I Am Alive Dev Claims Mistranslation, Says PC Might Still Happen


New member
Jun 17, 2009
95% of us are still pirates and ubi still hates us.
and if English is not your native language you should be extra careful what you say when you intend to insult people, dipshit.


New member
May 4, 2009
To be fair, I did teach a non-English speaker that it was socially acceptable to offer 'a nice bit of crumpet' to strangers.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Ill give people benifit of the doubt at the drop of a hat. I understand that people are generally decent, and being an asshole is generally a matter of justifying selfishness, not just being an ass. However, I hear about them talking about a mistranslation over a possible PC version, and they seem to be hopeing that that glosses over the fact that they outright insulted PC gamers.

Look Ubi. You don't think a PC version is profitable? Fine, I can respect that. Its just buisness. My problem is that you have insulted your consumers. And that undermines my faith in you as a whole.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
if ubisoft is letting employees who do not proficiently speak the language they are providing company feedback and support in, then i have no sympathy for them Zero, zip.

also, convenient damage control is convenient.. jus' saying.

and, ubisoft i want to buy your game just to spite you!

teebeeohh said:
95% of us are still pirates and ubi still hates us.
and if English is not your native language you should be extra careful what you say when you intend to insult people, dipshit.
i'm guessing you're not natively English either, right? i mean that's the only way you could insult someone isn't it ^^


New member
Nov 23, 2010
DVS BSTrD said:
Were all the Ubisoft employees molested by Oregon Trail or something?
What's the elvish word for "I call bullshit"? "damage control"?
This right here, you nailed it good sir.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Dear Ubisoft,

Please hire some PR staff and tell your devs to STFU.

The rest of the world.


New member
Sep 16, 2011
Ohh ho ho ho really? what does he take us for?
I'm sorry but this is just insulting.

If this game comes out on PC I'm not buying it. I don't really care if it will "prove him right" but this is just not on.

There's damage control, and then there's "they must all be incredibly stupid, let's work that to our advantage"

EDIT: I'd also just like to point out just how clearly spoken he was in both cases, both the initial response and this little bit of back peddling. Not something you'd expect to see from someone who can't tell the difference between "it's not happening" and "It's not happening YET please don't throw bricks through our windows" *raises suspicious eyebrow*


New member
Feb 16, 2010
What I suspect happened at Asshat central Ubisoft:
Whhaaaaa, whaaaaa
Some anonymous people on the intertubes called me an asshat, WHAAAAAAA!
I can't let them see me sobbing like an infant (WHAAAAAAAAAAAA! D:<). Must. Hide. Shame!
And the result:
So sowwy, me no speakie engrish...

Yeah...I have no idea what they teach people in business school, but I should hope doing shit like this isn't part of the curriculum.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Hah, all the mistranslations in the world wouldn't prompt me to buy this bargain bin game in the making.

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I said in the original thread, that I like a lot of the games Ubisoft make and I was looking forward to playing I Am Alive. I'm a PC gamer foremost, but I do have a 360. If he had just come out and said "there's not going to be a PC version because we don't think it will sell well" that would be fine. I'd probably still buy the game on Xbox. But that's not what he did, and due to their behaviour with I Am Alive, combined with their comments in the past, the buggy PC Ubisoft client thing and their handling of From Dust, that I didn't want to give this company my money anymore.

But now they've said this... I don't know. I want to believe it, but when it comes down to it, bitching is a strong word. Even if English isn't your first language, you don't say bitching without knowing exactly what it means. I mean, if you don't know what it means, are you sure you should be designing games that are going to be sol in English?

I also can't help but notice the original statement didn't have any noticable grammatical errors. This one has tonnes.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Ubisoft backtracking on a dickish remark to the PC community?

Wow, that's the third time in as many days that I've used that GIF in as many days. Ubisoft are getting really predictable.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
teebeeohh said:
95% of us are still pirates and ubi still hates us.
and if English is not your native language you should be extra careful what you say when you intend to insult people, dipshit.
Maybe the 95% of PC customers are pirates got mistranslated as well and there are only 5% pirates... in that case WTF is with all the stupid DRM?

I've had occasions when dealing with some clients where you try and talk to them in English and they play the 'no speak' card, always fun when they speak amongs themselves in their 'own' language and you just jump right in with them... especially when they are trying to weasel something out of you and you understood every word (as did they)

PR or not, Ubi has stuck both feet into their mouths and are working their way up the leg

They're not even getting much love on their own forums about the past 3 'press releases' they've done


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
OutrageousEmu said:
So, the guy accuses PC gamers of acting like assholes, and you act like assholes. Then, when he says it was a misunderstanding by some games journalists, you guys double down on being assholes....what part of this was meant to prove the guy wrong about you?
-I kick you in the balls.
-You object.
-I apologise, stating that I thought that when you said "How'd you like to go get some pizza?" you meant "Please kick me in the testicles", a common mistranslation if you happen to be Hungarian.
-You're still angry.
-I question why you're doubling down on being an asshole. It was an honest mistake!

See where I'm coming from with this?

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I think they just realised that a lot of PC gamers own xbox's and don't like being called bitchy pirates. >_>

backpeddle activate!


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Zhukov said:
ph0b0s123 said:
Zhukov said:
Ah well, at least it's funny seeing him try to distance himself.

Hell hath no fury like a PC gamer with an internet connection, apparently.
That's right because users of other platforms don't throw shit fits when they think they are getting a raw deal, oh wait....
I'unno, do they?

On this site it's mostly us PC types I see pumping the rage. The Escapist folks know it too, that's why they report on this sort of thing. Outrage is probably second only to good ol' sex when it comes to generating hits.
That would work if there was not coverage of PS3 owners giving EA a hard time, only a few days ago.