How would gay marriage affect your life?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
tbh.. (and correct me if im wrong) the only reason they cant marry is the church.

edit. i stand corrected its just a part of the issue. ta for the lesson


New member
Dec 9, 2009
It would make me clap my hands a few times in delight over the delicious, seething rage from the groups opposing it. Other than that, if I found a nice guy, converted into Christianity, decided I desired that level of commitment and so on and so on, it actually might affect my life as well. As it stands, though, it wouldn't. And neither would it anyone else's I know.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
MasochisticMuse said:
The whole point of the argument is that there's only one answer - it wouldn't affect your life. Gay people are already dating and moving in together and making life-long commitments to each other, so giving them the title of "marriage" isn't going to change day-to-day life at all.
I know, I meant the question on a more personal level than any political level.

Maybe I should answer too. I'm already at that point of life-long commitments so yes, the title of marriage wouldn't change day-to-day life. But my partner's also disabled and I worry about the possibility of him ever needing to be hospitalized. So I would be slightly less worried about that.

Oh, also taxes. Would love me some of those tax breaks.

iron codpiece said:
Well my insurance rates might go up because a large segment of the population would no longer be excluded.
Premiums don't work that way.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Well I might get married some day, then me and my husband would prance down the street naked or something - whatever Christian parents think married gay people do.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Well, if gays could legally marry, i think taht we'd see more guys turn gay, because they wouldn't be scared by the fact that they couldn't declare their love to the hunk of man they've gotten their hands on before the eyes of god.
If more guys turned gay, it would leave me with less competition for the affection of women, and possibly too little competition.
Imagine if i had to deal with 5 guys worth of women for each one i have to deal with now. My ears, psyche and penis would be worn down before i turned 40, and then i'ød have to turn gayu to get away from it, but who'd want a guy with worn down body parts as mentioned above?
I would die lonely and used up way before my expiration date.

On a more serious note, it wouldn't affect my life, and i'm pretty sure it's already legal where i live, i think the law says, it's up to the priests themselves whether they wanna marry gay people to eah other or not, so some priests will do it and others wont, and they can always get married by the state in case they don't want a relegious marriage.
And i think it's a perfectly fine way to do it. Homosexuals can get married as other peopel can, which i think they should be allowed to, and stuck-up priests can refuse and leave the job to more open minded priests who will do so cause they think it's right, instead of a gay couple ending up in front of a priest who disaproves, but marries them anyways because he has to.

Tossth Esalad

New member
Jul 11, 2009
Well... Same sex marriage has been legal where I live since 1989. That's a year before I was born, so I really don't know how to answer this.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I live in Finland, where we have the civil union and there are talks about gender-neutral marriage law, and gays getting married hasn't destroyed the society or anything.

As for myself, it's not like marriage is at the present topical for me personally, but I'd like to marry at some point in my life, and it's good to know I can marry a person of same sex if I choose to. Marriage, for me, holds no religious meaning, but the commitment and legal perks of marriage do.

And well, I know people who have gotten in a civil union, and of course I'm happy for them.

Also, think of the children. There are, and will be children living with gay parents, and if they are married, it would be better for the children, since they would legally be a family, and if for example the relationship ends, the both real parents of the child will have rights, and the child will have rights to see his/her divorced parents, and other legal benefits.


Nov 1, 2009
Considering I am in Canada where this is already reality.. Yeah, not at all.

Some people are just hyper paranoid about things they don't/refuse to understand, in the end (most of the anti-gay-in-general lobby).

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
Its already legal here, but It would affect my life in such a manner that i would have to attend yet another wedding, but that is a celebration of joy so its all good..

I have a couple a gay friends, and if that rocked their boat and made them happy then im all for it..

I dont see what the fuss is about really.. Why do people mind them getting married?

Why deny other people happiness just because they do not have the same sexual orientation as oneself?

Dont make any sense to me..

Even loadsa different animals are gay, so its not a disgrace against god in anyway seeing as they are created that way by nature..


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I'm sure growing up would be slightly more difficult once kids knew my parents were same sex. Though after that period of my life when people begin to mature, then I couldn't think of any real problems.

If I were married to another man, I'd be fascinated to see how, if at all, people in my life would change. I'm quite certain that while my parents take the approach that homosexuality is fine...that in would in reality it would really bother them. Aside from parents though, I only have one friend who I'd suspect would be bothered by it and as such would likely put a division in the friendship. It is sad to think that something like this would have any impact at all, but I think aside from what I mentioned above, life would be unchanged.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
It would aggrovate the great spagety monster in the sky and thus... would not make any difference at all.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Wouldn't affect me... like, at all.

Also, I believe one of my cousins is gay, and I suspect I'm bi/pan... so yeah.

Edit: Actually, I suppose it would affect me if I was indeed bi/pan. So there ya go.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
There might be some social changes, some tax changes and maybe one or two economical changes but nothing massively


New member
Sep 24, 2008
teisjm said:
Well, if gays could legally marry, i think taht we'd see more guys turn gay, because they wouldn't be scared by the fact that they couldn't declare their love to the hunk of man they've gotten their hands on before the eyes of god.
If more guys turned gay, it would leave me with less competition for the affection of women, and possibly too little competition.
Imagine if i had to deal with 5 guys worth of women for each one i have to deal with now. My ears, psyche and penis would be worn down before i turned 40, and then i'ød have to turn gayu to get away from it, but who'd want a guy with worn down body parts as mentioned above?
I would die lonely and used up way before my expiration date.
We'd throw you back bro. Women over 60 outnumber their men nearly 3 to 1. They're desperate. And they're starting to look at our manpile. Now get back in there and take a few for the team.