts 20 times before you can challenge the 4th gym.

6. Multi-game connectivity needs a slight revamp. Take advantage of streetpass. I hate having to find a friend who's got the game and is interested in trading. Let me instead use streetpass to help other people evolve their pokemon, and me evolve my own. And allow catching pokemon from streetpassed people's games, rather than only by buying the other game or trading to it.
Oh, and fuck event only pokemon. If you're going to do this, code it into the game, with an internet date/time check, that that event will happen every month/year or whatever is appropriate for the individual pokemon [Mew should be very, very occasionally, other rare pokemon that aren't quite as, well 'legendary' for their rareness should be more common. There should be at least one of these available every day of the year, however]. None of this event you have to go to bullshit, and have a small quest surrounding acquiring them. EXPLORATION people, not "Oh hey, here's a free legendary pokemon no-one in-character has seen before" delivery girls.

7. Finally, find a way to improve the ability to train new pokemon after the end game. Maybe give trainer battles and wild pokemon battles the same experience gain. I hated that when I got to the end game, but up to the level of the gym you just beat [As in, the level of pokemon they had, not the level of pokemon the next gym has]. I wanted to play around with some pokemon I really liked, that were low level at times, however it was near impossible to grind them up to level as the wild encounters were so slow to do so, but they'd die too quickly in trainer battles. I guess in some ways this also creates a bit of a New Game+ if you include the ability to re-challenge all the trainers and such, just without the story components [Unless you haven't beaten them yet].


New member
May 18, 2013
I think the field abilities (HM's, TM's, I get them confused) should be something the trainer uses, not Pokemon.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
1) Give you the option to either cut motions out of fights entirely, or make them incredibly accurate
2) Make the barriers more plausible. Charmander isn't going to give a fuck if a tree is blocking his way.
Edit: Yes I know he's rock type, but everyone knows that's just as much of a joke as a pidgey being able to fly you while Scyther cannot)
3) Make it possible to get the full pokedex without trading


New member
Aug 6, 2009
sgy0003 said:
3.No more HMs. Player should not be forced to keep "HM whore" in their party. If pokemon is flying type, If should know how to fly. If pokemon is water type, it should know how to surf or climb waterfall.
The first time I played through my first Pokemon game, I couldn't find someone who could learn Surf. All I could catch were magikarps. I basically gave up and restarted the game as the water starter.