How to Make Neverdead Better


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Neverdead, despite its issues, was actually fairly good. It introduced some fun, relatively new ideas during a time where devs and publishers are too afraid to do anything except remaking everything into FPS's. Everything you suggested would make the game much better and I would definitely buy the sequel if they changed those suggestions.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Despite all the problems you laid out for NeverDead, I would definitely buy it if it went up on Steam for a sale. I mean, how many games allow you to rip off your own head? No matter how badly it's implemented, it still sounds good.

Also this:

You can sort of see where I'm getting at here, but if you insist on having both short and long range combat, you have to understand how the camera's position affects the two different gameplay styles. If Neverdead could only have had one camera position it should have gone for the higher-up hacky-slash kind, because I hardly see how it can be my fault that my head's been bitten off by a demon dog Zombie who was telegraphing his attack from a blind spot two feet behind me.
Pretty much explains the reason I don't like Left 4 Dead all that much, especially on the higher difficulties. Thanks YZ.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
capt.fodder said:
I think you need to combine the head-throwing idea with a Portal gun - the resulting antics would be pretty epic.
Someone needs to make that damn game! I would even pre order it for full price.


New member
Apr 27, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
DVS BSTrD said:
With all your griping about putting having to put yourself back together in the review, I'm surprised you skipped over one simple concept: If you're going to give the arms auto aim, why not also have a simple recall button for limbs?
He lost his head during the review.

Sorry. Now that that's outta the way, I was actually looking forward to this game. Hearing how it fell short of the finish line really disappointed me. Also hearing Yahtzees take on actually improving the game makes me wish he was a member of the biz.


New member
May 28, 2008
It's sad but an article like this could be written for almost every bad game. Every single one I've played I've thought the same things; "why didn't they just do X" "why isn't Y more like Z". I dunno it still blows my mind that so many bad games get released, and titles that seem to have big budgets and actual competent talent behind them but the execution is just so misguided and almost blissfully unaware of its flaws until the product finally hits shelves.

I know it sounds insane but I think what Double Fine is doing with their kickstarter adventure title; having tonnes of input from their own fan community is exactly what more studios need to do. QA simply isn't cutting it for so many devs, they need diverse feedback from as many people as possible and at much much earlier stages of development. I would love to be able to see a game in its prototype stage and say what I think is cool/uncool. They wouldn't need to care what one individual thinks but if a whole mass of people have the same response then perhaps they would adjust their game accordingly.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
Yea, turn it into a 2D platformer. You design games too Yahtzee, right? I think you're on to something. Go for it!


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Yahtzee said:
But I suppose 2D platformers aren't exactly showing off the technology, are they. You're not allowed to have mainstream games these days that look like they belong in the 16 bit era. Unless you're Nintendo.
I am confused. Are you calling out other developers for not using a perfectly good genre because it's not modern enough, or are you goimg out of your way to mock Nintendo again for using 2D platformers?