Humanity's worst mistake


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Bebus said:
Anything bigger, we kinda suck. Corruption, too much power in the hands of too few, poverty.
The same could be said of capitalism. (coming from a socialist)

OT: Religion's been said enough times so I'll go with nationalism. Just because you were born somewhere doesn't make you better than everyone else, and there is nothing wrong with people who aren't from where you are from.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Not using the first years following the creation of the UN as an opportunity to form a true world governing body to direct control of nuclear weapons and space travel


New member
May 1, 2009
The Nuclear Warhead, anyone? Ya know, that thing that can destroy miles of earth and then irradiate many, many more? Sure, it's never been deployed; but the very concept is a monstrous idea.


New member
Jul 29, 2011

The concept of evolution has resulted in more mass murder than all the religious wars in all of recorded history combined

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
Indeed, but the issue at hand here is that religion is a way to broad answer. Seriously, religion has always been a part of mankind, in one way or another. Now, if you were to say something along the lines with "religious conflict" or "religios oppression" that'd be another thing, that be something that you could discuss. Just saying religion doesn't really work because it is such a fundamental part of our history and our civilization.
So what you're saying is that just because the problem has been a persistant one, it's not a problem at all?

You sure know how to dazzle people with your intelligence...

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
The advent of religion from "privately find your spirituality and your place in this world" to "do what I say this two-thousand-year-old book tells you to or you are not fit to be considered human".

Religion in itself is benign. It's the exploitation, commercialization and weaponization of religion that's taken things out of hand.


If it ain't broken, get to work
Jun 9, 2010
Well, there´s a lot. The ideia that a ethnicity is superior to other because one needs slaves, nuclear bombs and absolute monarchy.
Organized religion itself isn´t so bad, it gets titscrazy bad when we join in an Inquision force, with the right to do whatever tehy want to people who don´t believe the exact same thing they believe.

But Mankind´s worse mistake is: inventing fox news. Hands down.

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
Humanity's incessant refusal to accept me as its ultimate ruler.

Really, it's their loss.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
HT_Black said:
The Nuclear Warhead, anyone? Ya know, that thing that can destroy miles of earth and then irradiate many, many more? Sure, it's never been deployed; but the very concept is a monstrous idea.
Erm "never been deployed"? Hiroshima? Nagasaki? Ring any bells?

Also, without nuclear weapons or the research that went into them, we wouldn't have nuclear power. You know that power source that's pretty much the best one in terms or relative stability, enviromental-friendlyness and effectiveness.


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Aug 16, 2011
Trivun said:
I'm going to be controversial here, but I think one of (not the worst, but in the top ten) the worst things humanity has done, or rather failed to do, is the failure to institute population caps in the last century, with strict regulations and harsh punishments for breaking those rules. I even wouldn't be averse to (as a last resort) adding birth control to the water supply in countries with greater than 3% growth per year. The population is increasing out of control, and we're running out of room and food and resources. Unless we want WW3, over natural resources, within the next century, we need to do something now.
Yeah but we have bigger problems than that... much bigger.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Erja_Perttu said:
Viral_Lola said:
I would have to say wars over religion.
I'll agree with this over all the people just flat out saying 'Religion'. Religion on its own isn't a bad thing. Treat others how you want to be treated, don't steal - the basics of religion if followed in a sensible manner can make for quite a happy society.

It's when the nutters and people in power get hold of it that to falls to pieces and war start.

You can't say all religions have had holy wars though. The Buddhists are rather partial to peace.
Christianity isn't going anywhere, nice try.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
The Code said:
I'm an Anarcho Communist.
The image in my head, of Ms Kerrigan telling me that sentence straight faced looking at me while I hope that my PSI Shield gets up in time left me laughing... a lot...

And yes, Religion is pretty much outdated now but not the problem I think.
The main problem is freedom of speech and global ignorance, so the biggest mistake was to have freedom of speech while keeping the populace dumb. Either abolish freedom of speech or make people smarter.
You can't have both. That's the worst thing we allowed so far.
The loudest dumbasses always win and that is really, really, REALLY *B*A*D*.
Mar 25, 2011
Metroid: Other M. Hands down.

Really though, I think it's this politically correct, oversensitive BULLSHIT. There just words and the intentions behind them should be whats judged, not the exact wording. It's BULLSHIT.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
JamesStone said:
But Mankind´s worse mistake is: inventing fox news. Hands down.
Well, considering that the religious pundits of this thread seems to think that it's okay to say that by claiming that religion is humanity's worst mistake, you're just as bad as Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin, I think it's only fair to make a similar argument.

Fox News would never have been as bad as it is if it weren't for religion. I mean which side of the political spectrum does the staff at Fox News mostly favour? Oh, that's right! Right-wing republicans!

And what is the right-wing republican faction's primary source of inspiration for pretty much every argument they make? The BIBLE!

So if mankind hadn't been STUPID enough to preserve religion as long as it did, the Fox News network might've actually been a respectable news network. But the religious influence makes it into what it is so...


New member
Apr 1, 2011
CM156 said:
chaosyoshimage said:
Crocs, yeah, I'm saying it's crocs...
A duel, good sir! I shalln't let you slander the good name of Crocs!

OT: Militant atheism and British food.
In the name of fashion, I accept your challenge! You and your inferior footware shall rue the day you ever decided to embrace such a gaudy choice of style!

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
While humanity has made mistakes they were all required to make a more better race. Without the nuke being dropped when it was we may have had a apocalypse. Without weapons we would not be able to defend ourselves from each other and animals. Without war well if we ever encountred a alien race and they where hostile well we would be screwed.
Mar 25, 2011
Delsana said:
Erja_Perttu said:
Viral_Lola said:
I would have to say wars over religion.
I'll agree with this over all the people just flat out saying 'Religion'. Religion on its own isn't a bad thing. Treat others how you want to be treated, don't steal - the basics of religion if followed in a sensible manner can make for quite a happy society.

It's when the nutters and people in power get hold of it that to falls to pieces and war start.

You can't say all religions have had holy wars though. The Buddhists are rather partial to peace.
Christianity isn't going anywhere, nice try.
"Human history is a litany of blood shed over differing views on rulership and the afterlife"
-Legion, Mass Effect 2
Jun 11, 2008
Housebroken Lunatic said:
theheroofaction said:
Little known fact, WWII happened because some fucks decided suppressing religion was a great Idea.

quit flaming, kay'.
Quit flaming yourself!

Saying that "WWII" happened just because "some fucks decided suppressing religions" is a gross historical inaccuracy and over-simplification.

Besides, considering the human deaths in comparison to current global population ratio, Religion has any kind of organized movement beat in causing most deaths.
Roughly 49-78,000,000 deaths were caused by Mao. So yeah I think it is fair to say Mao has Religion beat as even at that it is unfair to consider it one entity in this context unless you want to count Dictatorships or Wars as one big group as well. Most killings that use/blame/people think are caused by Religion as the motive usually have fuck all to do with Religion(The Troubles, Crusades).

We would be killing each other just fine without Religion we would just use varying philosophies, race, stereotypes, differences in spelling, etc. We have no shortage of bullshit reasons for covering the real reasons land, money, power, influence.


If it ain't broken, get to work
Jun 9, 2010
Housebroken Lunatic said:
JamesStone said:
But Mankind´s worse mistake is: inventing fox news. Hands down.
Well, considering that the religious pundits of this thread seems to think that it's okay to say that by claiming that religion is humanity's worst mistake, you're just as bad as Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin, I think it's only fair to make a similar argument.

Fox News would never have been as bad as it is if it weren't for religion. I mean which side of the political spectrum does the staff at Fox News mostly favour? Oh, that's right! Right-wing republicans!

And what is the right-wing republican faction's primary source of inspiration for pretty much every argument they make? The BIBLE!

So if mankind hadn't been STUPID enough to preserve religion as long as it did, the Fox News network might've actually been a respectable news network. But the religious influence makes it into what it is so...
Very well, inventing organized, dictatorship like religion that eventually lead to the creation of Fox News was humanity worst mistake. 50-50, no problem.