I ain't touching that with a ten foot pole.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Outlast, Amnesia, Alien: Isolation, etc. They're good games, and I've watched LP's of them. But never will I ever go near them by myself. I'm a massive, gigantic, colossal pussy when it comes to horror, even if it's just jump scares. I can't handle that shit. Haha. The first F.E.A.R. and its two expansions is the most I can tolerate, and that's weak sauce against those aforementioned games.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
bartholen said:
Care to elaborate? Because in my experience Dark Souls is far, far from having bad controls. Well, the jumping controls suck, no doubt, and the control scheme takes some time getting used to. But outright bad controls? I don't see it.
I tried for about an hour and a half, and to me it was slow and unresponsive, and yes the 'jump' mechanic was shit. Playing it right after playing other FPS or third person games was like trying to pull teeth imo, when those others have instant responses to key presses and the like (using KB and Mouse could have been this issue to). Maybe I'll try it again in the future.

BathorysGraveland2 said:
... Alien: Isolation,...
I got Alien Isolation as well and started playing before putting it to the side to do later... in the middle of the day in a brightly lit room. Playing it at around midnight, with the lights off and headphones on was not the smartest thing I've done. Needed new pants when the dog came and poked me with his nose on the back of the leg.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
Shinkicker444 said:
bartholen said:
Care to elaborate? Because in my experience Dark Souls is far, far from having bad controls. Well, the jumping controls suck, no doubt, and the control scheme takes some time getting used to. But outright bad controls? I don't see it.
I tried for about an hour and a half, and to me it was slow and unresponsive, and yes the 'jump' mechanic was shit. Playing it right after playing other FPS or third person games was like trying to pull teeth imo, when those others have instant responses to key presses and the like (using KB and Mouse could have been this issue to). Maybe I'll try it again in the future.
Ah, playing on KB+mouse, that explains it. I haven't tried those controls, but I'd suggest using a gamepad if you have one. The controls are clearly designed for a controller and not for a keyboard.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
I've got my PS3 controller hooked up now for when I'm playing around with Flight Sim X, so guess I might try DS again.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Elfgore said:
Thousands of games exist in this world. Some good, some bad, some near god-like, and some that are so bad it hurts... but there also exists games that are so terrifying, so offensive, so downright disturbing that some people won't even get near it. I'm curious as to what games ya'll won't go anywhere near.

Mine is... is... is...

A majority of anime and visual novels know why this is game is terrifying. It's like the ultimate trap created by a demon, it starts off kinda cute and fuzzy and then takes turns so dark it could haunt dreams. I was lucky enough to be spoiled about the anime before I made the mistake of watching it, but human curiosity made me download the VN. There it sat in my toolbar... waiting for me to play it. I clicked the terrifying icon once before instantly shutting it down. After about six months of sitting there, I finally deleted that taint from my computer. School Days is way to close to reality for me to be comfortable playing it.

This game is about a man, a young man who falls in love with a mysterious girl on the train. With the aid of one of his classmates, he manages to get the courage to ask her out. Being a young man, his sexual urges are quite high. When the girl doesn't put out as much as he wants, he decides to turn to his classmate for help. Together they start doing things of a sexual nature and eventually, his classmate falls for him. So now we have a two-timer as the protagonists... then it gets worse. He starts having sex with multiple other girls, his girlfriend is raped by his best-friend, and the two girls are starting to get jealous. This game has about 32 different endings, none of them are happy. Five result in the death of at least one person, either due to suicide or straight up fucking murder. The worst ending, which is the one the anime went with, involves a double homicide, corpse mutilation, and some necrophilia. To sum it up, this game takes the harem dream and brings it into the real world. Where emotions and teen stupidity take things too far. Here, I'll even link a video. This is seriously how the fucking anime ended.

I think I know this one...

Does it end with a boat and a head? Because if it does, my friend told me about this story back in primary school during football practice.

OT: That bird dating simulation thing. I'm a guy who tends to like anything he does. Even the most average games out there I have fun with for weeks. So my deepest fear is that if I do play that game... I might actually like it one day.

Seriously though, I will never play MMORPGs or MMOs or MMDISHBFUS whatever. I don't need another addiction in my life, Not to mention it would totally ruin my street cred.


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
Bob_McMillan said:
OT: That bird dating simulation thing. I'm a guy who tends to like anything he does. Even the most average games out there I have fun with for weeks. So my deepest fear is that if I do play that game... I might actually like it one day.
Hatoful Boyfriend? You should play it! That game is a wonderful kind of crazy and fully aware of it. There's nothing wrong with liking it for that :)

cleric of the order said:
Seriously, how could this be more fucked up then song of saya?
I mean wasn't SoS just enough to be the gold standard of fucked up.
It is, but it does go beyond mere shock value, which is reason enough for me (and others) to play it. But yeah, if you don't want fucked up, run the hell away and never look back.

As for games I personally don't want to play ever:

stuff like Rapelay and Hatred
So, people made games about rape and/or a killing spree just because they could? To see what reactions they'd get, what people they could provoke? Maybe even get some weird kind of pleasure from it themselves? Big nope for me.

Not much of online gamer anyway and seeing the amount of time my Hearthstone habit sucks up (15-60 minutes a day does add up!), I'd rather stay away from the real thing.

'Free to Play' crap on phones and tablets
The idea of free to play isn't evil (Hearthstone is pretty fair about the whole thing), but most of the games that use this money making tactic are just plain evil.

Facebook games
I'm not going to get sucked in by Facebook or its games if I can help.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
Dungeon Keeper Mobile. Definitely Dungeon Keeper Mobile. I mean, EA is not exactly known for overly caring about its "fans" so long as the green keeps flowing, but which person thought it a genuinely good idea to make a game whose primary fanbase was born years before all this cow-clicker nonsense started, and which wished for nothing more than a worthy sequel?

But no. Let's dig up the body of the game we murdered, and defile its corpse for some quick buck. Thank god War for the Overworld and Dwelvers are coming up around the corner.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
I refused to touch Dragon Age 2 with a ten foot pole.

Instead, I picked it up with my hands, put it in my PC, and played it to completion.

Wasn't bad, actually. 8/10

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Probably Tower Fall Ascension due to them adding Anita Sarkeesian as a character skin. Say what you want but I just don't like her to say the least. If they support her views, fine it's their opinion but making her as a character per say is a no no for me.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
The current hypetrain that is Hunipop.

I have an aversion for visual novel animu bullcrap as it is, but Hunipop looks even more gross to me, so very very tasteless. Yuck, no thanks, not with a ten-foot pole indeed.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Anything that is 100's of episodes long. I refuse to watch Bleach, One Piece or Naruto solely on the fact that it is no longer a TV show; it is a commitment.

Frankly, I have better things to do than sit there and watch something for that long.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Yeah for me, none of those VNs, and any other that may exist. No one can convince me that the amount of "underage schoolgirl gets brutally murdered" in this genre is supposed to convey some kind of message or purpose. And I'm not against horror stories or nothing like that, but if the FPS genre is filled with "modern day brown collored war", VNs suffer the same thing with "bloody schoolgirls".


New member
Nov 13, 2012
The Witcher series. My GOD do I hate it, despite loving CD Projekt Red as a company.

I'll just post the same thing here as I did in another post:

I DESPISE the second game (haven't played the first one), despite acknowledging that it's a good game overall.

From a gameplay standpoint I was constantly frustrated. The combat has a delay which makes you constantly feel like you're not truly in control of Geralt. The menus and inventory are overly complicated, the quests can be instantly failed without a warning and the upgrading and crafting felt troublesome.

But what breaks it for me is the story. The thing is, I don't care about these characters or even the world. I constantly felt that almost everyone was out to stab me in the back and that everything around me would constantly keep going down the shitter no matter what I tried to do. And I can take dark and "mature". I enjoy Game of Thrones because despite it's grim world it has characters I WANT to see survive and that I enjoy spending time with. Witcher didn't have any of that.

What strikes me as most odd is when people describe Witcher as being "mature" when talking about it's depiction of sex. Now, I have no problems with the brothels and whatnot. That makes sense, that is okay. But don't freaking expect me to take things seriously when every major female character looks like a plastic doll and has her tits constantly hanging out in the open. This is not about social justice. This is about immersion and good world building.

And then there's the moment which made me absolutely DISGUSTED. It's when

Ves gets raped. What in the actual F*** CD Project?! You had this strong, capable, fierce warrior woman and you do THIS to her? She gets raped and turns into a sobbing, fragile girl who needs her man friends to make things right for her. Screw that! You want to get her raped, fine, but breaking her like that goes against everything the character stood for! Why couldn't she be like: "Ok, great to see you guys are here. Now you can help me to hunt this bastard king down so I can cut his balls off"?Oh, and that's it for her! She's nowhere to be seen after that incident. Her whole point in the game was to get raped!


New member
Jul 25, 2012
NPC009 said:
stuff like Rapelay and Hatred
So, people made games about rape and/or a killing spree just because they could? To see what reactions they'd get, what people they could provoke? Maybe even get some weird kind of pleasure from it themselves? Big nope for me.
Rapelay isn't like Hatred though since it has an existing Market, and Rapelay isn't the first "rape simulator" created by Illusion, heck it's not even the first rape game. So it wasn't made to garner reactions, it was simply made because someone would buy as it's a common genre there.

Ronald Nand

New member
Jan 6, 2013
Pretty much every Horror game, I'm a massive whimp when it comes to Horror, the first Horror I tried was Silent Hill 1 and just the start of that game made me super scared, the only horror game I've beaten is Silent Hill 3 and that's only because I had quicksaves.

I'm never going to play games where the controls are shitty on purpose like Surgeon Simulator, Probably Archery or QWOP.

As for creepy visual novels I'd never play, there's Saya No Uta, I saw it on Extra Credit Horror games you've probably not tried and looked up the plot of the game, that plot is screwed up.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
True story: I had a friend watching School Days unspoiled, and I begged her to record her and her friend's reactions to the final episode.

It was beautiful.

OT: There is no way in hell I'm going to play Corruption of Champions. I don't understand why people keep recommending it to me.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
People be bitchin' about School Days when Yandere is a thing. The ignorance is real

I'll be honest, i'm usually fine with anything gore related but fuckin' hell. I uninstalled when the one girl sewed her vagina shut with thread and stabbed herself in the stomach because she's crazy masochistic. I wish I was fucking kidding.

I'll take Nice Boat over that anyday, I thought the SD anime was funny. I feel sorry for Makoto too because he's not even a character. I find he's a plot device from writers who were so focused on making a subversion of the standard harem anime they threw everything else under the bus.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
People be bitchin' about School Days when Yandere is a thing. The ignorance is real

I'll be honest, i'm usually fine with anything gore related but fuckin' hell. I uninstalled when the one girl sewed her vagina shut with thread and stabbed herself in the stomach because she's crazy masochistic. I wish I was fucking kidding.

I'll take Nice Boat over that anyday, I thought the SD anime was funny. I feel sorry for Makoto too because he's not even a character. I find he's a plot device from writers who were so focused on making a subversion of the standard harem anime they threw everything else under the bus.
she did what?! holy shit as a person that likes yandere characters never have i been happier to be too lazy to get a VN.
my contribution to the thread is the previously mentioned "saya no uta". i played the first minutes but as a person with a very visual imagination and weak stomach i didn't get very far


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
VanQ said:
School Day Family Tree
SO MUCH INCEST AND SLEEPING AROUND! Maybe that's where Makoto gets it from?

OT: I tend to not play games like Call of Duty or Medal of Honor. It's not that I think they're terrible, I'm just not interested in something that close to reality (at least, as close to "reality" as the CoD or MoH series gets). I play Vidya to get AWAY from reality, not really to emulate it.

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Elfgore said:
Thousands of games exist in this world. Some good, some bad, some near god-like, and some that are so bad it hurts... but there also exists games that are so terrifying, so offensive, so downright disturbing that some people won't even get near it. I'm curious as to what games ya'll won't go anywhere near.

Mine is... is... is...

A majority of anime and visual novels know why this is game is terrifying. It's like the ultimate trap created by a demon, it starts off kinda cute and fuzzy and then takes turns so dark it could haunt dreams. I was lucky enough to be spoiled about the anime before I made the mistake of watching it, but human curiosity made me download the VN. There it sat in my toolbar... waiting for me to play it. I clicked the terrifying icon once before instantly shutting it down. After about six months of sitting there, I finally deleted that taint from my computer. School Days is way to close to reality for me to be comfortable playing it.

This game is about a man, a young man who falls in love with a mysterious girl on the train. With the aid of one of his classmates, he manages to get the courage to ask her out. Being a young man, his sexual urges are quite high. When the girl doesn't put out as much as he wants, he decides to turn to his classmate for help. Together they start doing things of a sexual nature and eventually, his classmate falls for him. So now we have a two-timer as the protagonists... then it gets worse. He starts having sex with multiple other girls, his girlfriend is raped by his best-friend, and the two girls are starting to get jealous. This game has about 32 different endings, none of them are happy. Five result in the death of at least one person, either due to suicide or straight up fucking murder. The worst ending, which is the one the anime went with, involves a double homicide, corpse mutilation, and some necrophilia. To sum it up, this game takes the harem dream and brings it into the real world. Where emotions and teen stupidity take things too far. Here, I'll even link a video. This is seriously how the fucking anime ended.

I'm really, REALLY! Wishing I had just with reading the description in your post and had not let my curiosity get the best of me and actually look up that ending O_O

EDIT: after my breather from that batch of depression.

I was going to say something like Duke Nukem Forever or WoW but, I think that up there trumps it.

Usually I am all for grim and dark stories but jeez, maybe I'm tough as I thought. Hmmm I wonder how Spec Ops will make me feel when I eventually play it..