How would you improve RPGs?


New member
Sep 11, 2007
Amazing how many people talk out of their *ahem* backside when it comes to 'JRPGS'.

Anyway. I won't be so pretentious to claim I know how to make RPGs better. All I can say is that I, personally, would enjoy them more if they had more mature themes (FFXII comes to mind as a good step on the way) and more actual choices to influence the storyline in a lasting way (Planescape Torment was a nice example of this).
A combination of that would be perfect in an MMORPG, to add the social aspect to the experience, but that would be hell to realize (if possible at all). Sad.

[HD]Rob Inglis

New member
Jan 8, 2008
Wow, guess everyone else has some beef with RPGs...just like me. They are very fun and all, 'specially Monster Hunter for the PS2. My friend logged over 10k hours on that game, until the servers were shut down late 2007. The things that most frustrate me are: grind, false choice, monotony, and lack of originality. Most RPGs demand that you do the same thing over and over again, whether it be fighting a monster or completing a quest. Fighting monsters is fun, but after fighting the same guy 200+ times gets a little boring. More and more RPGs are advertising on the ability to decide your destiny, though they are really deciding only to a point of Good, Normal, or Evil. I haven't played Oblivion yet; many tell me that that game is pretty good in terms of deciding your character type. Most games give you a limited number of classes to become, making most outcomes predictable. It would be nice for once if you could, just for once, make your own class. For example; I'd pick up an ax, enchant it with some fire and freeze spells, get some kinda flying power or super speed, then just run around fire freezing people by thwaping them with my weapon or hurling it down from the sky just to return to my hand after the fatal blow. It would be called Storm God or something, I dunno. Basically more freedom to chose and create your class, weapons, etc...As for originality, some games do a great job of that, though most follow a fairly similar story.
You're in a time before that of the present, Medieval usually, or before that. You are some kind of hero who must save or destroy the land. Maybe mix that up. Perhaps some alternate universe in a quasi present and Egyptian time, where mummies and hover cars are along side each other. I understand that it is difficult to make a time period other than Medieval, because that one is usually associated with dragons and cool things like magic. Just some originality would really bring home the cake.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
TSED said:

10) Turnbased? Real time? Why do you have to choose? I know that Might & Magic 6+ had the option where you could do either. It was pretty groundsbreaking for 6, but stale and never improved upon. Come on, devs. You can do it.
Good suggestion. Ever hear of Baldur's Gate I and II? Planescape Torment? KOTOR I and II?