I don't understand the appeal of Destiny 2


New member
Oct 12, 2011
So it's free on PSN and I tried it.

And it's basically a MMORPG... if you cut out 99% of that MMORPG's content?

Compared to WoW, there's just... nothing... here? Only 4 small zones, only a handful of enemy types per zone, almost no story, literally just a dozen NPCs over the entire story mode, the quests are all pretty much identical generic "go to place X and kill monsters Y." And half the time "place X" ends up being a location YOU'VE ALREADY CLEARED OUT IN A PREVIOUS QUEST! Because the maps are so fucking tiny there's not even enough room to send you into new areas. And WoW is not some holy grail. I am comparing this game to a game that I think has some very glaring flaws to begin with, and is a transparent grind, and concluding that this is somehow like 10x worse.

I think of all the other AAA games on the market that are tripping over themselves to stuff as much content as they possibly can into their worlds, and I'm just trying to figure out where the fuck this game's budget went that they only have these 4 tiny ass zones and like 5 quests per zone. Forget WoW, compare this game's zones to just Velen from Witcher 3, or just the Hinterlands from Dragon Age Inquisition, or just Duscae from FFXV.

There's like no game here. They just want you to literally kill the same monsters over and over in the same spots on the same maps. Which is fine... but if I want to waste my time grinding, why wouldn't I at least play a game that gives me different monsters and different spots and different maps to do it in? It makes no sense.

It's actually funny how upset this makes me considering I didn't pay a single cent.

On the plus side, Titan was a really cool environment, for like... the 3 hours that I spent on it. I wish I could have a Dead Space sequel set on Titan, that'd be sick. I'd play the shit out of that.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Destiny never had an appeal to begin with. 1 was a borefest, 2 was the same borefest, admittedly streamlined, but with someone more bore.
whether they want to admit it or not, Destiny is Halo Online, so unless you thought Halo was a story-rich game, but didn't really care about the story, then Destiny has no appeal.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
Yeah, I don't know. My good buddy loved it so when it went up for free, I was kinda excited. I played it for about an hour and gave up. Go here, shoot what seems like a never-ending stream of guys, next.

Gorgeous game though. Kinda wasted on the dull game play.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
From what I can gather, Destiny 2 has some pretty good shooting mechanics, some decent co-op and the first game had this space fantasy thing going that was theoretically interesting. So apparently if you want a space fantasy co-op shooter it's your game.

Bear in mind, this is from someone whose never played the game, never will play the game and has only a passing interest in it(enough to read the occasional article about it that pops up on my news feed).
Feb 7, 2016
It's MMO aspect is so shallow, I much prefer playing it as a co-op shooter campaign with some looting.

But even that barely passes since the balance of the game is either piss easy or requiring you to have all the best gear in a full, organized group of players. At least the last time I played it, that was the case.

And the PVP is quite awful, which is weird since the actual shooting mechanics are fun and good in a single player setting. It just comes down to whoever has a certain weapon type.

Oh, and no hard difficulty unless you play very specific, rotating missions that change once a week. Want to rush through the campaign again with all your neat loot? Too bad! Make a new character or GTFO


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Cause there is none. Seriously, Destiny 2 is tanking, even fans of Destiny 1 are not as into it as anyone thought they would. My brother and his friends played a ton of Destiny 1, but barely played 2.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
It's fun.Remember fun? Before the escapist became a hate filled cercle jerk? Not every game is for everyone. Get over it.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I played the demo that came out a little while ago, no, I don't get the appeal of it either. The shooting was OK and I kind of like the Sci Fi setting, but that's about it. The rest of it didn't do anything for me and when the demo was done I quickly forgot all about it.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Lufia Erim said:
It's fun.Remember fun? Before the escapist became a hate filled cercle jerk? Not every game is for everyone. Get over it.


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
I mean, a bunch of you are objectively wrong.

Normally, your negative bashing is at least subjective, but to announce a game people play flat out has no appeal is very obviously incorrect.


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
Unfortunately, Destiny 2 suffered the exact same issues that the first game had and launched with a really lackluster story and content. It's really weird how Bungie didn't seem to have learned anything from Destiny 1, though just like with Destiny 1, Destiny 2 got a lot better with time.

Destiny 2 is not a traditional MMO, it's more of a COOP looter-shooter with MMO elements like raids and dungeons. The game really shines with its excellent gameplay though which is something most MMO's lack in my opinion. At the end of the day, it's a good game, especially if you have friends to do raids with.

Just like The Taken King with Destiny 1, Forsaken is a breath of fresh air for Destiny 2, there's now tons of stuff to do and you don't finish everything in 1-2 days then wait a week for the reset to do it again. Now is an excellent time to jump into the game for both new and old players.

Oh and Forsaken actually comes with a good story and good writing which is nice.

Lufia Erim said:
It's fun. Remember fun? Before the escapist became a hate filled cercle jerk? Not every game is for everyone. Get over it.
It does get pretty tiring to see most posts here be so negative towards games, it really makes you think if people here actually enjoy games at all.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
Lufia Erim said:
It's fun.Remember fun? Before the escapist became a hate filled cercle jerk? Not every game is for everyone. Get over it.
I absolutely get enjoying the shooting. It's pretty good shooting. What I don't get is why there's no game around the shooting. In my experience, games that embrace the endless grind at least try to change the grind up on a surface level, by giving you new environments to explore, new enemies to fight, new storylines to distract you from the fact that you're actually doing the same thing over and over. That's why the game actually costs $60, because all that shit cost money to make.

Destiny 2 otoh feels like one step up from an indie roguelike that was made on a shoestring budget. "Of course there's only two environments, that's because it was made for $50!" The fuck is Destiny's excuse? Nathan Fillion and Lance Reddick asked for too much money?
Apr 5, 2008
I don't know how a company with the reputation I understand Bungie to have could make something so boring and devoid of fun. It is as tho at every point in the game's design, when given a choice between making the game more fun, or less, they went with less.

Slow class ability recharge times, skinnerbox loot mechanics, lootboxes, boring weapons (with shotguns and snipers put into the massively restricted "power weapons" group), can't even chat in an *online multiplayer* game. No interaction with other players, no trading or economy. Enemies that scale throughout, so combat is precisely the same at the very start of the game as at lvl 20.

I suspect this game was meddled with by corporate execs. It reeks of design-by-committee with no clear vision. It's the mass-market appeal shooter taken to the nth degree, then made always online to push lootboxes for real money on players. A real shame, I actually have buyer's remorse on this one.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I had a mad moment of hope when it was announced (clearly the bright lights of the trailers caused me to miss the fine print) that it was Bungie deciding they'd take on EA/BioWare in the epic space opera RPG scene. Then I read it was a first person MMO and my interest just vanished.

I don't think its a bad game - hell I haven't played it so I got no ground to stand on there - but I do think that it was a colossal missed opportunity.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Lesse if I can try and answer blow by blow as someone who enjoys Destiny, while also being aware of its numerous actual flaws.

EDIT : For the tl;dr though, the main aspect is you're trying to view a shooter as an RPG. Its like trying to critique Soulcalibur based on aspects from Dark Souls, sure they're both fantasy based melee combat games, but with very distinctively different appeals to their genre.

pure.Wasted said:
So it's free on PSN and I tried it.

And it's basically a MMORPG... if you cut out 99% of that MMORPG's content?

Compared to WoW, there's just... nothing... here? Only 4 small zones, only a handful of enemy types per zone, almost no story, literally just a dozen NPCs over the entire story mode, the quests are all pretty much identical generic "go to place X and kill monsters Y." And half the time "place X" ends up being a location YOU'VE ALREADY CLEARED OUT IN A PREVIOUS QUEST! Because the maps are so fucking tiny there's not even enough room to send you into new areas. And WoW is not some holy grail. I am comparing this game to a game that I think has some very glaring flaws to begin with, and is a transparent grind, and concluding that this is somehow like 10x worse.
Well yes, you're comparing it to MMORPG, games that traditionally have vaster areas to explore, and tons of filler NPCs (though I'd concede that Destiny has weirdly small amount of NPCs, particularly in the open world zones). That said, Destiny doesn't have sixteen recolors of the same mob scattered around. And making games with actual physics and action combat is a bit more limiting on what you can present then the very abstract mechanics of most MMOs. Go to place X and kill Y is how I'd describe 99% of the missions in all of gaming, hardly a unique qualifier. Probably 99.9% if we moved into shooters specifically. Assuming you mean the Adventure side quests, some retread areas, some don't. They all have their own context and usually explain why you're retreading into an area though.

I think of all the other AAA games on the market that are tripping over themselves to stuff as much content as they possibly can into their worlds, and I'm just trying to figure out where the fuck this game's budget went that they only have these 4 tiny ass zones and like 5 quests per zone. Forget WoW, compare this game's zones to just Velen from Witcher 3, or just the Hinterlands from Dragon Age Inquisition, or just Duscae from FFXV.

There's like no game here. They just want you to literally kill the same monsters over and over in the same spots on the same maps. Which is fine... but if I want to waste my time grinding, why wouldn't I at least play a game that gives me different monsters and different spots and different maps to do it in? It makes no sense.
There's like ~20 hours of unique campaign+adventure quests+the first run of strikes. Its not all stellar, but its also not all what you're describing (which sounds like just running around the patrol zones mindlessly, which has always been a bit of a weird inclusion because its never been relevant in either game (although in D2 the public events drop some useful things, and in Forsaken some of the world-boss esque spawns can).

On the plus side, Titan was a really cool environment, for like... the 3 hours that I spent on it. I wish I could have a Dead Space sequel set on Titan, that'd be sick. I'd play the shit out of that.
Ah yes, Titan's kind of like the Moon from the first game. Second area you go to, with an actual interesting zone to it, that is drastically underused and not even part of the public space as it were (you can go into the Arcology, but there's nothing there outside of set missions).

Anyways, going back to the appeal, its a fun shooter in its core gameplay, with a variety of modes to do (all shootery for the most part though, so if you're looking for an RPG you're in the very wrong place). While its not as ambitous as Warframe (for instance), it does nail its core moment-to-moment gameplay to a much greater degree.

That said, you do echo many critiques even brought up by the fans of Destiny. "Do the level backwards" missions have never been well-received (though they've cut down drastically on them since D1). The weird "One quest/vendor NPC on each planet" is something of a memetic joke at this point. Almost the entire community thinks that PvE and PvP need to be separated so a sense of actual power can be added to PvE. And Light Level doing basically nothing is a long running gripe.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Destiny is literally just a Skinner box with a bit of game around it, and people like Skinner boxes.

Lufia Erim said:
It's fun.Remember fun? Before the escapist became a hate filled cercle jerk? Not every game is for everyone. Get over it.
Or I can replay stuff like BulletStorm and Blood Dragon over and over again for much more fun and better gameplay too. I played the beta for Destiny 1 and deleted it in less than an hour. I looked at the skill tree and there wasn't even a skill to reload and run at the same time. And, Peter Dinklage and Gina Torres both sounded incredibly bored with the whole thing as well.

BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
Unfortunately, Destiny 2 suffered the exact same issues that the first game had and launched with a really lackluster story and content. It's really weird how Bungie didn't seem to have learned anything from Destiny 1, though just like with Destiny 1, Destiny 2 got a lot better with time.

Destiny 2 is not a traditional MMO, it's more of a COOP looter-shooter with MMO elements like raids and dungeons. The game really shines with its excellent gameplay though which is something most MMO's lack in my opinion. At the end of the day, it's a good game, especially if you have friends to do raids with.

Just like The Taken King with Destiny 1, Forsaken is a breath of fresh air for Destiny 2, there's now tons of stuff to do and you don't finish everything in 1-2 days then wait a week for the reset to do it again. Now is an excellent time to jump into the game for both new and old players.

Oh and Forsaken actually comes with a good story and good writing which is nice.
So you need to buy DLC to actually make the game good?

The reason Bungie didn't learn anything from Destiny 1 is because their tech is literally garbage and they can't make content in a timely matter at all so they have to put bullshit microtransactions into the game while cutting content from the main game to make it DLC to actually meet their contractual obligations. Bungie were the ones that went to Activision to add microtransactions, not the other way around.

pure.Wasted said:
Destiny 2 otoh feels like one step up from an indie roguelike that was made on a shoestring budget. "Of course there's only two environments, that's because it was made for $50!" The fuck is Destiny's excuse? Nathan Fillion and Lance Reddick asked for too much money?
Watch the video just above this to see why Destiny 2 has minimal content. Not only was Destiny 2 actually rebooted mid-development, Bungie's tech is also garbage taking literally 8 hours to simply load a map to edit it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Silentpony said:
Destiny never had an appeal to begin with. 1 was a borefest, 2 was the same borefest, admittedly streamlined, but with someone more bore.
whether they want to admit it or not, Destiny is Halo Online, so unless you thought Halo was a story-rich game, but didn't really care about the story, then Destiny has no appeal.

Lufia Erim said:
It's fun.Remember fun? Before the escapist became a hate filled cercle jerk? Not every game is for everyone. Get over it.
You're right. If you enjoy the game more power to you; it just too bad there are plenty of games better than Destiny 1 or 2. FPS or not. The fact that one of the unholy trinity published the games and go out of the way to screw people over is not helping. Before anyone starts, here you go:



New member
Oct 12, 2011
KingsGambit said:
I don't know how a company with the reputation I understand Bungie to have could make something so boring and devoid of fun. It is as tho at every point in the game's design, when given a choice between making the game more fun, or less, they went with less.

Slow class ability recharge times, skinnerbox loot mechanics, lootboxes, boring weapons (with shotguns and snipers put into the massively restricted "power weapons" group), can't even chat in an *online multiplayer* game. No interaction with other players, no trading or economy. Enemies that scale throughout, so combat is precisely the same at the very start of the game as at lvl 20.

I suspect this game was meddled with by corporate execs. It reeks of design-by-committee with no clear vision. It's the mass-market appeal shooter taken to the nth degree, then made always online to push lootboxes for real money on players. A real shame, I actually have buyer's remorse on this one.
What?s odd is I personally think the same for Halo. I?ve played 1 and 2?s campaign, 3 online, and parts of Reach. I haven?t played any Destiny but would hope it?d be more interesting. It should have had a chance to be that way due to its setting, mechanics and loot system but I?m not a big fan of online shooters or online games in general.

I often think the only reason Halo was so popular in the first place was because it was the only decent Xbox launch title and Microsoft hyped the shit out of it. Then console shooters kinda took off from there, even though still to this day I?d rather play Goldeneye and Turok 2 with the funky N64 controllers. I guess I?m a bit weird.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
CoCage said:
The fact that one of the unholy trinity published the games and go out of the way to screw people over is not helping.
It was actually Bungie themselves responsible for most of the Destiny shit, not Activision.


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
Phoenixmgs said:
So you need to buy DLC to actually make the game good?

The reason Bungie didn't learn anything from Destiny 1 is because their tech is literally garbage and they can't make content in a timely matter at all so they have to put bullshit microtransactions into the game while cutting content from the main game to make it DLC to actually meet their contractual obligations. Bungie were the ones that went to Activision to add microtransactions, not the other way around.
Not at all, the game was still good when it came out, nothing spectacular or anything but the shooting, the looting, and the raiding was/is still a lot of fun. But it did also leave more to be desired, what I was saying is that Forsaken fixed a lot of the problems that the game had when it launched which is both really great and really annoying at the same time because they did the exact same thing with Destiny 1, so it shouldn't even have happened in the first place.

hanselthecaretaker said:
What?s odd is I personally think the same for Halo. I?ve played 1 and 2?s campaign, 3 online, and parts of Reach. I haven?t played any Destiny but would hope it?d be more interesting. It should have had a chance to be that way due to its setting, mechanics and loot system but I?m not a big fan of online shooters or online games in general.

I often think the only reason Halo was so popular in the first place was because it was the only decent Xbox launch title and Microsoft hyped the shit out of it. Then console shooters kinda took off from there, even though still to this day I?d rather play Goldeneye and Turok 2 with the funky N64 controllers. I guess I?m a bit weird.
Halo was a gaming phenomenon, it was a lot more than just a ''decent xbox launch title'' that was hyped, no company can create that amount of hype for just a decent game. I was hoping for Destiny to be like a new Halo with MMO elements, which is probably why I was so incredibly disappointed with it in the end.