I Am Alive Dev Claims Mistranslation, Says PC Might Still Happen


New member
Sep 29, 2011
This is funny.

Seriously though, I think they planned that all along in order to raise attention to their new game "I am Alive" which nobody gave a f*ck until some days ago...
Now "everybody" is talking about this game and when the PC Port gets published people might actually even buy it just to show off that "moronic dev"


New member
Jan 3, 2010
No way, you can't pull the "I don't speak english as my native language" bullshit, at least not when you work for a big studio like this. Keep your crappy game ubisoft & Mettra, I have 0 interest in it.

Pyramid Head

New member
Jun 19, 2011
I'm calling bullshit. Even if gaming execs aren't normally the great public speakers of our days, i find it impossible to swallow that he could mistakingly use words that powerful. There wasn't something lost in translation or a failure in communication, he was just being a dick. And frankly, i don't care. Activision has basically abandoned all of it's projects for shit like X-Men Destiny, frankly the fact that I Am Alive is even being released is a small fucking miracle when True Crime had to be bought by Square fucking Enix.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
I'm guess the PR department kicked some heads in after those previous outings :D
"Me no speako engrisho, vewy sowy"


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Ah well, at least it's funny seeing him try to distance himself.

Hell hath no fury like a PC gamer with an internet connection, apparently.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
All this tells me is that our backlash had some affect, maybe he read his hate mail and said "oh shit" or maybe he got chewed out by his boss, either way, it pleases me that our anger did not fall on deaf ears


New member
Jul 7, 2010
If this was just an isolated incident, then I would be more understanding. Since we have had Ubisoft make repeated anti PC statements, two on successive days, they are going to have to do a lot more than use the 'me english, she is not so good' defence.

What I would want out of them and other developers is for them to be straight with us. The port does not make economic sense, then just say that, with some details about why due to projected sales. PC games are pretty grown up (at least in comparison to some using other platforms) we can take , what we can't take is made up excuses and insult for why these decisions have been taken. That sinks....


New member
Oct 22, 2008
In other news, Bitchy PC gamers and Piracy blamed for console exclusive release of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.

Don't even bother apologizing at this point. Not when it's clear that Ubisoft's (the entire company apparently) stance on PC gaming is that we're all a bunch of whiners and pirates. It's not a very effective apology when other people in your organization are publicly sharing the same viewpoint that you're now apologizing for. We're also not fucking stupid, so stop treating us like it.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Ubisoft has released many games that are either buggy or have draconic DRM in recent years. That's why they didn't get too many PC sales. If piracy was really that much of an issue how come Valve/Blizzard/CD Projekt have no problem concentrating on PC games?


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Zhukov said:
Ah well, at least it's funny seeing him try to distance himself.

Hell hath no fury like a PC gamer with an internet connection, apparently.
That's right because users of other platforms don't throw shit fits when they think they are getting a raw deal, oh wait....

OutrageousEmu said:
So, the guy accuses PC gamers of acting like assholes, and you act like assholes. Then, when he says it was a misunderstanding by some games journalists, you guys double down on being assholes....what part of this was meant to prove the guy wrong about you?
Same comment above to you to...


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
ph0b0s123 said:
Zhukov said:
Ah well, at least it's funny seeing him try to distance himself.

Hell hath no fury like a PC gamer with an internet connection, apparently.
That's right because users of other platforms don't throw shit fits when they think they are getting a raw deal, oh wait....
I'unno, do they?

On this site it's mostly us PC types I see pumping the rage. The Escapist folks know it too, that's why they report on this sort of thing. Outrage is probably second only to good ol' sex when it comes to generating hits.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
OutrageousEmu said:
So, the guy accuses PC gamers of acting like assholes, and you act like assholes. Then, when he says it was a misunderstanding by some games journalists, you guys double down on being assholes....what part of this was meant to prove the guy wrong about you?
At what point did he say we're assholes? If anything, the original comments are the kind of thing you'd expect a complete asshole to say.

I'm sorry, but taking offence at someone who implies that an entire group of people consists entirely of thieves and whiners hardly makes the person that's offended an asshole.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Mistranslation my ass. This was publicity stunt that went as planned. Notice how every article including this one prominently mentions this Jackass's game in the title e.g. "I am alive dev had bacon for breakfast."

"yeah PC gamers are a bunch of whiny bitchy pirates...did you get that? now make sure to mention the name of my game in the title of your articles about this controversy."
Feb 13, 2008
Zhukov said:
I'unno, do they?
Super Smash Brothers Brawl never came out on the PC.

Neither did MLP.

Neither did Twilight.

Jokes about Macs not being able to play Portal because they only have one button?

Go into any thread about "PC Elitism" and do a brief head-count on "Startled Observers", "PC Elitists" and "Poor Bullied Console Players".

Note who is using the most insults in their posts.

I'd be interested to hear results.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
OutrageousEmu said:
CrystalShadow said:
OutrageousEmu said:
So, the guy accuses PC gamers of acting like assholes, and you act like assholes. Then, when he says it was a misunderstanding by some games journalists, you guys double down on being assholes....what part of this was meant to prove the guy wrong about you?
At what point did he say we're assholes? If anything, the original comments are the kind of thing you'd expect a complete asshole to say.

I'm sorry, but taking offence at someone who implies that an entire group of people consists entirely of thieves and whiners hardly makes the person that's offended an asshole.
Sorry, I guess its more a personal thing where I think of whingers as assholes, so I guess it doesn't really work.

Doesn't mean you guys still aren't acting like assholes right now.
Ah, I see. That kind of logic. I've got plenty of things like that too. I just don't tell them to most people, because it's not worth the inevitable crap that ensues.
Sep 14, 2009
rollerfox88 said:
Love it - the old "I no speka di English, senor" defence. Textbook.
no speaka englishioso!

OT: I was actually really interested in this game a couple years back when that early trailer came out, so if they happen to make one without the usual DRM bullshit they pull, i may have to buy it...

but ubisoft, the game should be able to stand on it's own two feet, if pc really was failing, than no companies would be making games and reaping profits for it. derp derp.

Otaku World Order

New member
Nov 24, 2011
So they won't be making a PC version... unless they do. However, Ubisoft was clear that PC versions will be pirated and thus be unprofitable... unless it is profitable. So what we know is that there will definitely, sort-of, maybe not be a PC version of the game unless there clearly, might, by chance be the possibility of it happening.

Ubisoft: The Magic 8 Ball of PC Gaming.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I still don't really care about this game. It just doesn't look fun. It did in the early concept, but they changed it into something more mainstream and I lost interest because it doesn't look as original as it did before.