I am a male, but always make a female player-character.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
I actually have a lot of female characters too. I do it because a lot of the time the dialogue changes, and I find it easier to not play myself. That and maybe a little of the "enjoying the scenery" thing...

Gill Kaiser

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Frostbite3789 said:
Greyah said:
Given the option, I will almost always play a woman. Why? Because I like my game characters to look pretty and wear fancy dresses.

I am male, or... so I think. I'm not too sure actually.
No, this really does kind of make sense. As a fellow member of the male gender, it can be slightly frustrating by how truly limited we are when compared to females when it comes to clothes.

We can wear long pants or shorts. A button up shirt or a t-shirt. We don't have options. Meanwhile they have all kinds of fancity options and what like.

I think I just won the award for the most homosexual post on this topic.
Restating my sentiment from earlier, I agree. They get so many more clothing options, as well as jewellery, makeup and interesting hairstyles. It's much more fun making a kickass-looking girl.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I always play as a female character because I identify better with people's reactions towards me that way. I'm a girl though, so it's probably not all that helpful for me to say so.

Also, the character editors never let me make a guy the way I'd like. I can always find SOMETHING acceptable for girl characters, but guys end up being restricted to grisled slabs of meat.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
I'm one of those players that plays a game from my character's perspective, not my own. I like to experience the story in their shoes; I more or less what I'm gonna do in the situation. It's far more entertaining to see what happens when they have the reigns.

And I think a women who can fight is the sexiest thing in the world. Add to that I don't have too many males who can be inserted in the various roles of, say, Mass Effect (where two of my female were actually Marines).


New member
Apr 6, 2010
SageRuffin said:
I'm one of those players that plays a game from my character's perspective, not my own. I like to experience the story in their shoes; I more or less what I'm gonna do in the situation. It's far more entertaining to see what happens when they have the reigns.
So does that mean you play whatever the character looks like in the box art? Because I have to say, after playing Fem Shep, Male Shep's voice acting is physically painful.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I pick a sex to match my character. If I'm playing a game as myself if I had 'powers and shit', then I pick male, because I'm roleplaying an alternate version of myself. If I'm playing something like Dragon Age, I tend to pick males for warriors, females for rogues, and then either for a mage (depends on if I want a beard, or which character I want to romance).

Lady Larunai

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Nov 30, 2010
BlueFishie said:
I always make female characters when given the chance. Pretty sure I'd go female IRL if I could with the press of a button. :p

Can't really explain and/or justify it, though I've had thoughts that maybe I'm transsexual.
I was the same.. then i pushed the button.. becoming a girl IRL worked out fine for me :p


New member
Jun 13, 2011
my males super good, if i ever play as i women i make sure SHE OWNS THE WORLD as evil like as possible. why cause its my gift to her, THE WORLD!


New member
Aug 27, 2010
I think it's just that I like my character to be a strong woman. A badass one. My Fable III character was wearing fancy dresses, but that didn't keep her from leading a rebellion sword in hand, fighting off hollow men, punch a few faces and sentence her own brother to death.

Teh Jammah

New member
Nov 13, 2010
I'll *usually* start by making a man, experiment with hetero romances, then assuming, make a woman, do the same, then i'll 'experiment' further.

... it's scientific


New member
Oct 15, 2010
When I played the Gears 3 beta, I was always Anya, because I can actually see other shit besides Marcus or Dom's fat ass.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Well in some games it effects states like Dexterity so if I'm making a assassin or rouge and gender plays a factor then yes I play women. I mainly play RPG's as if I were the character and so I play male to be more connected to my character.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
i usually pick a female character, especially if it's an RPG. If i'm gonna be forced to stare at the same character for hours on end it might as well be a girl.


New member
May 29, 2011
Darius Brogan said:
If I have a choice, I choose female much of the time, because I don't enjoy staring at a male ass all day.

I'll play a specifically male player when the game calls for it, and it doesn't weird me out at all. In fact, I've got no problem with male character models in general... except that they're usually REALLY buff...

I'm not 'turning' anything sexual, it just sounds like the grunt of pain is needlessly sexual. It doesn't need to sound like the guy's getting a rough blowjob when he gets hit by an arrow

I don't know ANYBODY that sounds even remotely like that when they get injured.

I've got nothing against playing as a male character, I just prefer a female character for a variety of reasons. The ass comment just came to mind first.

Another reason is this: Male builds are usually heavily muscled and large, I prefer stealth in a video-game and female builds are almost always lithe and graceful perfect for stealth.

Yet another reason would be: It's easy to role-play as someone close to yourself. When you have to play as an entirely different gender, it's much harder.

I don't always adopt the role of the character I play, but when I do, I would prefer that it be as different from me as humanly possible, because that takes skill that basically 'being yourself' doesn't.

Any less confused by this point? Or is there something else in my post that requires the services of a psychiatrist?
And now I'm laughing my ass off again, not even in a sarcastic way. This is now my favourite thread today and I never thought I would be saying that after coming across Japan creates the poop burger, solves world hunger [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.291809-Japan-creates-the-poop-burger-solves-world-hunger?page=5#11600417]

In response to your question: No, I am not any less confused and no, you don't need a psychiatrist. You are just delightfully odd, let's leave it at that.


New member
May 25, 2010
Quite possibly because when you are your own gender it's easier to see the character as yourself but when you are the opposite gender you don't have to worry about making yourself out to be evil.
Nimcha said:
Kurt Cristal said:
I try to justify this all the time, but I'm not really sure why EXACTLY I do this. I won't give out any more personal details about myself because I'm just curious about what you think of this, escapist. So, any psychoanalysts in the house? Also, when you make a customizable player character, what do YOU make?
Some people do that for the challenge of 'role-playing'(in the widest definition) a character completely different from themselves.

I usually make female characters too, mostly because it's easier for me to immerse myself and because I think there are already enough male protagonists in games. :p
Quite possibly because when you are your own gender it's easier to see the character as yourself but when you are the opposite gender you don't have to worry about making yourself out to be more like yourself thus allowing you to do whatever you want without the guilt.